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Randolph Duke

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Posts posted by Randolph Duke

  1. aggy has "a hell of a lot more to celebrate" than Texas. lol.

    In SEC play, since joining the conference, aggy is 25-23. They have one season with a winning record in conference play. No FBS team has played more FCS teams than TAMU. Last year, aggy was 6-5 against FBS teams.

    THAT is "a hell of a lot more to celebrate"!?

    Never play aggy again outside of postseason play. In any sport.

  2. 1 hour ago, lemonandaturd said:

    The key to an epic aggy roller coaster crash this year will be embarrassing losses.  aggy will be able to explain away close losses with multiple excuses, (young team, new staff, new league for Jimbo, Rumlin left the cupboard bare, etc).    But things will get really ugly if Jimbo gets humiliated by Clemson, Alabama, Auburn,  LSU and the Miss. schools.  If those games are all of the 48-7 variety, aggy will get out the pitchforks.  

    Stupid sip. Wait till next year.

  3. 30 minutes ago, TBGFL said:

    Their QB sucks?? Trevor Lawrence will probably be starting and he doesn't suck.

    In typical clueless aggy fashion, they fail to recognize that a solid OL can make a mediocre QB seem adequate and a solid OL paired with a couple decent receivers can (*ahem*) make an adequate QB a Heisman Trophy winner.

    Give a decent college QB enough protection and he will find an open receiver. Give him protection and a good RB and you have Nick Saban’s offense.

    Clemson’s QB won’t even get his uniform dirty against aggy. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, UT Lawnghorn said:

    In 2015, aggy literally took a demotion to avoid us. They were ahead of Arky and we were ahead of WVU. Then, once SEC announced the bowl matchups, aggy dropped down to the Liberty Bowl, or whatever it was, which placed a lower ranked SEC team than the Texas Bowl even though aggy finished ahead of Arky that year. 

    The less said about that bowl game, the better.

    • Like 2
  5. 24 minutes ago, golfclap said:

    Via Tarp at Aggy247- 

    A&M's football revenues middle of the road in the SEC  (A&M ranked eighth in the SEC in football revenues )

    If there was only some way people could have known this was going to happen....

    With CDC cranking up the alumni cash machine for the upcoming facilities upgrades, the numbers from Belmont are going to be big. As it is, annual cash flow is north of $200 mil. Add a capital campaign and $300 mil is an easy number to exceed.

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  6. The lack of critical analysis skills of your average ag is always a source of great comedy.

    On yesterday's announcement of Texas' OOC schedule for the next 10 years:


    "their conf play is so weak they have to schedule games from other conference opponents to give their schedule legitimacy."


    The take from a dispassionate outsider:


    "certain to be among the marquee non-conference games of their respective college football seasons, likely to be scheduled for nationally televised primetime slots."


    They are, quite simply, some of the dumbest people on the planet. Utterly clueless about the world around them.

  7. Scipio is writing a 3-part story of out of state recruiting that is worth a read. 'It speaks directly to the argument I have made about he importance of being able to recruit nationally. One of aggy's huge problems is that the freak show of a culture they revere is so off-putting to out of state kids, that it inhibits their ability to recruit nationally. And by "recruit nationally" I don't mean an occasional one-off from Alabama that has been rejected by Saban or Gus, nor am I speaking about a one-off three star from Connecticut. I mean the ability to consistently compete for top talent against top in-state and national programs.


  8. 4 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    Somebody on the really old board (Hornfans) said that every major conference had one and only one private school in their conference in order to keep the conference financials private. Big 12 has two now, but at that time it was true, as with all the other conferences back then. Vanderbilt is in the SEC for that reason; same as Stanford in the Pac 10 or whatever. Northwestern in the Yankee conference. I don't know or care enough about that kinda shit to look into it much more than that but it seems to make sense. 

    The conference files a tax return on Form 990 every year and has to publicly disclose that filing, so the privacy argument doesn’t make sense. 

  9. 24 minutes ago, kopp0e said:


    I wish it was financially possible to get a Rice, Tulane, Vandy, SMU, Ga Tech, and a few others to form a Southern Ivy League. 

    The name might be an issue, though. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Born Burnt said:

    In 1973 the Texas A&M Aggies took exception to a MOB performance which featured such typical MOB irreverence as Nazi-style goosestepping, turning the Aggie War Hymn into "Little Wooden Soldier March", and forming a fire hydrant while playing "Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" in reference to the Aggie mascot Reveille. After the game, the Aggies formed an angry moboutside Rice's own stadium, trapping the Owl band inside for hours until police dispersed some of the crowd and allowed the band to exit, transported by food service trucks. In the years after this now-infamous show, attention has been focused on the shot at Reveille, and that this was an attempt to mock the mascot shortly after her death; in fact it was no more than "poorly-aimed scatological humor," the mascot in question having been alive and present at the game.

    Rev III died in 1975


  11. I finally found a piece of historical research I have been looking for since I wrote the article debunking the aggy "12th Man" fairy tale back in 2013. I found the aggy student newspaper that mentioned the 1939 radio play that E. King Gill was referring to in 1964 when he said prior to the fictionalized radio play that had him standing alone on the sideline, he really hadn't hear of any aggy "12th Man" tradition on campus that had anything to do with him. Here is that article. From the October 21, 1939 Battalion.

    The Ben Beasley that is mentioned as the "eleventh and twelfth man" of the game was #23 on the aggy team and went into the game when Weir (#33), the starting right halfback and captain of the team was injured early in the game. It was Weir's uniform Gill changed into.

    If Beasley was considered the 12th man of the game prior to the radio play in 1939, and Gill said the story of him as the 12th man was embellished after the radio play was broadcast, other than by lying thorough their teeth, how can the ags continue with the fairy tale story about Gill being hailed as the hero right after the game and from that point on, being the schools "one and only) 12th man? Whoop!



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  12. Rice Institute almost never happened. To understand Rice, you need to read the story of the murder and the forged will. It was James Baker's grandfather who represented the estate and uncovered the plot. The relationship between the Baker family and Rice University was forged through that incident, which is why the Baker Institute is today on the Rice campus.

    The Rice endowment owns massive amounts of land north of Houston along 1-45 and 1-59. They sell the lumber harvest rights to generate the 5% annual income off the land assets, thus giving them the income they need. Because Houston is growing north at a strong clip, the value of the land will increase above the rate of most other asset classes (the Rice endowment is about to grow a whole bunch more in the very near future).

    Also, when LBJ pushed for the NASA facility in Texas, it ended up in Houston in large part because Rice University donated the land necessary for the Johnson Space Center. That cemented the relationship between the JSC and Rice.

    If you want to read something interesting, read Smalley's Nobel acceptance speech. He was a great guy. Very approachable. Addressing a Nobel Prize laureate by his first name for the first time was an interesting experience.

    Oh, and last I knew, diplomas from Rice were still printed on actual sheepskin (at least by request).

    The Rice murder story:




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  13. 20 minutes ago, clarythedrill said:

    I am dispelling the belief that the Corps of Cadets are synonymous with the ROTC departments, and they certainly are not.  Those pursuing a commission through one of the three ROTC departments are a cut above the average Corps dork who is taking the course for a leadership minor and a couple of free credits.  Unless they are contracted to a branch of service, they cannot even take classes in ROTC past the Sophomore year.  

    As for the dorms and Ramirez, they would be there anyway, as those students would have to have a place to live anyway.  Name them what you want, but those buildings and faculty would be there regardless of who or what they are called.  Stop pole vaulting over mouse turds.

    And what is Ramirez’s function other than to babysit the fraternity? Does UT provide a full time house mother for the Tri Delts at taxpayer cost? And there are other corps subsidies I can post if you would like.

    The bottom line is the aggy corps delivers no tangible benefits to Texas taxpayers and therefore should be treated financially as every other private fraternity. Money allocated by taxpayers for ROTC should not be converted to private use by private fraternities. Using taxpayer funds to support private social organizations with out express legislative authority is an abuse of public funds. 

    • Like 1
  14. 19 minutes ago, clarythedrill said:

    Actually, the Military is growing, and just the Army is producing about 600 more per year starting in 2020.  Also, taxpayers do not subsidize the Corps of Cadets.  That is an a&m thing, not any ROTC departments thing.  None of the branches of service pay for their WWII style uniform.  The Army gives their Cadets the combat uniform (just like all other ROTC programs at other universities), and commissioning officers must pay for their dress uniform prior to commissioning.  The military and the Corps of Cadets are completely different entities that are only loosely joined at times.  I am certainly not defending those assclowns, but people are really misinformed about ROTC and the Corps of Cadets.  

    I used to be the SMSI at Norwich University, another Senior Military College with a total student population of about 3,500, and we would regularly commission 90 or so Army LTs per year, and that isn't counting the other three service ROTC department commissioning's.  If anything, a&m is underproducing, which should be viewed as a good thing.

    “An a&m thing.” Texas A&M isnt’t a taxpayer funded entity? Ramirez isn’t a state employee? The Corps dorms are privately owned and built on private land?

    The taxpayers of Texas absolutely subsidize the aggy fake army fraternity. And, as a fraternity, should be the financial responsibility of its members, not of the taxpayers.


  15. 51 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

    I seriously don't understand how they justify to themselves continuing to wear costumes that make them look like the Brown Shirts. That getup is one of the most insanely unjustifiable symbols one could possibly dream up. What's even weirder is walking through their campus Hillel and seeing all the pictures of Jewish corps members from days gone by. The lack of self-awareness can only be described by one word:  aggy.

    Let’s not forget about “the Swastikas,” one of the “secret societies” within the aggy corps. 

    And the pic of the aggy corps member throwing the Bellamy Salute that is in one of their year books. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, Leanderman said:

     Meat judging and bass fishing do not count either.

    They do when that is all you have.

    What I think is funny is how aggy, the great military school that it is, doesn't even try to compete for the NCAA Rifle national championship. Not only does West Virginia dominate that sport, they have more NCAA championships in that one sport than aggy has in all sports combined.

    And while we are talking about military matters....

    aggy is soooo proud that 136 fake army fraternity graduates were commissioned as officers this month, the most in school history. Do the math. 136 frat members over four years is 544. Round that up to 600 to be generous with the number of fall semester grads. There are about 2,800 frat members. Just over 20% are actually going into the military. 8 in 10 of those redneck tin soldiers are just playing dress-up.

    Can someone explain again why the taxpayers are subsidizing that fucking waste of money? The parents of the frat members should be footing the bill, just like the parents of every other fraternity in the state.

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  17. 35 minutes ago, Leanderman said:

    You forgot to add the spring game wins :)

    Just my luck. Another fucking Picasso with your number skills.

     Well, let me pose you a problem mathematical.

    In September, the ags announced the fake army fraternity numbered 2,630 redneck idiots. They recently announced their senior class has a record 136 graduates commissioned as officers.

    Calculate the probability any fake army fraternity redneck is only playing dress-up and “enjoying male comaraderie.” 

  18. 5 hours ago, Vertigo said:

    Texas A&M win percentage by conference since 1915. Does this count as a historical trend? I feel like we can draw some conclusions. 

    SWC - .526

    B12 - .573

    SEC - .542



    In the S!E!C! aggy has gone 6-2, 4-4, 3-5, 4-4, 4-4, 4-4. That is 25-23 over 48 games. That is .5208, not .542

    aggy in the S!E!C! is weaker than aggy in any other conference in the history of their school.


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  19. The Higher Education Coordinating Board released their 2018 Almanac of Texas colleges and universities.

    As compared to last year, aggy enrollment is up another 2,400 students to 62,800 and they have fewer faculty members to teach them. Funding per student continues to decline. Their acceptance rate is up from 65.8% to 69.5%. The % of students in the top 10% of their class predictably fell yet again this year. Total research expenditures fell slightly.

    Meanwhile, on the 40 acres, enrollment increased by 140 students, total faculty increased slightly (UT Austin has more than 10,000 fewer students than aggy but 300 more faculty members than they do). The UT admissions rate fell, yet again. Spending per student rose, yet again (lower tuition revenue, higher state and federal funding), research spending was higher, graduation rate was higher.

    Texas A&M - quantity over quality.

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  20. I find it telling that the ags are no longer even trying to push their bullshit fantasy that Jimbo was going open a recruiting pipeline to the state of Florida. He has offers out to 26 prospects from Florida, and he is only getting a mild response from two, both three-star prospects.

    He also has 15 offers out to California kids. Not one of them is interested in aggy. Until and unless aggy can recruit nationally at a high level, they will never be able to build a competitive two-deep roster. And if he doesn't get a quality QB this cycle, he may be as screwed as Sumlin was the day after signing day 2013.

    Comparing how Herman and Jimbo are approaching this cycle is interesting. Herman has 108 offers out, 13 (12%) of which are three-star or less. Jimbo has 171 offers out, 47  three-star or less (27%).

    So far it appears Jimbo's strategy is to coach-up in-state talent and move DeMarvin Leal to quarterback. Sounds brilliant.


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