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Everything posted by RaylanGivens

  1. Only 8, you think you'll have enough?
  2. That's pretty damn admirable.
  3. Sounds like you blew out your taste buds...😎
  4. More likely to find it in the $60-70 range, haven't seen it at under $60 for two years. I'm sure TW sells it at that, it's just never available after a few hours of the Tater hoards
  5. I'm looking for Blantons SFTB, Master of Malt was the go to, but now ...no bueno
  6. What batch did you find? I bought an A119 last week. I've enjoyed batches A117 and C118.
  7. He actually said 3rd, 4rth and 5th Floors were his favorites. Jimmy is a hoot. https://youtu.be/tCEo0YeFccw
  8. And comparing this to the OE7 BS at $30-40 price range, even though it's not readily available, should be interesting
  9. ...So we finish the eighteenth and he's gonna stiff me. And I say, "Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know." And he says, "Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consiousness." So I got that goin' for me, which is nice. Pool and pond, a pond would be good for you He's a Cinderella boy. Turns his eyes, I guess, as he lines up this last shot. He's got about 195 yards left. And he's got a...it looks like he's got a eight iron. This crowd has gone deadly silent, a Cinderella story outta nowhere. Former greenskeeper and now about to become the masters champion. ... He's on his final hole. He's about 455 yards away, he's gonna hit about a 2 iron I think ... it's in the hole!
  10. Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe? Eat...my...shorts! What if your home, your family... What if your dope was on fire? Impossible, sir. It's in Johnson's underwear.
  11. https://amp.kentucky.com/news/business/bourbon-industry/article231893578.html Interesting, HMK10 is a single barrel from the same Distillery, 10 yrs old, and it's MSRP was $30. I was never fortunate enough to grab a bottle of the White Label HH 6 BIB when it was available, so those that have, feel free to comment on it.
  12. Closer to Willowbrook area
  13. Saw 2 bottles at shop in NW Houston on Thurs.
  14. The 2 W12s and the EHT BP would make it a very good year
  15. https://www.myinstants.com/instant/rimshot/
  16. I saw a bottle of CYPB in the wild today, he wanted $650...Tater ready
  17. I get that, dont usually take more one either, just looking for options.
  18. On a slightly different, but in the general area topic, what kind/brand watch travel cases do you guys recommend? Or do you have a DIY case answer for traveling with 2-3 watches
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