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Posts posted by Ridingtosunset

  1. 39 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:


    I refuse to discuss politics with a mob of emotional, irrational people. If you can't read the CR and see how unhinged it is, that's on you. I'll save my discussions for people willing to engage in thoughtful debate and be open to opinions other than their own. 

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  2. 8 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

    Look a 31 post poster all over the DT and CR and the Eyes of Texas thread. This is certainly a totally cool and totally legit poster and not a sock.

    You don't know nearly as much as it appears you think you do. 

    I've never posted in CR. That place is insane. 

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  3. 2 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    I have no idea. But I bet you do. 

    I guess let me know when a large mob of black people or Asian people storm the Michigan Capitol and US capitol killing police officers and hunting for the VP. 

    They do not. 

    Don't move the goalposts. Murder and crime are terrible. Doesn't matter which race is doing it to the other. I can't think of any reason to seek out racial angles to stories like this except bullshit political hackery. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Nobody wants it to be racially driven. Most of us just want white people to stop shooting up asian massage parlors full of Asians, shooting up grocery stores in El Paso full of Hispanics, and storming the US Capitol trying to kill the VP and members of Congress because they thought the election was stolen making America look like a bunch of idiots. 

    Sorry if that bothers you. Actually, no I’m not. 

    Do white people commit a disproportionate amount of murders? 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Pancho said:

    Yeah, if they fake shit like that I usually go to the player and say (or tell the captain to tell them) “knock that shit off or ya ass gonna be on that bench. I got more whistles than you have fouls. Try me.”

    They usually stop.

    I was referring to the gut poke. But absolutely on the flops too. Selling a call and flopping are easily identifiable distuingishable, IMO. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Pancho said:

    If you’re a ref and you’re trying to move on to the next game at the tournament, you don’t leave anything on the table.  if it’s close, they gonna go.

    I've been retired for awhile, but if I caught it I'd warn them. If I caught it again, I'd give a flagrant. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. That was the definition of sweet science. Won't see a better fight from the standpoint of two great fighters on top of their game for pretty much all 12 rounds. The footwork and defense was pretty damn good for such a busy fight. Wow. 

    I had Chocolatito 115-113. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, MaybeACoordinator said:


    One huge reason Bama is Bama is that they value football over racist symbols, unlike their Mississippi neighbors. Ole Miss has underachieved since integration in large part because of their stubborn attachment to the Old South. Like it or not, the EOT has become something like a rebel flag for us. 




    Quite true. Seems like they reward results. There is only one color that matters in this country...and its green. 

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  9. Two days at the sand dunes is too many. Go through Rocky Mountain National Park, and then Mesa Verde. Mesa Verde is 20 minutes from Durango, and you can get to a lot of places from there. Telluride, Ouray, Silverton, 4 corners, everything in Utah. You could get to the Grand Canyon if you want to make a day of it. 


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  10. 1 minute ago, mdleast said:

    The thing here is the story was about BMDs being offended that all players weren’t singing. So it’s kind of the reverse of your point: BMDs saying “that song doesn’t mean anything negative to me, therefore you shouldn’t/can’t think it’s in any way negative”. A reverse snowflake if you will. If you’re point is we shouldn’t “cancel”certain things just because some people may be offended by them then you need to be consistent and concede that we also shouldn’t force them to have to engage in the practice if they don’t agree with it (all the while you are still free to keep singing it).

    Basically, my argument distills down to this: fuck off BMDs trying to force players to have the exact same opinions as you.

    I could get on board with that if I didn't feel so strongly this is manufactured outrage. But I realize some people don't see the world through the same lens as me. It all just seems silly. 

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  11. 3 minutes ago, mdleast said:

    It seems like what gets lost in this larger discussion is why they brought the story back up: asshole BMDs telling the players to “shut up and sing....or else”. As others have said repeatedly on here, it doesn’t matter what the song means to you or me or if we had never heard the song’s origin until very recently. If it means something different to the players and they don’t want to sing it, how is that even a question as to whether or not the school and BMDs will “allow” that to be the case? If the Eyes continues to be played, these BMDs can continue to sing it and think back longingly at all that is has meant to them over the years. However, why in the hell would they need each and every player to also do the same in order to fully enjoy that experience?

    So where do you draw the line? Because it seems there are a lot people in this country ready, willing, and able to be offended by anything if you tell them to. 

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  12. 23 minutes ago, immamac said:

    Oh right, because recruiting has nothing to do with winning or sending kids to the NFL. Players just magically appear at the University to play football and you can take any 17-18 year old and just make them into an NFL caliber player. Good to know. 

    The amount of stupidity, racial insensitivity and complete lack of awareness in this thread is pathetic. 

    Whether it's racist or not isn't relevant anymore. It's a PR disaster and lots of damage control is happening, and now ESPN just ran with it. I'm not sure many of you follow recruiting, but we are going to other states and this is a big deal that a national media outlet just ran essentially a hit piece on the issue and the university. 

    Alabama seems to recruit just fine. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, Homercles said:

    I agree on the school bit, a properly-precautioned learning environment on campus has pretty much shown little risk to the educators and staff when it’s done right.  Almost all the cases at my oldest (1st grade) school have been proven to come from teachers doing dumb shit like going to NO and partying maskless as evidenced by their insta feeds...or from social gatherings outside of the district control.  

    Im on the record here, despite being married to a counselor, as having a bit of bias regarding SOME teachers seemingly trying to take advantage of the current situation by advocating for extra ‘asynchronous days’ that burden parents so they can ‘plan’ (then why have one two weeks before the end of the year?) or petitioning some states/districts to require fully virtual all of NEXT year.  It’s got to be really hard to balance class work for both virtual and campus students, along with being underpaid and with crappy health coverage...even if it seems every other week is a long weekend, Christmas or spring break, or an asynchronous day, 2.5 months off for summer, etc   

    So I’m with MBU on this, but we are not going to drive any action by railing against it here...and nothing is going to change until summer.  I think the J&J step up in rollout is huge and should (so long as the dumbass anti-vax pukes not spread too much) enable more evidence for the ‘open all schools’ crowd to win before the next school year starts.  We gotta be patient.  

    PS:  if you can’t tell all the time off in the spring really grinds my gears, compounded by having 10 straight days due to the ice storm and now an asynchronous day once a month...so I have my own agenda complaining about it here and not following my own advice that it’s pointless to bitch on Surly.  Maybe I’m just jealous I don’t have close to 4 months off every year.  

    This is the most frustrating thing to me in all of this. Common sense tells us this doing irreparable harm to our kids. Educationally and psychologically. And it disproportionately affects the population most at risk. 

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