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Real Papi

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Everything posted by Real Papi

  1. Defense has played fairly well. That pick 6 with Bijan always ready for an easy five yards haunting me.
  2. Yes sir pound the rock. Bijan is a beast.
  3. Wtf. Bama’s defense playing like blow u in any bowl game
  4. Outcome sucked, defensive let down but there is no way Sark shouldn’t have dialed up more second half points against any blow u defense. What are the recruits saying, that is all that matters in Sark’s transition year
  5. This is BS defense. Thought we hired a bad ass Defensive coach? Unbelievable could not score against blow u defense in the second half at will.
  6. Wow dumb play. This is an blow u level collapse. This defensive genius needs his ass lit up
  7. Blow u has no defense let’s go. AGNB where the hell did you go.
  8. This referee crew sucks. Blow wr goes out of bounds on his own and holding everywhere, no flags
  9. Wow tracked him and strip. No quit in Jamison
  10. Outstanding pick up, AGNB. Look forward to seeing Sark developing Brenen. Hook’em🤘🏼
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