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Posts posted by AnotherUTFan

  1. Where is that?

    Lakeside Tavern. Bosqueville, Texas. Just outside Waco.


    I moved here when i was a kid. My Mom still lives here. There used to be a bait store a few acers over. Then they started selling beer. By the 90's when i moved away they had some tables so you drink beer there. Then they built a bar. Eventually it morphed into a full on honky tonk - they dont even sell minnows behind the bar anymore. I tell everybody that if it had been this way in the 90's I night have never left.


    I just sat in for a couple songs last night and we played some blues. Otherwise it was mostly country and that Tele sounded great for it in my frends hands.

    • Like 1
  2. Anybody remember this pair? I've never posted them on the new site. I keep them at my Mom's place and let all the family play them as they wish. A friend asked to borrow the Tele for a gig tonight, Im looking forward to listening to it.


    • Like 6
  3. Peronally Ive had active electronics in 2 instruments; a 77 Gibson RD and a Fender Deluxe P Bass. I prefer passive, they spund more natural.

    Don't overthink buying a bass. Decide if you prefer the P Bass or Jazz Bass neck, then buy the version of that bass that fits you're budget.

    Don't buy a short scale bass. They are stupid and feel like toys when you play them.

    I always say that if the P Bass was good enough for James Jamerson, Phil Lynott, and Steve Harris, its good enough for me.

  4. I now have every single Thin Lizzy studio album; some original, some reissue. Each one as good as the others. 19c2e0e002660f4502ebc9aa32c956c3.jpg


    Notice that none of them have the iconic logo, though Fighting has it pretty close.

  5. Small semi-related update.

    Ive got a handful of original songs I'm happy with, a bass player who I like alot - though she still needs a little guidance here and there; a very solid drummer (with a van of course); a butch female vocalist/multi-instrumentalist, and, as of last night, a dedicated practice space with secure gear storage.

    Looking for another guitar player still. Shouldnt be too hard, but no rush.

    Whatever I've done, I've worked on the right mix of people I think. I've assembled a cast of people I like being around, then spent time getting them together in social situations to make sure they clicked like i thought they would before inviting them in.

    In 2019, this shit is gonna go down however it goes down.

    • Like 5
  6. It helped me as I was learning Uke when I was told that the thing in tuned exactly like the 4 high strings of a guitar with a capo at the 5th fret. It wasboretty easy after that realization. Then my Uke broke and I never replaced it.

  7. Im a terrible singer, but if you want to getnover that wall/fear, go do Karaoke for a while. I used to be terrified of singig in front of people because my of my voice. Finally I did karaoke until all my fucks were gone. Sometimes im not half bad, other times its so bad i should be embarrassed - but i don't really give a shit. Its a fucking song and Im not trying to make it my day job.

  8. OP, it sounds like we are in a similar situation. I've been struggling since about March to come up with a solo trip. I talked to a ton of people and finally settled on Nepal, with stops in Hong Kong (2 days on the way out) and Bangkok (tbd but likely 4 days in either Phuket or Chiang Mai on the way back).

    Of everybody I spoke to, the people who had visited Nepal were the most varied, well traveled, and most passionate that I go there. I'm more than a little intimidated by it.

    Other iteniraries that were strongly considered were:

    Buenos Aires & Rio De Janeiro
    Columbia - Peru - Equador (Galapagos Islands)
    Mexico Mayan Ruins Tour
    Thailand - Cambodia - Vietnam

    I figured I was looking for more of an adventure than a vacation and the Himalayas will be an adventure. I'm going late Oct to mid Nov.
    AUTF checking in from Kathmandu!

    I've been here a couple days. Tomorrow I'm going to Pokhara and doing a short Poon Hill Trek.

    Thailand is like 8 or 9 days away. Still no plans. I'm thinking Ko Samui. I was thinking the beach and Phuket, but it sounded too touristy when I got a text from a buddy back home saying he had a friend in Ko Sumui. I looked it up. Sounds perfect. Seemed like a sign.dad8e9137a4b3c9d45ce89aeccb99aca.jpg
  9. The new Russian River is a huge building, but the tap room / brewpub is a very small part of it.


    I think this is Vinnie and Natalie doing what they've always said they had no interest in doing, increasing production and cashing in.


    They had a video a few days ago of them bottling Blind Pig for distribution - they haven't distributed Pig in 3 years. I also learned last night of 2 different SF Bars that will begin serving Pliny next month.


    As bad as the tap room is, and seeing a cash grab for what it is, it couldn't happen to better people. They are both as nice and approachable people as you'd ever meet. They are very involved in the wider craft beer community and the Sonoma County community. If they're going to cash in, I'm happy to see them do it this way rather than selling out to big beer like so many others.




  10. Ya, I'd say it feels like a big, bright open space with lots of tables and a huge integrated gift shop that is designed for hundreds of people a day; then can be cleared out and hosed down for the next day.

    The old one was kind of big, but felt like a small and successful family business.

    That said, I saw on FB that they were bottling Blind Pig for distribution outside their pub for the 1st time in a few years, so maybe their beer will become easy to access.

    That burger was really bad though.

    It really made me think about how 1st Class everything at Sierra Nevada is. For a brewery so influenced by SN, they really missed their cue IMO.

  11. I stopped by the new Russian River Brewery for lunch yeaterday. I was very disappointed, especially after seeing what Ballast Point had done with their new place a few months ago. I know, independent, yada, yada - but it was really not a place I'd like to hang out. Felt like visiting a nursing wing at Disneyland. Hopefully everybody starts going there and 4th St becomes a cool, local dive.

    And that burger was probably the most discussing thing I've had in my mouth this year.


  12. I hear you, Chad, but as a kid I wanted an L6-S, RD Artist or Gretsch Super Axe so bad it hurt. They were the guitars of the future. So we were told. We were also told there would be flying cars...
    My 1st name-brand guitar was a '77 RDD Custom I bought in 1991 for $300 from a pawn shop in Waco. I thought it was a steal! I loved that guitar so hard. I didn't realize how much it sucked until I sold it around 2005 (for $700 if I recall) and bought an Amican Strat.

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