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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by smoky

  1. i wonder if they could cross that data with vaccination status...or do we already know that like 98% of deaths were also unvaccinated?
    Looking at the data, about half of Travis county's deaths happened before widespread rollout of vaccinations.

    If I'm reading the data right, we were at 684 total, this time last year.

    From then to now, 237 deaths were aged 70 and up. Add in 60+ and you're at 382 total.

    That group was highly vaxxed, but older... And apparently had some other things going on.

    It's probably a decent bet that the other 300 deaths were unvaccinated and had comorbities.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, tchookem said:
    8 minutes ago, Anastasis said:
    Hopefully they dont put first world mortality reporting on the same footing as third world mortality reporting. 

    I just don't think Americans are even aware of where we fall compared to the countries we consider our contemporaries. Then again, maybe they are fully aware. One lesson the last 2 years have taught me is that Americans can not care better than any other country in the world.

    I dont know where we'd fall for other stats like life expectancy and average BMI, but I'd guess if Brazil is at 1k and we're at 3k that we live longer and are fatter.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Do the "rules" in CA make such a distinction. 

    They do!  I'm glad you asked.  The rules were updated 1/18/22.

    In SoFi stadium, you would not have to wear a mask if:

    • You were showering or swimming
    • There were fewer than 5,000 in attendance
    • You were getting a shave
    • You were alone
    • Actively eating ("This means that you can briefly remove your mask when you are actually eating or drinking but you must put it back on immediately afterwards. You must also wear a mask when you are waiting to be served, between courses or drinks, and while seated after finishing your food or drink.")


  4. 2 minutes ago, Jambon said:

    Went to the game last night and had nose bleed tickets.  Texas fans sucks.  The arena looked to be about 95% full at the end but it took close to the end of the first half to get there.  People were still filing in late into the first half.  I don't get this.  What is so hard about getting to the game on time.

    For us, it was because the entire area is a construction zone with sidewalks that lead to nowhere.

    • Haha 2
  5. On 1/24/2022 at 6:15 PM, Anastasis said:

    Link to the actual study?


    On 1/24/2022 at 6:33 PM, Willfully Horn said:

    My search skills are too poor. Maybe it hasn’t been released, though @smoky found an update, he says, which I also haven’t been able to find. But, the story is all over media in Michigan, and I have no reason to doubt it.

    Sixty percent isn’t infinitesimal. There may be other factors than masks, and any of those variables which we can control ought be put in place. Within reason, and cost. Masks fall into both categories.

    Sorry if this is beyond the statute of limitations for a reply, but tapa isn't good at notifying posters when you're mentioned or have a dm...

    This is the slide that produced the original story:



           link: MI COVID response Data and modeling update (michigan.gov)

    What I'm still unclear on is their methodology.  Based on the footnote in the lower left, it seems as though they're counting cases from the 5-18 age group and then applying it to the public school area that those cases are originating in.  So, in ATX terms, if a 10 year old in zip code 78758 gets sick, they'd see that as a case for a school with "masks required" even if that kid went to private school with a lax mask policy or was home schooled.

    So the article was printed based on that slide.

    Michigan then continued the study, as it's relatively easy to do once you have the dataset set up.  Through 12/6 here is the same slide.




         link:  MI COVID response Data and modeling update (michigan.gov)

    And this was presented really before Omicron took off.  I'd suspect they'll update it again in the near future and the lines will still overlap.

    The second graph doesn't mean masks don't work, just like the first graph doesn't mean that masks do work.  The study was flawed in their data collection.  

    After doing some digging on why they weren't pulling data directly from school district data, I found my answer when I ran across this article:

    How many COVID cases are in Michigan schools? State has no idea anymore | Bridge Michigan

    Basically, if you really want to present an argument as gospel, there's a dataset out there that will support your claim (which is why we have crazies everywhere).

    • Like 1


    16 minutes ago, Willfully Horn said:
    This shit is exasperating. Here is something new. And it underscores how YouTube parsers of science are just making things worse. “Masks don’t work!” Oh yeah? Fuck off.

    Given that this study is pre omicron, I'd like to see the data refreshed.


    EDIT:  Looks like they did update the data.  By Mid December there was almost no distinction between districts with mandates, partial mandates or no mandates.

    Moral of the story is there are no absolutes, don't try to spike the covid football, and check the dates on story that show up as "new"





    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. What, that I support kids 5 and over who are approved for the vaccine to have to show proof of vaccination to be in public spaces?  They carry the disease just like the rest of us, and in the case of Omicron, they are getting it and passing it on.
    What's the rule in NYC for international travelers coming into the city for vacation?

    I don't think French or Spanish 8 year olds can get the vaccine in their home country, so is their family shit out of luck or is there an exemption?
    • Like 1
  8. Quote

    On Christmas Day a family bought over $100 worth of tickets and food two days after Christmas. 

    The tip? $2.00.

    How much were the tickets and how much was the food?  $2 was probably low, but if a family of 5 went to a night movie, over half of that was on the tickets.

    We're tipping on tickets now?

  9. Maybe, someday, we can be as functional a country as......Mexico.
    That chart has to be "based on eligibility", right?

    Many countries aren't vaccinating their youth. I don't think Mexico is vaccinating under 18, which makes up a good % of their population.

  10. Megachurch.jpg
    I'll try to find it, but I thought I remember one of the legalization bills from a recent TX lege session was written by a hardcore Christian who argued marijuana was created by God, so it was fine.

    I could've been high at the time though.

    Edit:. Found it. From 2015....

    "Everything that God made is good, even marijuana" said state Rep. David Simpson, R-Longview, who filed the bill. "The conservative thought is that government doesn't need to fix something that God made good."

  11. Since apparently everyone failed fucking English 
    Gorsuch incorrectly said the Flu killed “hundreds of thousands” every year. It does not. 
    Sotomayor incorrectly said we have “over 100K children…in serious condition”. We do not. 
    Both comments are factually incorrect and expose the stupidity of the court, along with its partisan nature. Americans deserve better. #bothsides
    According to the WaPo, there's a comma in Gorsuch's quote.

    "Hundreds, thousands of people..."


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