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Posts posted by SamsCorner

  1. 15 hours ago, 'stache said:

     You won't find many, if any, gqp state policians even recognizing that the Massacre not only occurred but that it was fueled by racism (some still claim that the Black people deserved it for daring to question the arrest of the kid involved and trying to prevent him from being lynched at the courthouse).



    Wow, really?  I'd be interested in knowing who those politicians are so I can work against them.  Got any quotes?

  2. 15 hours ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Guy that says we had a dozen chances to stop Hitler is aiding the new Hitler and pretending to not understand why some of us are trying to stop him earlier in the fascism process. 

    His entire quote:

    SEN. GRAHAM: No, it represents him and him alone. If you spent 15 minutes studying Putin and what he wants, he wants to re- recreate the Russian Empire. He's not going to stop in Ukraine. We celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day. It was a failure. It was the unnecessary war, described by Winston Churchill. We had a dozen chances to stop Hitler. It's not about NATO. It's not about American weapons in Ukraine. It's about a megalomaniac wanting to create the Russian Empire by force of arms. If you don't stop him, there goes Taiwan. So we've been slow as hell of helping Ukraine, but Senator Tuberville's analysis really misses what Putin's all about. He's an outlier, I think, in the Republican Party. I like him personally. But what did Trump do to get the weapons flowing? He created a loan system. They're sitting on 10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals in- in Ukraine. They could be the richest country in all of Europe. I don't want to give that money and those assets to Putin to share with China. If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of, that 10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China. This is a very big deal how Ukraine ends. Let's help them win a war we can't afford to lose. Let's find a solution to this war. But they're sitting on a gold mine. To give Putin 10 or $12 trillion for critical minerals that he will share with China is ridiculous.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Been through there plenty of times (once every year or two), they have an amazing gun museum there (worth going through if you’re even an hour away), and a ton of Will Rogers stuff.

    Home of the Will Rogers Memorial. Claremore is a great town, thankfully the damage wasn’t worse. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. Headed out next week for annual golf trip.  Gonna be 16 of us, an absolute blast.  One round at DragonRidge and 3 rounds a Cascata.  Any off strip recs for cheaper tables?  Played craps at Ellis Island last time out which was okay, but had to wait 30 minutes to get on the lone table they have.

  5. On 5/10/2024 at 2:18 PM, Pescado_Rojo said:

    Guess I'll just stand here and wait for that money to trickle down...


    You post on Surly, you’re the guy paying the  23%.

  6. 43 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    "Never back down" as he's literally backing down, taking his ball and going home. Pussy ass bitch.

    Go Pokes!


    ‘Never back down to a woke mob!’ Upset audience brings Ryan Walters speaking event to abrupt end

    STILLWATER, Okla. (KFOR) — A town hall event with State Superintendent Ryan Walters, hosted on OSU’s campus by a campus conservative organization, only lasted about 15 minutes Wednesday after some in the audience incessantly shouted at Walters.

    Walters began the event telling the audience to “never back down to a woke mob.” 12 minutes later, organizers ushered Walters out of the room.

    The event was put on by the OSU chapter of national conservative Group Turning Point USA (TPUSA).

    TPUSA billed the event as a “town hall” with Walters on flyers it posted around campus.

    Walters has only participated in Q&A style events with the general public a handful of times since taking office in January 2023.

    The event attracted well over 100 students and community members to a lecture hall inside OSU’s engineering building, some of whom told News 4 they supported Walters, and others who said they did not.

    But they all did have one thing in common: they came to the event, because it was a rare opportunity to hear from Walters, and ask him questions.

    “I just kind of wanted to see, honestly what he had to say,” OSU student Ryann Sadler told News 4.

    “OSU has a very big queer community, and we want to make sure we show up for them,“ said OSU student John Johnson, who helped lead a protest outside the lecture hall hosting the event before it began. “We have people inside who are going to ask them some very hard questions.”

    “Even myself, who considers myself a Democrat, I still think it’s very important to hear what he has to say,” OSU student Victoria Anton said.

    “I was happy to hear what he had to say,” OSU student Ryan Williamson said.

    But hearing what Walters had to say proved easier in theory than in practice.

    Walters entered the lecture hall greeted by a mix of roughly 40 percent cheers, 60 percent boos.

    Soon, many who opted for the latter greeting began shouting at Walters from the audience.

    “You’re a murderer!”

    “Nex Benedict’s blood is on your hands!”

    “You’re the one that’s scared!”

    “55 percent of Oklahomans want you impeached!”

    —Are just some of the many things they shouted.

    At first, Walters persisted.

    “They’re gonna yell, they’re gonna scream, they’re gonna say outrageous things,” Walters said of the hecklers. “There’s a few of them that are crying right now.”

    Walters then turned, and addressed the shouters directly.

    “I don’t care about your feelings,” he told them.

    They responded with more shouts, laughs and eye rolls.

    “Where are the grants!”

    “Where’s your budget Mr. Walters!”

    —They loudly questioned.

    Walters responded back.

    “There’s two genders,” he told the crowd.

    The back and forth between Walters and the crowd continued over, and over, and over again.

    “If you back down to a mob, they will get their way,” Walters declared at one point.

    “Answer our questions!” someone shouted back.

    “Let’s talk about a woke mob,” Walters later said.

    “Let’s talk about facts!” several audience members shouted back.

    Later, Walters repeated one of his earlier points.

    “Never, never back down to a woke mob,” he told the audience.

    A few minutes in, TPUSA leaders handed a microphone to students they’d chosen to ask Walters questions.

    “I asked him what advice he had for someone looking to enter the field of politics,” Sadler said.

    “I asked him how he responded to leftist media and activists,” Williamson said.

    Of course, the shouting continued throughout all of this, and Walters chose to not use a microphone when responding to their questions.

    News 4 was unable to hear Walters’ answers to their questions from the back of the lecture hall.

    Then came more shouting.

    The abruptness left students from both groups in the audience, yearning for more.

    “I wish that I would have heard more of what he had to say because you know, that’s why I came,” Sadler said.

    “It just felt like I wanted to hear more,” Anton said.


    I can't find anyone who likes this guy.  Now only 3 of 10 I ask know who he is, but of those three none like him.

    • Haha 1
  7. 47 minutes ago, ousux said:
    2 hours ago, South Austin said:
    Now this is a guy who is actually worth a 10-year guaranteed contract.

    Meat pimp is the pinnacle of aggy excellence in the 21st century. I'm a fan for sure.

    I’m a fan, I hope the best for him.

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