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Posts posted by Genco

  1. 30 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    What was the logic behind just doing away with that part of the process?

    Because the target market of people who want to be perceived as verified is much larger than the actual population of verified checkmarks pre-Elon. So in order to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in subscription revenue, Elon destroyed the value the legacy checkmarks provided to the platform and cost Twitter hundreds of millions of dollars in ad revenue.

    Bizarro capitalism.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  2. 2 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    EDIT:  Well, that was fast.  But my point stands; raising an IPO for any Musk endeavor now is murky.

    "Exceptional" amounts of stock in a company that the owner said was a bankruptcy candidate in his first meeting with his employees last week. And as a bonus, the option strike price will be based on the absurd $44B valuation that the owner paid for the company.

    Not as strong a pitch as Elon may think it is.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Sir Ulrich said:

    But he has no duty to mitigate with his next job. He can make whatever he wants as a bonus to the aggy pay. 

    These contracts have offset language that reduces a previous employer's obligation for any salary a coach would earn at his next school. His new salary would not be incremental to the ex-coach unless his previous school committed contractual malpractice. 

    So I think you're right. Aggy probably doesn't have offset language and he has no duty to mitigate.

  4. 4 hours ago, NOMAAA said:

    what was corby's quote?

    From Grigsby's article



    Corby Davidson, who still works in the prestigious drive-time hours that he shared with Mike from January 2000 to his retirement 20 years later, said he has no idea what his former Hardline co-host means about being minimized.

    “Mike was universally loved at The Ticket,” Corby told me. “We hoisted him on our shoulders in retirement. We invited him to all our events. We had him on all our shows, as recently as August.”

    Corby said he and his colleagues believed Mike would always be “the face and heartbeat” of The Ticket. “He chose otherwise, and destroyed relationships that had been in existence for 30 years. It’s heartbreaking and unconscionable.”



  5. 14 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I think they had to subpoena him.  Put him in a position where he can/must testify under oath and have him avoid it.

    I would be shocked if any of the committee members actually think he'll show up, even if only to assert privilege.

    The subpoena does provide a nice rebuttal to the disingenuous "one sided, no fair!!" nonsense. And then he can be reminded that Hillary actually testified in person, under oath, and live on camera.

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  6. 29 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Yes, in theory.  Or the unwritten-on hundos. 

    But when the writing is on there, and is privileged, how are you going to use the bills as evidence of the crime without violating attorney-client privilege?  And if you violate the privilege have you not queered the investigation to some extent, at least?

    But that strikes at the heart of the special master proceeding.  It separates those documents that may create a problematic prosecution from those that don't.

    Trump seems to hope that all of the seized documents, for one reason or another, can't be used against him.  That's a delusional outcome.  The attorney-client privileged ones, yes, true.  The rest, most likely not.


    • Haha 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, Porterhouse said:

    How in the FUCK is Klatt not on Ticket Show Podcasts on the SportsDay app?  Garbage, and heavily influenced by Bob. He’s so bad, and is going to cause me to abandon the entire station. He shouldn’t be renewed. 

    Because he isn't scheduled to be on until this afternoon? The 9/7 visit is available on the app and the 8/31 season debut is on the website.


    2 minutes ago, Porterhouse said:

    Please please please, someone, link audio to those two segments. 


    Why don't you just look it up on your phone?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Superhero said:

    That's what I do at work... kinda, sorta.

    If a person brings up something they don't like, I encourage them to figure out a fix and report to the group. If it's a good idea, we test it at the next earliest opportunity, and then it becomes the SOP.

    I equate this to the NCOs having flexibility to do what they need to do before waiting for my order. If there's something that bugs them, then fix it. It's part of the lean principle of fix-what-bugs-ya.

    When I came to my current company in 2010, there were a lot of things that bugged the hell out of me. No templates, no processes, just a bunch of inexperienced people making a LOT of rookie mistakes. I fixed what I saw, and now people come to be whenever they have questions about process and templates.




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  9. 14 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    can't be any dumber than nuking hurricanes.


    6 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    He also thought China might have a hurricane gun that was shooting them at us. 

    This sounds like an awesome fake movie from a Seinfeld episode.

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