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Jersey Man10

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Posts posted by Jersey Man10

  1. Assholes using the COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS ONLY line at the bank drive-up for their piddly-ass personal shit.  
    People that park nearby and walk to the Commerical window. Literally get out of there car and stand there when they could've just gone inside.
  2. This gets me a lot of shit from my friends but I think Star Wars The Last Jedi is the worst Star Wars movie ever made. It ruins the lore of the first 6 films by making Luke Skywalker be the villain.
    You're right it did suck ass. Your friends are morons.
  3. Sounds like this message board I go to sometimes. 
    Aside - is 76 worth the price tag? About to get a 2k 144hz and some fans and star overclocking this motherfucker. I need some candy to feed it. 
    Never played FO4 but love Oblivion and FNV. 
    Don't buy it. Get RDR2 instead if you haven't already.
  4. Fuck me.  I go to movies during the day so I don't have to sit next to anyone.  I also go to reserved seating theaters because USUALLY people understand the unwritten rule: in a mostly empty theater, you do not select seats next to anyone else.  You get your own arm rest and you don't have to hear them chewing popcorn and drinking soda or smell their gas.
    Situation: I went to see overlord for the first show of the day.  Theater has 8 rows and 14 seats in each row.  I bought my ticket 10 minutes before the show started so most of the people going are already there or have already purchased tickets.  I chose the 4th row with two seats between me and the only other people on my row.  5 seats to my right are empty.  The row behind me only has 1 person on it.  
    As the credits are about half way done, two people walk in and where do they sit: BETWEEN ME AND THE PEOPLE TO MY LEFT.  Not only are they now invading my arm rest, they are invading the guy who like me assumed he would have his own arm rest.   
    The theater is 75% empty or more and this cock knocker gets a choice at the box office of where to sit, sees two spaces and thinks, "yeah, that is where I have to be".
    I have never been so upset I couldn't muster up a fart.  
    I would've gotten up and moved. Fuck that.
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