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Posts posted by SKJ

  1. Just a proposal since this is a new site, is there any chance that we can have a weight limited NSAA AND a Vic Mackey BBW NSAA for those of us who might not be able to FAP to Vic's fetish of choice?
    How hard is it to not click on a Vic thread?

    You could also put him on ignore.

    Fucking vagina
  2. i hate cops as much as anyone but if he is doing shit at night, neighbors call the cops, he is jumping backyard fences from house to house, cops show up, he runs, then yea, that's all on him.
    you know what could've avoided all this shit?  if he didn't do any of the above.
    i'll save my sympathy for the innocent people who get fucked over by the cops.  did his punishment fit the crime?  no, but he contributed to his demise.  
    don't start no shit, won't be no shit.
    You know what else could've prevented his death?

    The cop not shooting.

    Why does everyone act like cops aren't in the equation?
  3. 9 hours ago, TahoeHorn said:



    It's fucking dangerous for schools to decide what politics they support.


    I'm just spitballing here, just taking a flyer, but I suppose, just a guess, that schools just might support the idea that the protest of not enough being done to stop shootings AT SCHOOLS, just might be something that SCHOOLS could maybe get behind a little bit.

  4. 1 hour ago, po elvis said:

    This guy did not get a death penalty. He got the consequence of his actions this particular time. There are situations like this, several times, every day, and very few times do the circumstances lead to the criminal being killed. But when you have the criminal running from yard to yard, at night, making a move with an object in his hand, yeah the odds are that one time it is going to happen. This one time he gave the appearance of doing something he wasn't. He paid for it. 


    That's pretty fucked

  5. 2 hours ago, Anastasis said:


    A question I ponder myself when the self professed house painter chimes in on the topic of violence.


    Having been something disqualifies an observation.

    I see...

    That's very weak

  6. 7 hours ago, BabaYaga said:
    100%  And to expand on that.  This isn't about guns.  Not really.  This is about midterms.  And anyone with an IQ above room temp can see that.  Funny how about of kids suddenly were regurgitating identical talking points as major networks and celebrity figures.  Coordinated and costing millions upon millions to orchestrate.  But it's organic....sure.....these poor kids are being used.  Plain and simple.  They are political human shields.  And then they'll be discarded.  Maybe a few can spin this into something.  But not most.  These Tide pod eating idiots are now experts on the issue?  I don't think so. 
    And of course the bewildered media has the audacity to question "why have NRA donations suddenly increased?"

    How fucking disingenuous can a motherfucker be? It's not organic that the kids of this nation are tired of school shootings?

    They're being used?

    Come the fuck on, man. 

  7. 1 hour ago, crash_davis said:

    shitty thing to happen but don't start no shit, won't be no shit.  thieving is dangerous business.

    Vandalizing and thieving are quite different. Remember when a US kid got caught vandalizing cars in some foreign country and was gonna get caned for it? Remember that reaction from the nation? That was a big deal here.

    This guy got the death penalty. Where's the outage?

    • Like 1
  8. Here's what I would have done - my rules:
    1. You can skip for any reason you want.  Any.  Any day.
    2.  You must make up anything you miss.
    3.  For each day you miss you must submit a "qualifying" ten page paper.  If your first attempt does not qualify you can fix it and submit a second "qualifying" paper.  If your second fails you suffer severe academic consequences.
    I think under my rules students will have a serious commitment to their cause if they skip. 
    Also, no one gives a fuck about this dumbass opinion.

    • Haha 1
  9. I didn't realize the urge to do something about school mass murders was founded in evil liberalism. I figured it came from the heart. I guess I'm the idoit.
    I don't know what an idoit (i-dwa?) Is, but this is most likely the essence of the OP
  10. I used to rock climb and free climb. I never liked heights on man made things for some reason, but could stomach a lot of natural heights.

    It made my hands sweat watching it

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