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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by THUJONE

  1. Honestly Mitchel is one guy we can lose and it won't matter.
  2. Urban looks uncomfortable to be there, tbh.
  3. Yeah she just drew a shit ton of dicks lol
  4. My six year old daughter just drew a get well card for Derek. So now I have to figure out how to send a card to a football player.
  5. I love sam, but if the dude has a flaw, it ain't his mediocre downfield accuracy, it's how long he holds the ball.
  6. Dude isn't KState's Run D supposed to be really good or something? Is our o-line playing lights out or is KSU's d line actually shitty?
  7. Wow Roschon was just gonna score. Bijan/Roschon is a sick combo.
  8. No, he's definitely gotten a better feel for the game than he did in the first few games. I think the light went on last few games.
  9. Does it seem like our team is better with these younger players playing in place of the opt-outs? I think so.
  10. Whittington is easily the most overclocked athlete I've ever seen. He's too twitchy and powerful for his tendons and bones to withstand.
  11. When Roschon just cuts and goes, he's a monster.
  12. Imagine how good we would have been if Tom Herman allowed the offense we run during the first five minutes of each game to be the offense for the entire game.
  13. Goddamit. If one of you shoots yourself in the dick, just know it's going in Part II.
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