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Posts posted by Jabberwocky

  1. On today's episode of the Marchand and Ourand podcast, with guest Paul Finebaum, John Ourand stated that he believes the Pac 12 presidents will not know anything solid about their new media deal for another month, and that an announcement of the deal will probably not be made until around Labor Day. He said this was all "informed speculation."

  2. 1 hour ago, John80 said:

    I would ignore any source that thinks the heart of SEC country is in North Carolina and South Florida.

    Don't think that is the main idea of the tweet, but go ahead and go with that narrative if you want.

    This guy definitely isn't the end all be all of sports media, but he is well connected and has lots of experience in the industry. That means this is just one piece of information from one source in a large ocean of discussion.

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