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Posts posted by Ridingtosunset

  1. 1 minute ago, BradInATX said:

    Honestly man, sunset is obviously a retread and probably someone I've gone at it with before, but if you've had covid or a vaccine it's time to get back to normal. It's pretty bad ass.

    That's twice you've said that now. I've followed the board for awhile, but never posted. The Stonk and Penny Stonk threads finally got me posting. 

    I ASSure you I'm not into pegging, but I am willing to learn. Would they send me some place special? 

    What the fuck is up with you? Doesn't this site want new members, posters, and traffic. I don't post in CR, because you fucking loons would crowd source me because I don't think like you and I don't have the rep to survive. And I like this place, great site with lots of knowledge, diversity, and differing opinons. I'm not a sock. I just don't agree with you. I think a grown man should be able to deal with that. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 1 minute ago, BradInATX said:
    4 minutes ago, Ridingtosunset said:
    Good enough. I've had it, one rough day, one week of feeling like I had a cold. Why wouldn't I let the vaccine data play out. I probable still have antibodies, my immune system handled it. We have much more data on the virus than we do the vaccine. Everyone's decision is made under different circumstances. Vaccine shaming or whatever is fucking silly. 
    I do need to lose about 20lbs, though. You got me there. 

    The Covid 20 is going to outlive the Covid 19.

    Unfortunately. The only thing I appreciate from the lockdown is now owning lots of sweatpants. 

    • Haha 2
  3. 1 minute ago, Anastasis said:

    Even less miniscule is the risk of vaccination resulting in a severe adverse event.  But the upside is individual immunity and contribution to herd immunity, which not only serves to protect unvaccinated high risk individuals that are vax eligible but also the many high risk individuals that may not be protected by vaccines or are ineligible such as the immunocompromised and children. Population level risk analysis... 

    The high risk need to get vaxed. I still social distance outside of my close circle. I wear a mask most places. The number of children affected by this is statistically 0.000. 

  4. 1 minute ago, BradInATX said:



    Nobody who is actually in good health says this. Take your fat ass to get a shot.


    Good enough. I've had it, one rough day, one week of feeling like I had a cold. Why wouldn't I let the vaccine data play out. I probable still have antibodies, my immune system handled it. We have much more data on the virus than we do the vaccine. Everyone's decision is made under different circumstances. Vaccine shaming or whatever is fucking silly. 

    I do need to lose about 20lbs, though. You got me there. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Neonmoon said:

    I still haven’t gotten a response from the people who refuse to get a vaccine. Why are you willing to take the chance of unknown long term health effects of covid but aren’t willing to chance any unknown long term health effects of the vaccine?

    If I'm under 50, in relatively good health, the risk of Covid being severe to me is statistically miniscule. That someone would choose to wait given their overwhelming odds of this virus not affecting them shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. It's basic risk analysis...

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 8 hours ago, troph said:

    could lead to all of that or just divorce. 



    people ask what is the meaning of life?  well, to be pretty damn blunt about it, it starts with eating and fucking.  that really is the point.  consume, procreate, consume, procreate.  so enjoy the nice dinner, go home and sexy time, and go to sleep knowing you fulfilled god's plan for your life today.  mission accomplished.

    * if anyone thinks I'm joking, you probably don't know me well.  I do think the essence of the meaning of life starts there. it may go beyond that but it certainly starts there.  how any one can justify a sexless life is beyond my comprehension.

    Yup. We are a pretty simple species when you peel all the layers away. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 22 hours ago, F250 said:

    Sounds like a wild night in a Mexican border town. The only thing missing is the guy that charges $5 to shock you and your buddies with a car battery. I actually paid for that in Matamoros during Spring Break '94.



    Man, have I seen some shit in Matamoros. And Piedras Negras and Acuna. 

    Never been a sex recession in those locales. 

    • Haha 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    I don't think relying on anecdotal evidence is great way to make policy. I've found plenty of articles addressing whether lack of value of education is a false premise. 



    It is hard to solve a problem when you don't really know what the contours of it are or if it even really exists. And, changing attitudes is an inherently difficult task. Assuming there is an attitude problem to solve, I'd start by figuring out why the problematic attitude exists. My guess, it probably starts with societal mistreatment, e.g., absurdly high and disproportionate incarceration rate just discussed. 

    I'm not going to read through all that tonight, but I assume its based on self-analysis, which seems not a great way to measure attitudes, if such a thing is even quantifiable. Like I said, I can only go on my experience, which is probably more than most. 

    Discrimination and criminal injustice play a big role. I don't dispute that. I just don't know what end game people expect from the current racial reconciliation strategy that seems to be at the forefront of news, policy, culture, sports, entertainment. Racism will always be a part of the human condition, unfortunately. We can grow, evolve, and always be better. The more our races and cultures live together, reproduce, and travel, the more we can mitigate it.  But its not going away completely, and its certainly not exclusive to white America. I just hope we're not creating a generation of racists of all colors. 

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  9. 8 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    Both sides? What sides are you referring to? What "attitudes about education within the black community" are referring to? What evidence is there that "attitudes" are the problem as opposed to lack of access and the disruption of the family unit caused by high incarceration rates? 

    It's not valued nearly what it should be. My evidence is years of being around educators in urban areas. At some point, you have to stop screaming and pointing at high incarceration rates and figure out solutions. I'm onboard with CJ reform, but let's not kid ourselves that's the only obstacle standing in the way. 

  10. Agree. How do we change attitudes about education within the black community? I don't see our current method of throwing virtue signals, platitudes, thoughts & prayers, or money at this problem getting us anywhere but status quo. Everyone has to row the boat. And that includes blacks. It has to come from both sides. And both sides can do wayyy better. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Dahobbs said:

    Lower household income correlates with a high percentage of unwed pregnancies? Are we surprised by this for some reason? Or offended by it? And while I expect poverty contributes to the chance of pregnancy outside of marriage, I do note that an unwed household will have one less potential bread winner by definition. So there may actually be a causal relationship the other way for this particular statistic. 

    Either way...how do we fix it? I just don't see any movement off high center of racial inequality without this being addressed. Its a problem that has to be attacked from both sides. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. Just now, Kyle said:

    I know this will be unpopular, but pornography is a very real problem. I do think there is a psychological distinction between watching an actual "porno," which by definition implies a very real level of fantasy. But watching a "girl next door" on PornHub sharing a double-dildo with her roommate while blowing her boyfriend makes it hard to get up for missionary with a solid 7. The democratization and proliferation of porn is not without consequences.

    Well, we will have to agree to disagree there. That's my bag, baby. 

    • Haha 2
  13. 1 minute ago, Kyle said:

    In all seriousness, I think this probably is one of the myriad aspects of life that social media has completely disrupted. Having one's self-image and social value derived from the number of likes and followers one has does not catalyst real human connection either health or unhealthy. Add that to the obvious impossible standards created by the filtered "influencers." Sure Gen X looked at porn and had supermodels, but subconsciously most of us realized they were the airbrushed exception. When you see thousands of physically perfect girls next door online all day, hard to find satisfaction in a non-airbrushed, normal hottie at the local dive bar. Social media has promulgated FOMO an dissatisfaction in all aspects of life, so of course sex would be part of it.

    Influencers are a problem. But then again, that's capitalism. We have a generation of kids that think they'll make their living online, and there's only so much room for that. Not to mention how unhealthy it is. 

  14. 7 minutes ago, CHIEF said:

    You know, we can learn a lot from this generation. I had CHIEF Jr. read the article and watch a video that WorkswithSeed sent me. Here is his summation of what a 20something's world is today:

    When you banged a chick, and dropped her, maybe 50-100 people knew. Most knew them personally and didn't blame you. City Limits (his bar) is closed. Now, everyone in town knows, and it eliminates your dating pool. Even the smart, good-looking ones avoid you until you can get in front of them. There are two ways to overcome the negative, explain the situation (usually doesn't go the way you want), or have enough money that they don't care. The kid makes bank, but we aren't "high rollers" by any means. We provide him room and board, but he takes care of the rest. You only have a vested interest in "out kicking your coverage". So, you are basically looking for a Unicorn. You are the catch that refuses to be caught. It is a perfect time for girls to be marrying up, because her social media pressure hamstrings you. The best thing to do, is keep mining, be extremely picky, or sit on the sidelines. He has taken the middle road. His Mom and I have been married for 27 years, and are as strong as ever. I can't blame him for looking for the same thing. Granted, he is small town, and looking for a single with no kids. But improper grammar, spelling, and doctored photos are a deal killer. Puppy Dog ears, and duck lips will get a "WTF". It's why we keep hearing the stupid and unmotivated are outbreeding the intellectuals of our society. We are racing to the lowest common denominator.


    For all the benefits of social media, I think it's killing us. Not healthy. We don't all need to be in each other's business. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 10 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Shit, my sex life has never been better. Seriously, we’re one of those lucky couples for whole the pandemic and being at home has worked out very well. And intertwined with that is how our overall relationship has fared: very well.

    But I see a shitload of people for whom the opposite is the case. And I’d actually seen it happening well before Covid.

    When you see a collapse of the institutions and activities that used to function to connect people, create overlap in social/friend groups, etc, you end up with loneliness. See plummeting church attendance, dropping CFB attendance, that sort of thing. How many of y’all made friends/got laid through connections at church or among tailgating groups? Take those away, and your odds go down.

    I’ve written a lot on this board about how our culture has become one that values individualism, at the expense of community. Much of what I’ve said has been in the political context, but it’s of course much bigger than that. Hell, I think like the sex recession, our politics may be a trailing indicator of a greater and unhealthy social trend.

    We’re all better off if we spend more time together, see each other at church picnics and tailgates and social clubs, and get to meet that cute friend of a friend, and end up clicking and having some great monkey sex and maybe even an emotionally fulfilling relationship. We should do more of that.

    I agree with a lot of what you say here. But I've also read for awhile now you bemoaning and demeaning people who wanted to get back to life as usual. And definitely seen you railing against people who don't agree with the arbitrary, reactional, short-sighted response of our government. 

    The right thing to do is often not easy, that's not news. Some of the  fallout of this pandemic is obvious. But the "unintended" consequences of our government's response to it will have to be measured for years. We have no idea yet the damage it has done to kids by closing schools. We know its done irreparable harm to small business. It has accelerated our national debt. It has had a horrible effect on mental health that we might not know for years.

    Maybe more importantly its been yet another way to divide us as a country. And its made us more reliant on our government. There is a ton of blame to lay on both political parties, but nothing either side was advocating was going to lessen the severity of this in any meaningful way. It was a shit sandwich given to us, and we handled it terribly. Probably a sobering reflection of where we're at. I'm sure you mean well, but I think your views, at least on here, are pretty toxic. 

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