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El Diablo

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Posts posted by El Diablo

  1. Met a girl one summer years ago while camping at Navarro Mills, the lightning bugs were abundant and she was mind blown by them. I don't recall where exactly she was from but she had never seen them before. She said that she'd read of them but kinda thought they were some mythical thing or something people just joked about like snipe hunting.

  2. There's a good bit of basic info on metal foams in this Wiki entry.


    I remember reading about 20 years or so ago about the auto industry attempting to use metal foams as a fuel source. I don't remember the details but the basic idea was that you would have a tank full of the metal foam and then run a fluid thru it that would cause the metal to release atoms like hydrogen, something that could be burned as fuel. Of course the source metal would become depleted over time and there were many other roadblocks but the idea was intriguing at the time.

  3. 3 hours ago, dingleberryswitzer said:

    Im prerty sure my dad has a old ti scientific calculator from the 70s

    One of my brothers has his HP scientific calculator from the mid 70's. He's an engineer and bought it while he was in college. Came with a wooden case for storage and a power cord. I think it cost him upwards of $300 back then. 

  4. 1 hour ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    My dad raised me in part -- he took me on from fourth to eighth grade in Tennessee, and then I moved in with my grandparents (mom's side) for HS in Houston. And I still live in Houston and he is in Nashville. I haven't lived with him since eighth grade, but we've always talked at least several times a month. 

    Yeah, I don't know the circumstances that led to your going to live with the grandparents but there was no way anyone was taking my son once he came to live with me which was shortly after her parents got him. They wanted no part of raising another kid.

  5. 9 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Like I said, I lost my mom 20 years ago. Like I didn't say in the OP, that was after she abandoned me for ten years when I was eight years old, came back in my life, and then went off the rails again and then died ten years after that, homeless, trying to run across an interstate to get some more beer in the middle of the night. I do know what it's like to lose a parent. 

    Might have been mentioned, how far away do you live from your dad? My son lives nearly an 11 hour drive away and has 3 kids, two of them small, so the phone is our lifeline.

    Oh, and you pretty much described my sons mother. She dropped him off at her parents house when he was 9 and pretty much checked out for the next 10 years. She's not dead yet but it's not from lack of trying.

    Did your dad raise you?

  6. Hell, I can't hardly keep my mom on the phone these days. Her mind is pretty gone and she just doesn't have much to say and she gets uncomfortable and wants to get off the phone pretty quickly. She knows that she's in the twilight. Makes me sad. I try to keep her engaged for as long as I can and think of things to share with her or to get her to laugh but it gets a bit lopsided. Fuck you OP. Naw, maybe you'll find out on your own. I hope not but you never know.

  7. Maybe talk to him more often? Seems like he's not getting enough attention from you and is starved to tell someone what's been going on. He probably made time for you once upon a time, maybe not, but it would probably help if you got things to the point that he was tired of hearing from you so fucking often.

  8. 11 hours ago, DaysOff said:

    Prone pushup

    Also stretch that hammy. It's all connected.

    Agree on stretching the hammy, it helps a lot and sometimes immediately for me. I guess it depends on which direction the disc is bulging but for me getting into the fetal position provided the best stretch to give some relief.

  9. Don't move and give it time.

    I injured my back in '96 and bottom line is my suggestion above is what ended up being the most beneficial. It would flare up occasionally over the years and bed rest, sometimes for several days, was always the answer. Boss I had at the time told me that it would get better with time but as I was dealing with it I just didn't believe him, I thought I was furked for good. PT sucked balls, that just aggravated the already inflamed nerves. Pain meds weren't really much help nor were the muscle relaxants. Turned out he was right. Over time it got better as long as I didn't aggravate it and I've been pain free for some years now, not even a flare up.

    Good luck, sucks ass when it happens and can have a long lasting and lingering impact.

  10. 5 hours ago, tjhooker said:

    The scat is back. See how long this takes. 

    I'm afraid to go look, please tell me your new screen name is ChocolateSnoCone. DirtySnoCone would work too.

    Damn, now that I think about it those might already be "things", might need to check urban dictionary.

  11. I rounded first, never thought of the worst, as I studied the shortstops position. Snap! went my leg like the shell of an egg, someone call a decent physician. Now I'm no Pete Rose, I can't pretend. Though my mind is quite flexible these brittle bones don't bend.


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