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Posts posted by SKJ

  1. That's what I'm saying. The r-tards don't give a fuck.

    Trump could've had an abortion performed in the middle of times square and he wouldn't lose a soul.

    All any candidate has to do is talk like him. The r-tards will accept any amount of anything just to hear those words

  2. The key is at the end of that piece: there’s nothing that can be done to change Trumpkins’ minds. Absolutely nothing. They are literally unreachable, unpersuadable....immune to all facts, logic, or reason.

    There is 30-40% of this country that is merely reptilian brainstems operating on nothing more than stimulus-response. Now that someone has figured out how to harness that animalistic stupidity...we’re fucked.
    That's not true, though.

    All one would have to do is merely talk like Trump. Then they can literally do ANYTHING and the fucking r-tards will do whatever mental gymnastics needed to accept it.

    Especially if they think he's a white supremacist who's against abortion.
  3. I think Tahoe suffers from the same thing Trump does. They believe a "deal" needs to have a winner and a loser. That means if China is winning, we must be losing. It never crosses their mind that a deal can be mutually beneficial. Trump doesn't feel like he won when he pays his construction contractors the agreed upon amount when they finish a project. Owning the building they made isn't enough to "win". He only wins by stiffing them.  That mode of "dealing" doesn't work with nation states.  Trump thinks we're Darth Vader and China is Lando, and we can name the deal and change it at will, and China will have to accept it no matter how bad it is for them. In actuality, we're Han and they're Lando.  We have to give to get. 
    Something I learned from years in the rackets: fair exchange ain't no robbery
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  4. They do have a tribe but it's certainly not a tribe for "fiscal restraint."  The tea party movement was never about fiscal responsibility and conservative economic policy is deeply unpopular.  That's why the GOP does all they can to keep everyone focused on the culture war and external boogeymen.  
    Conservative economic policy is the exact problem in Oklahoma.

    Kansas would like to also check in with that.

    It's a failed policy
  5. 4 hours ago, krutov said:

    can you honestly say that if trump had permanently reduced the number of russian diplomats down to 395 and then the state department had complained to the media that this resulted in a critical shortage of us staff in russia when the russians mirrored that, that you wouldn't call trump an idiot for that too?

    my point is you hear a superficial poorly researched story and you jump to the conclusion it supports your bias against trump.  now you are invested in that take and digging in to defend that position when you do not have a fucking clue whether it was a good decision or a bad one by trump.  that is exactly what fake news is intended to do.  what's the difference?

    i have zero idea why trump didn't reduce the number permanently.  perhaps it was a fuck up.  my point is that with 5 minutes of research and i can find context to that story that was not being reported.   i don't trust the media to tell me the whole story, and i wait before i jump.  you shouldn't either.  whether it is deliberate spin or the product of the shrinking resources available to news outlets and the credulous kids writing stories today, the news we hear today is shit. 




    Oh. So you're assuming some shit. Gotcha.

  6. 5 minutes ago, krutov said:

    i do understand you have no answer to the substance of what i said so you're going ad hominem


    There is no substantial information in your post.

    Do YOU even cold war, bro?

    The nation ATTACKED the United States. Who gives a fuck how many diplomats we, or they, have in each other's country?

    Our moron in Chief is too busy selling our country to Russians. I'd say we get that sorted, then worry about some fucking diplomats

  7. i'm going to go ahead and guess you have zero idea how many diplomats the united states needs in russia in order to serve and protect your nation's interest.  for reference though, apparently the obama administration thought that number was 1210  but now there are 455.
    and do you even cold war bro?  this is par for the course.
    You do understand that it's about time to stop giving a fuck about Russia, right? Of course you don't... You're probably a bitch-ass Russian.

  8. You nailed it, and as has been said "Never let a crisis go to waste..."
    Combine the above fear you describe with politicians (and their constituencies) demanding that they "DO SOMETHING!"  And you get shit laws.  There's a bias towards action versus inaction in people's minds; "doing something" e.g. passing a new law, banning a gun, banning brown people, etc is "meaningful" - even if it doesn't actually change anything.
    Here's the problem: nothing will change.  It would require laws on the order of 100x the scale of what we're conceiving (probably unconstitutional) to move the needle.  The raw truth that the population can't handle is this: People (including kids) dying in shootings is the price of the freedom embodied in the 2nd amendment.  Terrorists blowing buildings up is the cost of our free and open society.  These things will continue so long as we remain a free and open society - and even turning into a dictatorship can't stop it (see: terrorists still attack Russia ala the theater attack).
    It's called reality - many have trouble dealing with that.

    Or, you could see it the other way... I mean, really. Obama's presidency caused a run on fucking ammo by people so fearful...

    And how the NRA use fear to sell more and more guns.

  9. You're wasting your breath AHB.  A Republican could cheat on his wife with a porn star, invite enemies who've killed on allies soil to the WH, cut taxes and raise spending, and it still wouldn't matter.  He'll be lining up to vote R this fall.
    Wait just a dog gone minnit. Them are all things Trump have did!

    Ah, well, hoo cares. Abortion.
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