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Liquor and Poker

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Liquor and Poker

  1. 1 minute ago, Atticus said:

    There's no way Traylor rushes anything with Arkansas or Miss St. now that A&M is open. He's too smart for that, he'll stall as much as he can until the other guys make him decide

    Some jobs are stepping stones and some jobs are destination jobs.  Aggy is a destination job because it kills the career of every coach who walks in the door.  

    So unless the money is Jumbo, you take the Arky or Miss St gig if you want to coach somewhere better in the future.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Haha 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Candi Fisther said:

    Ran into an assistant coaches wife in Denver Airport. Guy currently works for Colorado but was at A&M for a couple years and even at Texas before that. If you can figure out who that is, Kudos.

    Anyways, she said Aggies already have Dan Lanning in the bag.

    Only if he hates Nike

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. Just now, Tex-19 said:

    My uninformed take on the potential replacements:

    Kiffin - he's making $9mm/year at Ole Miss and has publicly been blasting A&M for the last two years. Can't see that happening.

    Daboer - has a low salary right now but you have to believe UW will match anything. Lifetime Midwest/Northwest guy so can't to see him leaving UW if the money is close to even.

    Lanning - Making $6.6mm right now with a raise likely incoming. Phil Knight gonna let him leave for an Adidas school? Doubtful. But maybe he wants back in the SEC.

    Elko - the most likely hire imo. Familiar with ATM, might hold the roster together. Chance for him to get paid and get a shot at a big program while he's hot.

    Kingsbury - lol

    Traylor - possible, probably not splashy enough for ATM though

    Norvell - making $8mm on a likely CFP team with a raise undoubtedly coming from FSU. Makes no sense for him to leave and face a rebuild.

    Klieman - No ties to Texas but otherwise could make sense. Supposedly not interested in Michigan St job for whatever reason, maybe he's happy in Kansas.

    A lot of this goes back to what has been discussed before - even for those crazies, A&M likely can't pay another Jimbo-level contract to the next coach while paying Jimbo's deal at the same time..

    It really is going to be Elko I think.  

  4. 1 minute ago, Nicole44 said:

    I see it all over “X” today. Having the money to blow and waste is a status symbol for them and a “reason” now they can get any coach they go shopping for. Only the truly self aware ones are embarrassed but relieved at the same time because Jimbo is gone. 

    Such a flex.  We are so elite we pay more for our coach to leave than you pay for him to stay.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  5. I don’t see DeBoer coming but he’s all offense so I’d bet it’s mutual.  Lanning will get Nike’d to stay if needed.  Kiffin isn’t going to College Station.  Norvell isn’t coming and I don’t think aggy will drink from that well again.

    Of the remaining folks, Klieman is a good choice and would likely be interested.  He would give me some worry.  Elko is probably coming if asked.  Kilff is a phone call away. 

  6. 1 minute ago, mdmost said:

    And going into the Big 10 next year, which has demonstrated he can beat those teams. He and DeBour are going to get some nice raises out of this. I think it's Elko. 

    Plus Phil Knight 

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