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Everything posted by ATXbronco

  1. I've got my post-game drunk food prepped to fry Ventura County style https://www.hotrodsrecipes.com/corn-burritos-with-red-sauce/
  2. Worthy has one catch and Mitchell isn't on the board yet. We're about to double-pump them in the second half.
  3. Weird to see .500 and sub 100 yards from Quinn. That's going to get waaay better in the second half. Rushing looks good - just like half of ya'll have been calling for all first half.
  4. Blue again, for a deep ball... where our other receivers?!
  5. What's the deal with Blue being our punt returner tonight?'
  6. Thought that was one of the Washington cheerleaders for a moment
  7. Gave my ginger dog a new bone to keep him occupied while i watch the game He's already buried it and then recovered it and now has mud everywhere
  8. Quinn Ewers to Penix' deep ball throwing... <I want that> Is it Penix' or Penix's or Penixes
  9. Alright, let's get the penalties out of the way TODAY so we're good to go next week.
  10. No hate for Washington but I'm not moving there anytime soon
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