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Everything posted by ATXbronco

  1. Scrubs got style Hendershot jumping over the defender Nope
  2. Fucked by a goal post!
  3. This better be Dak's last series.
  4. Two blocked punts in one game, fun
  5. The news just mentioned two people getting shot & killed at 4AM this morning at the "cowboys digital lounge game room" in North Austin. WTF is a "game room". Is that a cards thing? Can't find info about the place with an Internet search.
  6. It's been hashed out quite a bit over over the last few days in the thread.
  7. How long before we hire McCasland away from TT?
  8. Wow, I already forgot that TT Coach Mark Adams got fired for those "insensitive" bible verses. New coach is Grant McCasland. Speaking of bible, I ran into some Latter Day Saints on their ten-speeds while walking my dogs today. Before they could get into their thing, I told them the true story about how I had a dream last night. I'd gone to Church for the first time in ~20 years and halfway through the services, the Church came under attack. By Mexican drug runners. I immediately jumped into action and shot up most of them with my AR. I ran out of ammo and so, I ran back into the Church and asked if anyone had any guns? One middle-aged guy sitting on a pew threw his hand gun at me, saying "Take it, take it I don't want it any longer". So, I took it, ran back outside and shot up the remaining murderous Mexican Drug Runners. I saved the Church and went back inside to see if any hottie Church Ladies would throw themselves at me in gratitude. But I woke up. The one latter day dude was impressed and said he had a dream about Church last night too. I asked him what it was and he said,,, he got into a fist fight in Church. I said, "wow, that's so cool. Okay guys, have a good one" and I walked away before they could tell me about Jesus.
  9. Johnny Nansen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Nansen Didn't take long to update that Wikipedia profile!
  10. Duane Akina "He was named Arizona defensive coordinator in 2000, but decided to leave for Texas to become the team's defensive back coach." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duane_Akina
  11. Horns humbled but we'll be back twice as powerful next year!
  12. Let's at least make this a <TD game. Hook 'em, ya'll came a LONG ways.
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