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Everything posted by D3zii

  1. Someone should have told Pierce that
  2. Who wanted to win the dumb ole big 12 anyway
  3. Smh that’s what happens when you wait til late in the game to try!! Smh should have been playing like this from the jump
  4. Of course TCU will now get thoes shots to fall that weren’t falling in the beginning of the 2nd half
  5. Finally Disu show some fucking fight
  6. We pick the worst times to have bad possessions. . TCU is trying to give us the game but we’re to nice to take it
  7. We had multiple opportunities to take this game over this half. . It is what it is at this point
  8. Ugh it frustrates me cause Morris should be so much better than what he is!! Hopefully he comes back next season (he definitely should)
  9. It should be a crime Dillion Mitchell isn’t better than what he is. . Morris to, they should be a valuable part of the rotation
  10. And Cunningham, he just isn’t that good lol hes the basketball version of Luke Brock
  11. Well usually wen we do that we fall off a cliff after!! let’s see what happens
  12. Lord We look so passive and weak at times!!
  13. Cunningham hasn’t been to good lately
  14. Disu runs like he’s never done it before 😂😂😂
  15. We pick the worst times to look bad
  16. Last year wasn’t that bad
  17. Ahhhhh was that our best chance?!?
  18. HR!?!? let’s start off with a base hit first
  19. Lord or at Bats need to be better
  20. Lord sure wish the hitting coach from last season was here 🤦🏽‍♂️
  21. You can always tell if we’re going to make it a game if we can hit our Free throws!!! As of now this one is over. Somewhere down the line we lost sight of hitting from the FT line. Smh we were so good at that a month ago
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