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Posts posted by Updawg

  1. I’ve been listening to Jeff a little bit lately when I’m in the car but he’s pretty miserable to listen to. It’s ok when Ed is on with him to a certain extent. Maybe it’s just trying to give it a shot for nostalgia reasons.

  2. Im not trying to hate but late 50s is a bit old to still be attending college

    But once he graduates he will be able to afford some bad ass cars

    I also didn’t know about whip until doing the connections the other day
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. I’m shocked that the members at Valhalla don’t have the pull to get the city and pd to back off and apologize. 

    Considering one or more of the course owners drove him from jail to the course I figured it would happen pretty quick. Especially since they obviously processed him through jail quickly.

    Wonder how much it messed with him today. Sucks because he was on such a roll
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  4. How in the world has the Louisville mayor not had a presser in which he apologizes to the PGA and Scottie yet?  It’s an absurd charade. 

    I’m amazed they haven’t dropped the charges and issued an apology by last night. Enjoy the last major at Valhalla
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  5. image.thumb.png.edfc2f8601eea580a0b84b27e6e6c107.png
    The counting the spring game as a W to get to claim 10 wins after getting your doors blown off by Cal in a bowl game is still one of my all time favorite Aggy being Aggy things. Honestly kinda respect the shamelessness…

    I believe That was the year they beat Army and Patton made his famous quote about Aggies and winning a war
    • Haha 1
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