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  1. fair enough. It’d be a good hire to get us back to the top but get it’s terrible optics. After Strong and Herman I just don’t care about the initial shit storm from the holier than thous who really have not read into what happened in Waco. I’m at the point to where enough evidence exists to warrant a 2nd chance and I want to win. Afraid we are one more bad hire away from being completely irrelevant. Worst fear is Tech will say fuck it hire him and then they’ll embarrass each year like Baylor did
  2. Just funny to me how everyone salivated over hiring Urban yet clutch their pearls when Briles name is thrown out there.
  3. If we had any balls we would. But we’ve become a University of optics. That’s why we will continue to be a second tier program. No major coach wants to tkae this job.
  4. Why what in his reporting doesn’t make sense? What in Ron Murff’s deposition doesn’t make you question the narrative the WSJ sold everyone? Why was the pepper hamilton report given orally to the board so there would be no physical evidence of what was said? Why pay Briles full buyout if they could have lawfully terminated his contract? Why write a letter of exoneration for him? With the information coming out now in the latest suit I don’t think Briles is the villain you all wish him to be. He’d win a NC at Texas. So if you were good with Urban Meyer and his PROVEN track record what makes you so angry about Briles when it looks like he wasn’t the villain you so desperately want h to be. He is the best coach available after Meyer said no. Dabo aint fucking leaving that’s a pie in the sky fairytale belief.
  5. Why? Have you read anything about what’s been coming out? You mad bro because what Im saying is true. Fucking read the depositions you cuck.
  6. Evidence and depositions are trickling out showing Briles was in fact scape goated. Going all the way back to the basketball murder scandal that board of regents are dirty mofos. Clay Travis did some great reporting on what really went on in the BU football scandal. Hint it was a university problem. https://www.outkick.com/baylor-used-a-racist-smear-of-black-football-players-to-cancel-art-briles/#comments-section At this point Im sick of mediocrity, sick of Aggies being in the top 5 and sick of hearing buzz words like rape enabler. Everyone had such a hard on for Meyer and he has coached rapists, a murder, and countless felons. Hell Ed Ogeron had 5 players convicted of rape. Briles deserves to come back and if we were smart we’d hire him weather the dumb ass pr storm and just start winning. Winning would shut uo alll these whiny ass virtue signalers. Otherwise Texas is one more mediocre hire from becoming irrelevant like Michigan.
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