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Hammerin Hank

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Hammerin Hank

  1. I got my 2nd Pfizer shot on Sunday. No issues except mild soreness at the injection point
  2. This. I was wondering if anyone else was having issues
  3. The replay is on LHN now. It’s still fun
  4. The ball didn’t make it to the track. He was way shallow
  5. That commercial will never get old for me
  6. I can only imagine how angry his family must feel about that
  7. As a life long fan of Hank Aaron it sickens me to see loefler invoke his name in an attempt at a political cheap shot. She really is an awful person
  8. Not a fan of those jerseys. Orange belongs in the Astros color scheme
  9. I was at the game and didn’t hear it
  10. Maybe Brown’s in the doghouse, maybe not, but Kai Jones is flat out playing better right now and deserves the start sdg beat me to it
  11. This. We could have broken it open in the 6th but we left the bases loaded
  12. Nice strikeout against a good hitter in a tough situation
  13. That pinch runner looking like he’s 4 feet tall
  14. Don’t be sorry. Fuck Baylor is always the right answer
  15. I don’t know the exact stats but it seems like we leave a fuckton of runners on base
  16. Is this series on tv or streaming anywhere?
  17. Fun game to watch. Good atmosphere at the Disch, especially considering the limited attendance.
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