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Posts posted by cdain3

  1. Lol poor aggy


    EJHolland247 28663 posts 115 seconds agoVIP

    — IMG Academy (Fla.) offensive lineman Chris Akporoghene will be on campus for a visit tomorrow. Texas offered him during the evaluation period.

    — There is a report out there that Zach Evans will not be in this weekend. I just exchanged messages with his brother, who told me that is false. They are slated to be in Austin tomorrow.


  2.  EJ on shepherd


    EJHolland247 28642 posts 63 seconds agoVIP

    I just exchanged some messages with Footwork King and spoke to a Texas source about Javonne Shepherd. Here are some bullet points.

    — Shepherd is expected to visit Texas A&M tomorrow, but his ride will likely be one of his high school coaches, per FK. That means Shepherd should be out of College Station before Saturday morning since he won't have to depend on Kenyon Green, who will be there all weekend.

    — FK is taking care of some business in North Carolina but should be back in time to take Shepherd, Demond Demas and 2020 QB Hunter Dunn to Austin on Saturday.

    — Per FK, Shepherd has informed the Texas staff that he plans to be in Austin this weekend. As we've reported since last week, Shepherd is on the visitors list.

    — According to a source close to the program, there is still a chance that Shepherd doesn't make it to campus. It all depends on his transportation. But the hope is that he will be on campus.

    — If everything falls into place, Shepherd will visit both Texas A&M and Texas this weekend.

    — We still feel like Texas is the team to beat and will feel even better about that if he does make it to Austin.

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  3. 6 hours ago, satyanash said:

    Coburn's not ready yet. We went through this last year with Jordan Elliott and the others. Herman/Orlando don't like their DTs in the 315-330 range.

    That's what the summer workouts are for.

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