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Everything posted by goatsaag

  1. I always forget how useless it is to drive against the Warriors because Green and Durant just do not get called for any fouls inside.
  2. How is that Tucker "foul" any different than the offensive foul called on Harden to start the game?
  3. Livingston fouled Paul on the wrist on the shot so the closeout is irrelevant, but yeah, that one could have been a foul just like the Draymond one. That seemed to get missed due to the other non calls but it was a foul. There were tons of things that happened to cause the final result of the game. Most of the ref related ones went in the Warriors' favor.
  4. Not jump into the offensive player? Defenders don't commit fouls on closeouts all the time. Those were all clear fouls.
  5. Is this the first Rockets game you've watched this season? Tucker was invisible on offense tonight but he played good D and had 4 steals. He scored 12 a game just last series against Utah shooting 43% from 3 and playing good D. He has a ton of value for the Rockets but occasionally has a game where he doesn't make any shots that looks pretty bad on offense.
  6. The last one with Draymond was the least clear of the four but I think it was still a foul. The three on Klay in the first half were all blatant and not even arguable.
  7. And the Rockets should have shot even more free throws, what's your point? Harden isn't "trying to draw the foul" on any of these 3s. That's not why he's taking the shot. He's taking the 3 to make the fucking 3. He just also gets fouled a ton on them because it's hard to legitimately challenge the step back without jumping into where he is going to land. And he got fouled numerous times this game with no call.
  8. Nene is an odd choice to put in the game there. Don't understand why the Rockets put basically no effort into attacking Curry once he picked up his 5th foul.
  9. 5th foul on Curry was trash. Igoudala got Harden on the arm though.
  10. The Warriors have complained just as much even though the calls have been going in their favor
  11. Yeah... unless Harden or Gordon just goes off in the 4th so there is no question about it, the Rockets aren't going to be allowed to win this game
  12. Or people should stop hitting you in the face?
  13. Durant hits Paul on the 3 and gets a transition dunk instead of the foul call. The Rockets do get away with a ton of contact on defense, particularly when they play small, but the Warriors really do seem to play by completely different rules.
  14. All season Paul (and then right there Harden) are so casual bringing the ball up the court with less than 5 seconds left and have to throw up something past half court instead of actually moving the ball up the floor to get a better look
  15. already some insanely late whistles on very obvious foul calls
  16. Capela has to leave Bogut at the 3 point line to stop the Durant dunk
  17. I'm curious to see if the Warriors are willing to give Bogut any minutes when Harden is in the game.
  18. Definitely weird seeing Shumpert get in so early and Nene over Faried when we started Faried at PF against the Warriors for a game in the regular season and used him as the primary defender on Durant in that game.
  19. Sending a double to try to get a steal before immediately fouling is reasonable but you have to at least do something there.
  20. They just gave up down 4 with like 28 seconds left? What?
  21. They had the 5th best record in the West, were 4 games behind 2nd, and had what, the 3rd best record in the league after the all star break? They're as good as any team in the West outside of Golden State and Houston and might be better.
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