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Posts posted by ajax

  1. I think everyone is missing the point.

    Has anyone else looked at the message boards for the incel movement? I have. They're not talking about raping or molesting women. They talk about murdering or massacring women and the men that women date. They delight when a woman get hurt or maimed. It's really really dark and fucked up.

    You people are talking about rape culture or hookup culture, which might be a legitimate topic for another thread but that's not what these incel guys are talking about. They have this belief that everything comes down to looks, and if you aren't born with looks you are doomed to loneliness. Which is insane. All you have to do is look around and you'll see attractive guys who can't get dates and unattractive guys who are always dating hot women.

    But what it is is a convenient excuse for extreme social awkwardness and an unwillingness to improve oneself.

    Just look at the mass murderers who have identified as incel. Elliot Roger wasn't going on dates and molesting women. He had no friends, never dated. He invented all kinds of reasons why he couldn't get a date and he was angry at the world. The Va Tech shooter never talked to anyone. If I recall, the first person he killed was some guy who dated some girl he liked. Or maybe it was the girl. But he never talked to either one of them. And wasn't there some guy who shot up a yoga studio or something? He had a diary where he said he hadn't gone on a date in 20 years or something.

    These guys aren't rapists. They are psychotic, delusional guys who associate among themselves and have constructed some elaborate victim fantasy. In a way it's worse because any number of them could explode and become the next mass murderer.

    I said before, the internet is turning people insane. In previous time, friends and family would never allow a man to descend into this kind of madness. They'd pull him away and back into the community. These guys have branched off into their own isolated, insane fantasy world.

    If any of you have a son who is getting into this incel cutlure, I would suggest quitting your job, move your entire family to Quaker country and ban all access to the internet.A good barn raising will shake him out of the insanity.

  2. This show is so good. I hate that it's only half an hour and I have wait a week to get my fix.

    I hope they never kill the bald dude. But I'm really hating the "blonde" chick. Hopefully they start redeeming her or kill her off.

  3. Remember at the beginning in the fight in New York, Dr Strange sent one of the aliens through a portal but it closed on his arm, cutting off his arm. 

    That would've come in really handy in the fight with Thanos on Titan.

    • Like 3
  4. Holdo was being trained as a Jedi by Leia. Just wait, in the next movie after Rey triumphs over the First Order she will be standing aside the Force ghosts of Leia, Holdo, and maybe Potato Tico.

    Laura Dern Just Revealed a Key Detail That Changes Her Star Wars Character

    This explains Vice Admiral Holdo's shocking ending.

    From the first announcement that Laura Dern would be joining the Star Wars universe, her character immediately became a fan favorite. It's Laura Dern. In space. What could be better? Then we saw her purple hair and learned that she was a hero of the Resistance.

    The Last Jedi's Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo is one of the most complex characters in the Star Wars universe. She's a leader who's there to make the tough decisions—she's not there to be loved. She's not someone who respects the flashy showboating of Oscar Isaac's Poe Dameron. Holdo is also mysterious, not just because she keeps her plans close to the chest, but because of her minimal backstory and the celestial way in which Dern plays her.

    It turns out, Dern had long conversations with The Last Jedi writer and director Rian Johnson about where Holdo came from—and according to a new interview with Entertainment Weekly, the character could use the Force.

    “In their minds, and in their understanding of the origin story, we know that she was a true rebel in the Resistance, and in our culture we might have called her a hippie,” Dern tells EW. “But she was longing for peace, and a revolutionary in that way, and wanted to be trained by and led by Leia, who taught her everything she knew. She wanted to come up in the ranks to support Leia’s mission, but also had this otherworldly side that does involve the Force.”

    Of course, that's not a stretch. Plenty of characters in the Star Wars universe have shown Force sensitivity even if they do not actually wield lightsabers or practice the Jedi ways. Leia, for example, has a strong connection with the Force.

    As Dern tells EW, this explains why Holdo was willing to sacrifice herself with the controversial lightspeed maneuver at the end of The Last Jedi.

    “Yeah, her primary goal was to protect the light, to protect the Force, and to keep the revolutionaries alive,” Dern tells EW. “And I think the film speaks so beautifully to that with this last image of the next generation of the Resistance, you know?”

    And you thought Laura Dern couldn't get any cooler.


  5. It happens. Injured myself on a trip.  Ski Apache '89.  Smacked into a damn tree.
    Did you happen to see a tree that you never kicked before and then rushed over to kick it, because that's likely how Tony really messed himself up.

    Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk

  6. So crazy lady's family told police that she was unhinged and could hurt someone.  But they didn't seemingly say the magic words correctly to the point that the police would have probable cause to search her car, hopefully find the gun and prevent this from happening.
    God knows I don't want the police to have any more power than they do have but does anyone have a clue as to how we tighten up the verbiage of family/friends complaints in order for the police to at least be able to search her car/residence/person and see if there's any proof that violence is imminent?  
    At what point do we all agree that if your parent, sibling, partner say I think they're dangerous do we believe them and do more than a cursory knock and a couple of questions.  All the laws in the world are irrelevant if no one actually investigates these warnings.
    I'm more worried about over-eager cops. You hear the stories about people calling the cops saying "please check in on my son. I'm worried about him." only to have the cops shoot and kill the son when he acts erratic.

    I can deal with the occasional crazy vegan animal lover crossfit nutjob.

    Sent from my LG-H932 using Tapatalk

  7. Yeah, what a joke. Making it up as they go along. They might as well just have three title holders - Conor, Ferguson as interim, and Khabib/Holloway as interim-interim. What difference does it make?

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