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Jersey Man10

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Posts posted by Jersey Man10

  1. When I eat at a restaurant and it's not too full so i choose a secluded area to eat either solo or with family, then Jimmy mcfuckface shows up with his fat bitch and 5 kids and they seat in the booth or table next to us. Out of all the seating why do you sit next to me. Same with parking.

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  2. Did the deal today. Got the fallout 76 white Xb1x. Although I have my Xbox one to my kiddos for overwatch and fortnite use now.
    Of course I know have to keep track of my receipt now because I can’t preload fallout76 for 2 weeks still...
    Yeah I love the white. Big reason why I liked the One S.e7cb533a1a4827e7c3fe69c609a03466.jpg
  3. I didn't like it because the ending sucked and didn't feel like star wars. Everyone went from serious in TFA to morons. Po was the not the same Po from TFA. Fin was about the same. HUX lost all respect between the 2 movies and was a joke.

    The worst part is all the mystery from TFA was GONE. Where did snoke come from? The lightsaber? Who are the knights of ren? Who was that old dude at the beginning? The republic? C3P0's red arm????

    I feel like it's a big FUCK YOU from Disney. TLJ didn't explain shit. It just glossed over all that shit from TFA. What is 9 gonna be about anyway? Kylo vs Rey again? Thats all that's left to tell and felt like a huge waste similar to TFA.

    I don't even give a shit what happens next but I'll still go see 9 first viewing because why not.

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  4. Will say that we saw almost no Baylor fans all yesterday at the game and around campus.  I think the lack of Baylor fans made the place feel emptier than it was. 
    Yeah, I was kinda surprised by that as well. I wonder if most stayed home thinking it was going to be a beat down?
    This. Saw very few Baylor fans at the game.
    There was severe weather and some tornadoes a few hours before kickoff so the majority probably just stayed home.
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