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Posts posted by tucker

  1. 1 minute ago, Pokemon said:

    Amway is also a fantastically enjoyable ride. These options are far better choices than commuting by car. Highways into big cities are abysmal. 

    Thus the joke: Austin is only an hour away from Austin.

    Europe has no problem with trains. America kills it with propaganda (like yours) and sabotage (by the car and oil industry). 

    I am pro mass transit but using the BART or Caltran as the example doesn't help as they are filthy and woefully inadequate in their scope. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Pokemon said:

    I traveled them extensively. CalTran was fucking fantastic. You could go from Palo Alto to the heart of SF in an hour or less. Everybody rode it. 

    I have too, and they are horrible. And yes, there are homeless on them all the time specifically the BART



  3. 12 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    Interesting. Speaking from, apparently, further down the continuum, I only drank vodka at the end because anything that went in had a chance of coming back out so if I was going to keep it down, it needed to get me as drunk as possible as quickly as possible. And oblivion was my goal, to the degree I had one. I was drinking to lose consciousness, to not be aware of how much of a mess I was making of my life. It was wake up, drink, put HBO on and check work email/surf a bit while drinking, pass out, repeat. If I had a conference call, I would try to time it so I was more or less sober (HA), otherwise I did everything through email so I could stay as drunk as possible as much of the time as possible. I would eat once every five days or so. I was pretty much like an animal that knows it's dying and holes up somewhere quiet to wait for it. Quite a life I carved out for myself. At least I wasn't one of those freaks that drank isopropyl. Losers.

    I remember the good times of beer drinking from my younger days, but those became obviously inaccessible to me a long time ago. I knew anytime I picked up a drink from 2015 on, the goal was oblivion and the result was either that or death. 

    The only nice thing about that time is, in what little memory I have of it, it feels like it happened to someone else.

    Today I get a nine month chip from my home group. 

    This hits close to home.  I started drinking late and really did it as part of work life then it moved into my social life. Over the years, I started drinking in more social situations. About 3 years ago, I switched to heavy drinking which meant let’s do vodka, because I can handle more and won’t be as hungover. 

    My drinking then started earlier in the week then earlier in the day but not really impacting work, I thought. A coworker would make an off comment as a joke but nothing impacted my career progression as most coworkers were also heavy drinkers. Slowly, my drinking led to unintended 3 or 4 day weekends which I played off as being sick. Clearly, I drank those recovery days though.

    I thought I had a handle on it and was not a problem, because I would take two week breaks or do other moderation. Right after my break though I would go back to my black out drinking. I got to a point that I couldn’t moderate or take breaks. Had a bad few weeks and drank for 10 days straight not remembering almost any of it. 

    Thankfully besides my ego and money for booze nothing was destroyed. I decided after that to admit that I am an alcoholic and wanted to go to AA. I definitely damaged many relationships in this process but hoping this journey is my way back. 

    • Like 7
  4. 1 hour ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Yeah but they can "fix" the tables and get bigger refunds in 2020, in time for the next election.   One year of bad PR on refunds would have been worth a GOP House (back when they thought the tax bill would be a winner in 2018 and were talking up the increases in take-home pay). 

    Why would dems allow this to pass?

  5. 40 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I don't know how someone can get to 20M without building significant equity in a company or speculating in other assets.  Then you're taking some risk as well.  good luck with that.  

    On a related note, I recall early in my career sitting in 401k intro sessions, where you had a guide that showed decent contributions starting at 23, growing at the average market return, results in a very very large number.  The flaw in that thinking is that most of the growth is in the final years of those calculations when you should actually start to lower your risk by moving funds away from the stock market.  OR if you leave them in there hoping to catch the average or higher-than-average market, you get destroyed if its a bad couple of years.

    We live fairly frugally and as of right now don’t plan to have kids.  I could see that changing hence same pay/ job for next 20 yrs. 

    I’d assume that either I would make a run for a company that could give me equity or start my own company. I have a fairly senior role at a young age so could see either if I played my cards right or got lucky. 

    I haven’t accounted for her income as of right now as she is trying to start her own company so burning through her savings on that effort. 

  6. On retirement, I get a free 6% match. 

    On saving, I was surprised when I got into the workforce as I taught to live below my means how little people save. I remember a gen Xer who was probably 8 plus years older than me that he lived paycheck to paycheck. Dude was single and no kids and we were in a higher compensated field.  

    Without the girlfriend, I estimate conservatively that if I stay at my same role and pay that I could have $4m - $6m in retirement. I debate a lot with the girlfriend if it is enough to retire in ~20 years. She believes that we will need closer to $20m. 

  7. On 2/7/2019 at 12:02 PM, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    I’m not sure if this one is on me or not but one thing that makes me surly is when you are trying to coordinate with someone or get a call scheduled, the person says “my calendar is up to date”. 

    Yes, I imagine it is, if you have any degree of organization, but what it means is basically “I’m too lazy to give you any open windows of times/dates for you to choose from so go open up a shared calendar and wait for it to load and do the leg work for me thnx”

    It’s especially annoying when the person is wide open. And they are the one requesting the meeting. 😐

    When I worked for an F100 company in a mid-level role (eg strategy), I always had to meet with SVPs and EVPs. It was seen as rude to just send an invite to these guys so the polite way would be to request time in email to show respect.  Them replying my calendar.....was seen as I’m flexible and more senior so just send an invite.  I showed respect but needed by giving a heads up in email, and they put the onus on me to calendar. 

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