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Posts posted by TotallyLegit

  1. 18 hours ago, Vertigo said:

    I would imagine you just hold and release, the longer you hold the harder you throw. It shouldnt be too hard.

    This conversation reminds me of the football game made by Miller Beer using Nintendo Wii hardware that I played at The Library Bar (or maybe Aquarium) on dirty 6th one night. Instead of pressing a button to pick who to throw to, you'd aim the Wii controller at the screen to throw to a spot. All the girls around me wearing Miller clothes told me I was really good. I wish more football games used that mechanic.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    This…is jaw-dropping, and that it comes from a parent of one of the murdered students tells you all you need to know about the cult:

    “Although I know it would not be able to be a totally student-managed endeavor in the future like it was in the past, maybe it could be “inspected” by professionals as the students build it. That was one of the amazing things about Bonfire – the students did it all and learned tremendous management skills while doing it.”

    Learned. Tremendous. Management skills.
    What…THE ACTUAL…FUCK?????

    You know what the #1 “management skill” to be deployed in building a jillion ton 60 foot tall structure is? THE FUCKING SKILL TO CONSTRUCT IT SO IT DOESN’T FALL DOWN AND KILL PEOPLE. They totally omitted that skill. Know why? BECAUSE THEY WERE FUCKING COLLEGE STUDENTS WHO WERE ENTIRELY UNQUALIFIED TO TAKE ON A MASSIVE AND PERILOUS CIVIL ENGINEERING PROJECT.

    Am I taking fucking crazy pills? What is fucking WRONG with these people????


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  3. 1 hour ago, UTEE97 said:

    Taaffe is a future longhorn legend. Mark my words. He is a coach on the field now and he will very likely be a coach off the field when his playing days are over. He just has IT.

    They call him Michael "Saltwater" Taaffe because he lurks like a crocodile, daring the QB to throw it over the middle.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Nicole44 said:

    Clearly I have no internet art skills but wish I could have made a sticker of a shot of him yesterday after X ran when he flashed the horns…the idea is there but the skill (mine) is weak…


    Anyway, happy for Worthy. He has been one of my all time favorite players. 


    If your selfies are as edited as this image, I'll be greatly disappointed.

    • Haha 3
  5. On 2/26/2024 at 7:56 PM, Zeus said:

    What? It’s the same engine?

    ea sucks balls I have zero faith

    i will be spending $500 on a new console and buying this game day 1 though

    The fact that it's the same engine doesn't mean that the gameplay will be remotely similar. Battlefield 2042 and Dead Space are also the same engine, and I imagine you could tell the difference between those and Madden (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frostbite_(game_engine)).

    My guess is that EA realizes they need to improve Madden, but:

    • They don't want to risk disrupting the preexisting revenue stream from people who are addicted to MUT in its current form.
    • The codebase is so old and complex that any meaningful improvements require significant technical risk. They'd just as likely make the game worse rather than better.

    They'd rather take risks with a new title. If this game does well, they'll make a future Madden more like it; if it doesn't do well, they'll cut their losses and make a future version more like Madden.

    But that's just a guess.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 1 hour ago, MisterP said:

    His face isnt even straight as you can tell by the cattywhompus angle of the glasses

    He looks like he hasnt showered in weeks

    His shirt says nobody cares

    His shirt that says nobody cares looks like he has been banished to the backyard for weeks 

    Said home he looks like he has been banished from for weeks is a trailer house

    I want this dude

    Are you Joe Wickline?

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