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Posts posted by BigSwingingD

  1. 58 minutes ago, NoName said:

    Jaylen Garth (despite the fact Garth missed most of his senior year) 

    hmm i feel like i have seen him bitching about Demas losing spots due to missing his entire Sr year but sure...

    Stupid sip. Rules dont apply to dem fiten texum aggys.  We have da oner kkkode.

  2. 6 hours ago, Dbeasy said:


    Ok this is ridiculous. I toured that campus with my son and he immediately rubbed the campus home of the Concrete Cowboys, because the whole campus is just concrete.


    Dbeasy and I must have been on the same tour.  My son was interested in ass to mouth because he was dating a girl who's dad was in the nazi youth.  Once we hit Rudder I asked him if we were going to offer human sacrifices.  He said, "Dad, let's get out if here". Music to my ears.

    He's a Junior at Texas.

    The place is a shithole. Chernobyl. 

    They ranked 44 out of 44 schools.

    It's a wasteland. 


  3. Today was a very good day. The fact that we signed a top ten class with no OC and recently named DC is amazing.  Not to mention the disaster this season was.

    Can you imagine the absolute shit show this would have been with Strong? He would have started recruiting on Monday.

    Kudus to Herman. Give him some credit and two middle fingers.

    Now, coach them with the right schemes....(Please God).

    Happy Bijanukka.


    • Like 9
  4. 4 hours ago, Gigglebush said:

    Am I the only one who isnt freaking out about losing a recruit? It happens every time a coaching change happens. I also think its weird to be panicked over 7/8 wins in year 3. I don't see it as a huge regression. 2018 was us being extremely lucky in all facets of the game, most importantly turnovers and injuries. In 2019 we were extremely unlucky. Its not like we had achieved dominance and then lost it. We lost games to 2 playoff teams, Rhule, Campbell and Patterson, with a young and extremely injured defense. We were never a playoff team no matter what this year. All the analysts "underestimating" Texas this year saying we were going to be mediocre were right because of obvious, measurable reasons. So why are people melting down? We will have a new defense and fresh eyes on offense. Our supposed stud WR recruits might actually do something now that Mehringer is gone.

    No. Your not the only one not freaking out, however, I think the general concesus is that TH should have had an immediate plan in place. IE...lined up an OC quickly. Losing a few recruits (if we hold on to what we have) is not that bad given the circumstances. We will pay a price.

    I disagree with you. 2018 was a huge regression. We lost to TCU and they sucked.  OU was a bad loss (Fuck those dirty, cheating mother fuckers). ISU...was one I thought we would struggle with. We barely beat Kansas (Damn near a Charlie Strong level fuck up). We should NEVER lose to Baylor and they beat us easily. 

    I agree with you that Ash should be a huge improvement over Orlando. If the defense was better we would beat TCU, not shit the bed in Dallas, and not lost to ISU. We roll into Waco, having lost only to LSU, and its a different game.

    A better defense helps the offense. 

    Now, our offense was off.  Will a new OC (even if its one of Hermans suck buddys) help us? Probably.

    I thought we would lose to OU and a Herman special...ISU or BU.

    Herman is one arrogant son of a bitch. He's grating on me. Thats OK when you win. It is not OK when you go 7 and fucking 5.

    K--State was 8-5. Think about that.




  5. 1 hour ago, LTtxfan said:

    Long sounds like Notre Dame's version of Drew Mehringer... 

    Saw this headline, "Brian Kelly dumps Chip Long".  And this quote: "Long’s hard-driving coaching style had begun to grate on some of those around him."  

    "Asked back in October about offensive coordinator Chip Long’s ban on running out of bounds, all part of his “seekers of contact” mantra at Notre Dame, coach Brian Kelly stopped short of a full endorsement.   “I think they understand what we’re asking for,” Kelly said of his players. “We don’t want them to be foolish and initiating contact that’s not necessary.”   To hear the players, including the seemingly indestructible Chase Claypool, Long’s directive was non-negotiable. Those that stuck their nose in there got on the field; those that shied away from contact stood on the sideline with Long, the plainspoken former tight end from North Alabama." 

    Texas does NOT need this guy!!

    Chip Long may suck or not, but am I the only one who thinks running out of bounds is weak? Deliver the blow. It's football...not flag football.  It's about attitude, will and domination.  We have a significant issue with the pussyfication of the game. Drives me crazy.


  6. Been meaning to post this for awhile. I was on campus picking up my son in November.  Junior at McCombs ( humble brag...got his mom's smarts...thank God).  We were cruising past DKR. We saw Whittington limping out of Neuhaus. He looked like he should have been on crutches. I mean...old man limp. This was literally 2 days after a 9.95er had posted he was a "game time decision".  My son and I both agreed that was bullshit and there was no way he plays this year.

    I believe  his injury was much more significant than disclosed.  

    The xfer stuff is bullshit. My son knows a few of the players.

    • Like 5
  7. 1 hour ago, ColeTrickle said:

    What DC has truly figured out how to stop big 12 offenses? Just bring in someone who preaches physicality, allows our athletic DB’s to play press man coverage, and allows our DL to rush the QB and we will be light years better than this year and should have plenty of offense to win every game on the schedule.

    Might also coach the linebackers to be in position, tackle and not blitz FROM FUCKING SIBERIA.


  8. On 11/24/2019 at 8:41 AM, BoomerSooner2578 said:

    At least I can have respect for UT for doing things honestly, with integrity. That'll completely change with CUM. The spousal abuse at tOSU is the perfect example. 

    Appreciate your comments, however, this is rich coming from a Sooner. 


  9. On 11/24/2019 at 12:47 AM, markstanco said:


    When dumbass did the headbutt thing today I knew in my heart he was trying to connect with the team. In November.

    To me this was bush league. Do you think Saban, Meyer or Riley would pull that shit?

    My high school coach wouldn't even do that.

    • Like 1
  10. 14 hours ago, Liquor and Poker said:

    From personal experience and from experience watching from the crowd, executive search firms are such total frauds that other con men must sit back and watch in awe.  

    Korn Ferry sucks balls. Patterson was the rule. Not the exception. I despise them.

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