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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by smoky

  1. Dude down the street tested positive.  He said he caught it at their bayhouse before his family came down to join him for a weekend. They are a bit over cautious and decided he needed to quarantine without them for 2 weeks.
    Fuckin a man - 2 weeks alone with no wife or kids at a bayhouse. This motherfucker is probably duck hunting and fishing every day.
    I bet that dude is just going to keep catching all the variants...
    • Haha 2
  2. It's going to be interesting to see the results of the AISD testing clinics that opened yesterday and today.  The district encouraged all students to get tested before returning to school tomorrow.  My kids went to the McCallum High testing site yesterday late morning, and waited 25 minutes before being told that they were out of tests.  They went earlier this morning and we'll see how that goes.
    Even if the number of students in ASID who get tested before tomorrow doesn't approach 50%, I imagine there's still a sizable amount of students getting tested, and with the transmission rate of this variant, I have to believe there will be a lot of students who test positive and start their semesters virtual.
    I read out of 1200 tests, one third were positive yesterday.

    Would like to know how bad or non existent their symptoms were.
  3. The fact that we largely don't even have any standardized ways to record/stratify data on a state level, much less a national level, makes it next to impossible to gather all the categories of meaningful data.
    In the post-mortem of this pandemic, if I was a congresscritter (and imagining that we had a functional federal government), I would introduce Brisket's Pandemic Hospital Data Reporting Act (except I'd take the time to come up with words that make a cool acronym, like "BITCH" or something).  It would require all hospitals that receive medicare or medicaid reimbursement (so.....all hospitals) to report certain categories of admissions broken down in certain ways, upon either executive order or by order of the CDC (that is, they don't have to do it all the time, just in connection with certain infectious disease situations).  And we'd require things like the REASON for admission (so, the car wreck victim with COVID would be admitted for "Reason: broken bones from wreck," and wouldn't be recorded as a COVID case), etc. etc.
    We need to have a more uniform approach to understanding and managing pandemics in the future.  If we don't 1) learn from this experience and 2) put what we learned to good use, then we're fucking morons.
    SPOILER: we're fucking morons, and we won't do either 1 or 2.  But a boy can dream. 
    Oh man, the VAERS database is riddled with that kind of stuff.

    "My 85 year old dad got the COVID vaccine. He fell and broke his hip two days later."

    Similarly, in the 5-11 aged Pfizer trial, one of the kids broke his/her arm. Obviously (to most people) that's not a side effect of the vaccine, but it still had to be logged.
  4. How the fuck does anyone get their team back together in 24-48 hours to practice for this?
    Couldn't we just practice here and fly in the day before like any other road game?

    I want this to happen more than I should.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

    Wake is looking for a replacement to play


    how awesome that would be if we stepped in and beat Wake?

    Fuck it, Dude.  Let's go bowling

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
  6. Way back on TOS I had brought up that he was speaking as part of a Foodways Texas Symposium and that I was bummed because you had to be a member to attend and I wasn't a member.
    He DM'ed me and asked if I wanted his guest pass because he got some because of his participation.
    He had a lot of faults.  BBQ was not one of them. 
    If you could graph his business and bbq acumen on a chart, I'm sure they'd be diverging axis.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. The superintendent just sent out an email saying block scheduling is staying for next year. Thank goodness.
    The feedback I and others on my team have received has been clear. You want an eight-period day with block scheduling. And after discussing this with our principals, that’s exactly what we’ve decided to do. For the 2022–23 school year, Austin ISD schools will run an eight-period block schedule as most of our schools do now. If you have questions about how this will be implemented at your campus, contact your principal.
    And she's cutting some bloat at the district office.
  8. 32 minutes ago, BrazilHorn said:

    Just saw an article where from Feb to July 99.5% of all CV19 deaths in Travis Co where unvaccinated. Not sure if any other data has been updated.

    Either that's true and we don't need boosters or that's full of shit because there have to be 95 years olds with breakthrough cases that have have died from C19 complications.

  9. Here's how AISD is announcing early release Wednesdays in today's email from the district:



    2. We’re proposing some updates to next year’s calendar

    deadline concept with calendar and alarm clock on pink

    Your child could have extra holidays, including ACL Fridays and Cesar Chavez & Dolores Huerta Day, under new calendar updates for the 2022-23 school year.

    Why it matters:  The school calendar is a key piece to your planning for the year ahead, and we want to keep you in the loop on any proposed updates.

    A quick note: These are still proposed changes, so they’re not official.

    • The first day of school would still be Aug. 15, 2022, and the last day of school is May 25, 2023.

    • Our Board of Trustees approved the 2022-23 calendar in February 2021, so this proposal would update the calendar.

    The calendar could now include:

    • Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta Day, March 31, is a student and staff holiday, and Juneteenth, June 19, is a staff holiday.

    • A minimum of one day off for staff and students per month to prevent burnout.

    • Designated parent conference meetings for all levels so you can meet with your child’s teacher after work.

    • ACL Fridays will be student holidays, and staff will have the option to take these days off if they get their required training. This is because we’ve seen an increased need for substitutes on those Fridays, yet we continue to have a shortage of subs.

    The board discussed these changes in detail at last night’s meeting, you can watch it on our Facebook page starting about 4 hours and 22 minutes in.

    What’s next: The Board of Trustees could vote on calendar updates at its Dec. 16 meeting.

    Have feedback? Connect with us on Let’s Talk.

    You'll have to click on the first link to see the "37 Early Release Wednesdays" down at the bottom.  Seems like that's a little more important than telling everyone that Juneteenth is a staff holiday.  

    "Early Release" has not been defined.  Maybe it's just 30 minutes.  Maybe it's two hours.  But this is the kind of bullshit PR that's going to get parents riled up.

  10. Has anyone had experience with the Magnet program at Kealing? I'm not sure my kids are a fit quite yet but if that was an option I was curious on how that compares to the typical Middle school experience.
    I have an 8th grader there. Lamar is our neighborhood middle school and my 5th grader will likely go there next year, but that's more of a result of my kids personalities than the schools.

    Feel free to ask me about kealing.

    I get the sense that kealing doesn't do a lot of the normal middle school community building stuff, like kids going to sporting events or have dances.

    They did pre-covid, but haven't brought any of that "rah rah go hornets" stuff back.

  11. What a steaming pile of utter horseshit...
    POS Epstein is blaming the roads, Waze, the personnel companies, Captal Metro, the City, and the County. Of course it's not COTA's fault.  It never is.

    What's funny about blaming Waze is that when I went to F1 last month, printed on the back of my parking pass said "Use Waze to get to your lot"
    • Haha 1
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