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Ignatius Reilly

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Posts posted by Ignatius Reilly

  1. 35 minutes ago, wackawacka said:

    On the totally making shit up at this point scale, I think the political blow back of "saving" SVB has made it impossible to save First Republic. The FDIC has to let it fail. 

    is First Republic more or less Woke than SVB

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 15 hours ago, Bevoette said:

    My husband just informed me that we were dating he would think of himself a single and I'm thinking what the fuck we're a couple or dating were inclusive how is that single well I'm not married to you yet oh yeah well fuck you if I would have known he felt that way back then I probably wouldn't have married his ass I on the other hand if somebody asked me are you single if they're flirting with me I said yes I am seeing someone I have a boyfriend or thinking of getting engaged and that's that but he on the other hand says if somebody asks if he's single technically he is because only other thing other than single is married and I said that's not correct you're dating someone and engaged to someone that's not single am I right or am I wrong so I cannot dump them in the nuts for being wrong

    Have you taken your blood pressure recently

  3. On 4/18/2022 at 5:37 PM, Captainant said:

    crossposting to this thread too:

    On the other side of the work day now, it's fun to revisit the origin of the hunter biden laptop story and what exactly you and annie are defending as a story that should be taken seriously. The dude who gave guliani the unauthenticated "copy" of the hard drive gave quite an interesting interview in which he invoked the Seth Rich conspiracy and referred to rudy as a "lifeguard" who could look out for him because he was scared for his life. Nevermind the coordinated lock-step effort with the trump campaign to amplify the story and integrate it into their campaign.

    So in fairness to annie and @Moby Ric, perhaps it is hyperbolic to think it's russian disinformation - but that sure as shit seems like disinformation and fabricated to me. 

    But on the other hand, knowing what we know about the trump campaign knowingly benefitting from russian interference (according to the GOP led senate), his actions in Ukraine to blackmail Zelensky into corrupt actions to create dirt on Hunter Biden for his campaign, and trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort's frequent patronage from russian oligarchs to fuck with Ukraine just like how trump did.... 

    Either way - if you believe that rudy guliani is an honest person and that everything in his story adds up to something that definitely happened and is credible, I don't think I'm going to be able to reason you out of that position. I genuinely can't see it as anything but a disinformation campaign. It certainly isn't something that should be taken seriously or cited as an unfairly censored story, despite what you read on nationalreview or breitbart.


    As to the rest of the post

    Steve Brule What GIF

    Crab people are masters of deception! They will take a true story--that Hunter Biden's laptop is real--and conflate it with a lie (by saying it contains *evidence* of a crime that does not exist), thereby making the statement "hunter's laptop is real" *true,* in the strictest interpretation and *disinformation* in the most liberal.


    This is one of the Crab Peoples' oldest tricks

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 6 hours ago, Porterhouse said:

    @immamacI understand why you locked the Lia Thomas thread. I think. If my thinking is correct you didn’t want to risk reputation with troph saying she was out of the thread, staying to neg everyone that had the slightest bit of disagreement with her / Thomas’ decision to race, and then some crude language with respect to Thomas anatomy. Am I right?

    Typical from their kind

  5. Dr. Loeb at Texas Orthopedics did my shoulder, and though I don't think he does knees, I would start with their practice. Dr Lutz did my foot there, too, but that was ages ago and I'm not sure he's still around. Very pleasant to work with. Aside from being cut open.


    Tons of offices north, surgery center on Seton Center right by the Costco. 

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  6. Generally the mods here do a pretty good job, as much as one can while trying to keep politics from poisoning the rest of the high-level discourse that takes place here, and they should be commended for that. But who among us hasn't wondered how *their* motives affect the course of discussion on this site? After all, it is incredibly naive to think the people running this place have no agenda at all. 

    We all know that, to the untrained eye, a crab person can pass for a non-crab person with impunity--unless a crab person is outed by another crab person, it is generally impossible to identify the crab people who live among us and therefore shape our discourse. It is more than remarkable, then, that we have very, very few threads here exposing the existence of said crab people, which begs the question: Are some of the mods here, in fact, crab people who are using their positions of power to control the discourse of non-crab (regular human) people, thus stifling any discussion of how our society has been infiltrated and how the institutions we used to trust have been usurped?

    I am certain this thread will be quickly removed--after all, the only way to quash the discussion about the hegemonic power the crab people have over previously-free men is to disallow discussion of the subject and disavow even the existence of crab people.

    Their infiltration of mainstream message board culture has ensured a long term feedback loop: posters make posts about how there are crab people among us > crab people in the ruling elite place their subordinates into positions of power > posts are removed > crab people remain in power unscathed.

    I believe it is important, at the very least, to insist that this site's moderators prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are not crab people. I am open to ideas on how this might be accomplished.  At the very least I believe we should require each user and moderator to sign a legally-binding document stating that they are not, in fact, a crab person, under penalty of perjury as laid out in the Rome Statutes of 1966.

    though we know the crab people will lie--they are dirty liars first and foremost as it is part of their dna (read the study's and do your own research) we can use that legal framework against them once we find a non-crab person who can determine whether another person is a crab person or not. The technology is rapidly being enhanced, so crab people should be terrified--and my sources say they are.

     So i ask you now, moderators: It is time to prove to us you are not crab people, and if you cannot, you must be removed and quarantined so that you can no longer poison our thoughts, destroy our sacred institutions, and impregnate our fertile, blossoming daughters.

    What say you?


    • Hook 'Em 1
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 3
  7. On 3/12/2022 at 8:56 PM, Nicole44 said:

    I guess all the people who’ve either met me ot who have known me long before I ever started posting on here would be stunned that I am a sock. You don’t have to like me…but I am exactly who I’ve said I am time again. My name is Nicole. Only a moron would use their real name and real picture. Obviously I am a moron.  I’m not a sock. Don’t have multiple socks. Never have had a sock/s. It was nice meeting a lot of you at the surly tailgate this past football season. Looking forward to seeing all of you again. Surly tailgate actually made the season tolerable. Best part or watching the game.


    1 Have you run for city council yet

    2 What size camel saddle will fit you

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