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Posts posted by texas08

  1. My friend  said she got cut off from using my Netflix, and they sent me something that I didn't pay attention to about my account being used elsewhere blah blah blah. I didn't think anything of it since I voluntarily shared it and so big deal if it is gong away. 
    My Netflix monthly amount goes up and I am like "inflation is such a bitch!" and go on about my life. Fast forward to last weekend and I go visit her and go to put my Netflix on her TV. Guess who still has Netflix and why my bill went up? I thought they were cutting her off, but I think the shit letter they sent me was to either bump my friend off or we will  bill you to pay for her too. Fuck, okay, but I was thinking of dumping Netflix for a while to catch up on Hulu shows and now I got baggage. FML

    Pics of friend to help you determine if paying the extra money for her account is worth it?
  2. 27 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    I can’t decide what’s weirder, you just assuming the only way this could’ve happened was a setup by Helmut Marko or MB picking Checo as their number 2 driver.

    I don’t think Checo would crack the top 10 of potential MB replacements. 

    Formula 1 is a reality tv show/circus. Money talks and anything goes! Welcome to the clown show! I’m here for it!

  3. I’m sure he wasn’t just randomly sending dick pics to his employees. Sounds like a setup. Dumb as fuck regardless.

    If rumours are true about RB being split between his camp and the helmet fuck, then the helmet camp did whatever they needed to do to get rid of horny. This means adios Checo. Checo to MB for 2025 as number 2 to compliment Russel and spill all the red bull beans to Totto. Checos way of saying fuck you helmet!! Let’s roll!!!!



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