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Randolph Duke

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Randolph Duke last won the day on September 12 2018

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  1. I knew him kind of well. He hit me up to write a piece on my "23rd Aggie" from the 1922 New Year's game. He wrote his article. It made its rounds. I hadn't heard from him in well over a year. Now I know why. RIP.
  2. Health problems related to alcohol. At 53. And a lifetime Longhorn. RIP. John Nova Lomax, who documented Houston and Texas stories for decades, dies at 53 https://www.houstonchronicle.com/lifestyle/article/john-nova-lomax-writer-houston-texas-dies-18088579.php?utm_source=marketing&utm_medium=copy-url-link&utm_campaign=article-share&hash=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaG91c3RvbmNocm9uaWNsZS5jb20vbGlmZXN0eWxlL2FydGljbGUvam9obi1ub3ZhLWxvbWF4LXdyaXRlci1ob3VzdG9uLXRleGFzLWRpZXMtMTgwODg1NzkucGhw&time=MTY4NDc4ODIwOTczNw==&rid=YzVkMmE5M2QtNGU1Yy00ZmI4LWI0YzEtMjBjMjFjZGUyMTNm&sharecount=MQ== May 22, 2023 by John Lomax III, Organizer After a long hard fight in which he defied all doctor's predictions, John Nova Lomax passed away peacefully early this morning with his former wife, Kelly Graml at his side. He was in no pain at the end and slipped peacefully away to another realm. Again, thanks so very much to all 400+ people who helped keep him going this long. Back with news as we figure out next steps. May 21, 2023 by John Lomax III, Organizer Sepsis and another infection have appeared, John has been in intense pain, his kidneys have not regained function, there are no live liver cells, he has been exposed to Covid and his leg pain from his nueropathy is so bad he can hardly move his fingers and his legs feel, as he says, "like glass breaking constantly". The family has decided to, on the advice of all the attending doctors, to unplug the dialysis and blood pressure meds. He will be given more pain meds and be treated as if he was in a hospice care. Once at this point, he will drift off in a short period. There will be more updates as plans are made for ways to celebrate the life of this most remarkable writer and person. All of us want to thank you for helping us with his care over the past 10 months and please know any remaining funds after funeral and other expenses are paid, will be passed to his children. I wish our ride tog ether had come to a better ending. It's so heartwarming for us all to know over 400 people contributed to this fund to help John Nova and we thank you for your positive thoughts on John's behalf. -- John Lomax III on behalf of John Nova's family, friends and fans. Si'm sorry but I'm starting to cry now. https://www.gofundme.com/f/john-nova-lomaxs-road-to-recovery?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet
  3. For those who know about Tech and its biggest supporters, Cloyce Talbott passed yesterday. RIP, Cloyce https://www.legacy.com/funeral-homes/obituaries/name/cloyce-talbott-obituary?pid=202749260&v=batesville
  4. Drop a car off near the stadium earlier in the day, uber to the stadium, walk to the drop car after the game. Drive home. Not a tough logistics issue.
  5. The Seminoles were the only tribe to never sign a final peace treaty with the US government. They are immensely proud of that fact. They are extremely protective of their tribal identity. Tribe members have repeatedly been asked their stance on the FSU mascot issue. The tribe members have never wavered in their support of its use by the university. But you can’t bring yourself to respect the wishes of the members of the tribe. Um....ok. (Oh, and it’s not cultural appropriation if the tribe has granted permission for its use. Words have meaning, even if the people using them don’t understand their meaning)
  6. Generally speaking, the more valuable teams are able to generate sufficient revenues to meet expenses.
  7. The good thing for A&M is they can still get a number of decades of use out of those original 1951 CWS jerseys. They've hardly been worn. Nice to see they sprung for new socks this year though. Quite stylish.
  8. The Deloss model was that if from schools in Texas playing a sport there can be recruited enough talented athletes to build a nationally competitive program, that sport would be considered. Stuff like lacrosse, wrestling, etc might be played in Texas but if homegrown talent can’t reasonably be competitive for a national title in a fairly consistent basis, it wouldn’t be considered. The goal of this model was to protect the financial health of the athletics department by not funding minor sports that weren’t significant to the mission of the school which is to promote excellence. Any discussion of whether to add sports would reasonably need to start with whether the school should abandon its current operating model.
  9. When Deloss assumed his AD responsibilities the athletics budget at UT was roughly $1 mil. His model was to only participate in sports that Texas could be nationally competitive with primarily in-state students. That is how Texas came to choose its current roster of sports. Texas is still running the Deloss Dodds business model today.
  10. Coldplay at the Cotton Bowl last Friday. The new mgmt group running Fair Park is coming out the gate strong, looking to use the stadium more than one weekend a year.
  11. These are people who think College Station is beautiful country. We're talking white trash rednecks.
  12. Nope. The Figurelli conversation is about the shit that goes on around football recruiting and the depths sick individuals go to in order to influence high school kids. Figurelli is a sick individual. There is no way I'm going to let what this racist piece of shit did just slide into obscurity.
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