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Posts posted by Genco

  1. 3 hours ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    Mark Zuckerberg became a lot less insufferable when he took up BJJ seriously, there is nothing more grounding that dealing with the real world problem of “my ass is getting kicked, how do I solve it.” And it makes you less needy of trying to show off your abilities in other fields, you can be collaborative and normal and admit that other people can be right or better than you. 

    Is there something about BJJ that grounds someone better than judo or no rules street fighting?


    • Haha 7
  2. Just now, BamaATL said:

    They are going to quite literally use the Chewbacca defense.  

    I'll call my shot:

    The defense won't call any witnesses but will pull a Crazy Ivan to close. Trump will be delivering the closing argument allowing him to make his bullshit case without subjecting himself to perjury or cross examination.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Al_4_ISU said:

    Is someone making an Oklahoma stereotype bingo card for that trailer?  We've got grain elevators, windmills, oil rigs, rodeos, wheat fields, run down diners, hay fields, cows.  I didn't catch a meth lab in there, but I guess they can't bat 1.000.

    Seriously, that opening scene at the rodeo is the most ridiculous thing I've seen in years.  Every one of the cell phones would have blown up at least 15 minutes before that thing touched down.  Hell, they have enough warning any more they'd have probably postponed it before anything even got close.

    Stealth tornadoes

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Either she thinks so little of the public that she openly spoke a lie and/or she read the words without having the ability to comprehend what she was saying. 

    So, Rhonda Burgundy?


    • Haha 2
  5. 8 hours ago, BurntEyes said:

    The GEO line was a cross work with Japanese companies to make GM marginally engaged in that market, it failed.

    The Saturn was an attempt at a "New Start" for GM post the 80s absolute debacle by GM and frankly every US automotive company. That the Buick Grand National is the penultimate vehicle of the US 80s with the GM 454 SS truck and arguably the Typhoon (both early 90s) being the only vehicles worth note in that entire era tells the story. Edit - Ford Escort RS should be added in here so should SVT Mustang.

    Keep in mind VW was doing the GT, Nissan was doing the Z, Honda had the NSX and Civic S, Toyota was doing the Supra and MR2 during the same period. All of those are iconic in car world lore.

    The US had a bad ass 3.6 liter turbo charged 2 door sedan and SUV and a rear wheel drive truck.


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  6. 2 hours ago, immamac said:

    Surly is officially 3 degrees from this. A screenshot from a group chat I’m in lol 


    Gotta admit, I'm having trouble envisioning a dude who looks like Jesus with David Koresh's optometrist as being a NASCAR fanatic.

    • Haha 4
  7. 9 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    Something we can all agree on!

    How many people were harmed during Covid from injecting themselves with bleach as Trump suggested might be a treatment?  How many injected themselves with horse paste as was circulating online as a proper treatment?

    I know a ton of people that didn't vaccinate, didn't mask up and didn't social distance, and it had absolutely nothing to do with Donald Trump.  And Donald Trump being wise, sensical and Presidential would not have gotten them to carry themselves otherwise.  They didn't vaccinate, mask up or social distance because they exceeded some critical threshold of stupidity and/or distrust of government that allowed them to fall victim of a digital grass roots movement promoting conspiracies, lies and misinformation online.

    One thing I think is under appreciated here is that it is not Trump leading these people astray.  He's their figurehead, but these people were already fucking astray.  And to the degree they've been led there, they've been led by their pastor, their family member, their friend, the community around them telling them, "Hey, you need to be aware this is going on" while passing them some bullshit meme, blog post, YouTube video or the content thereof.  It is at least as influential in their mental context as a steady diet of Fox News.

    Are you seriously arguing that within a cult of personality, the cult leader has no influence?

    • Hook 'Em 6
  8. 3 hours ago, DixonHur said:

    Beats going to a casting for a character described as "extremely ugly"...or something similar.

    I've cast a few of those and it's hard not to feel bad for the person auditioning.

    "I'm sorry, you're just too attractive for this role" doesn't seem like the most difficult rejection to lay on the poor ugly bastard.

  9. 46 minutes ago, Bushwood said:

    Recently, I saw Chinatown on Netflix for the first time. Thought it was really good. Jack Nicholson killed it, as usual. The ending was definitely tragic.

    Reviews online said that it's considered one of the best, if not, the best movie script of all time. To be honest, I don't see it.

    You don't know what you're talking about you dumb Okie.

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