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Posts posted by Satoshi

  1. 39 minutes ago, Dontshootrude said:

    The data supports your position.  Truthfully, I think we are making a big mistake by drawing a line in the sand with regards to vaccination and disregarding people in your situation.  If I were in charge, that official antibody test that proves that you had it and mounted an immune response against the virus should be good enough to count as "vaccinated" and you shouldn't be subject to any punitive measures.  At the very least they should only require you to get a single mRNA shot.  But it is what it is.  You'll probably need to get it, particularly if you want to travel and if the mandates end up sticking.


    There is a weird insistence on disregarding natural immunity from our government entities here. 

    Fortunately it looks like some smaller private entities are starting to realize this error. It would be nice to see it become more widespread. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, Laxtonto said:

    Corn, wheat, and beans all took a beating with the massive flooding that hit the Midwest in 2018. COVID them made many of the smaller farms fold in the US that were in duress from the previous few seasons. Now we are seeing other countries get impacted with the same level of internal chaos from a production standpoint and so we are seeing a steady climb globally. Will it continue through the winter? Who knows, but I am of the mind that it might be worth doing some serious research total sq mi of crop usage and average yields to confirm that we are just making less at a time that we are at a minimum consuming the same amount if not more. My guess is yes, and it will be partly driven by inflation and partly driven by consistent availability.

    What I am really curious is not price increases in relation to inflation but shortages and outages due to to supply chain shock. As we see a yo-yo in availability I am curious who takes the hit from the consumer and what secondary impact that will have on the market. As an example KR (Kroger) hit their all time high on the 2nd of Sept. What happens in 2 month when they just can't keep their shelves looking full because GIS (General Mills) can't keep up with production due to lack of raw inputs and labor? GIS has been on a steady slide as it is. Do they see a bigger hit in relation to the hit KR will take?

    Lots of interesting things to look at, but I got a feeling we are going to see a wild run to the end of the year.

    Speaking of Kroger, ceo sees inflation for rest of 2021 a bit higher than they predicted at beginning of year. But “still manageable”. 


  3. 19 minutes ago, Upgrayedd said:

    Can someone explain to me please why, with all the inflation boogie-men, the 10-year remains at 1.34%?

    If I had to go out on a limb I’d guess that it’s the Fed monetizing debt to the tune of $80B in treasuries a month. 

    1 hour ago, Laxtonto said:



    And the scary part is no one is really talking about the major issues we are seeing on both price increases and availability in raw food processing and production. There is already major prices increase in many raw proteins (most grocery stores are trying to mask this visually by providing smaller portions at the familiar price points) at your local grocery store. Don’t forget prior to COVID we had massive flooding in the Midwest, and we are going to keep dealing with a reduction in production, which COVID has made even worse. 

    We have already seen this in household goods (the ever shrinking number of sheets on a paper towel roll or in a box of dryer sheets as an example), but if this then happens with raw food staples the whole thing will pop at once to the average consumer and escalate in a hurry.

    I think I’m at around 15% YOY in my grocery bills the last 4 months or so, and it will get way worse before it’s going to get better.

     We can argue all we want about blame later, but all I can say is be prepared for what is coming.


    Yeah protein inflation is so high that a WH spokesman came out at a briefing and said if you exclude that actually food inflation is not that bad. If it’s being addressed specifically then you know it is bad. I’d link the video but it would be quite upsetting to some people. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, TonyTexas said:

    If you’re eating an egg and bacon BT then you’re in gringoville. Chorizo or barbacoa for the win. 


    No authentic, self respecting place will just slap a strip of bacon on scrambled eggs and roll up the tortilla. The results of this poll are troubling. How could people favor such a lazy ass method of making breakfast tacos? You have to get the flavors all mixed up. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, CleverNickname said:

    So I am to believe there is not one damn pediatrician within 100 miles of Austin who has access to pfizer vaccine, willing to tell the APA to piss off, and take my $500 cash for a age 5-11 vax? There are docs out there prescribing  bullshit ivermectin scripts, pain pill mills, and all manners of fraud. And not one doc is willing to give a shot that, apparently, has like zero risk?  

    Not sure if serious but zero risk is false. There’s a couple recent studies/surveys that show risk of myocarditis in boys specifically is higher than risk of same kids getting hospitalized with Covid. 

    As they say these are estimates, but there’s multiple coming in now at higher numbers so less likely that they’re that far off. Also add that the Uk did not approve vaccines in 12-15 year olds and it’s safe to say that the science is not settled on this. Certainly not zero risk, especially if you’re giving adult doses to small children. I’d love to see guidance adjusted to maybe one shot for young boys here. This is just common sense IMO. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 2
  6. 29 minutes ago, 3adays said:

    It’s Twitter. He posted the video, did you expect his tweet to include the entire transcript? I’m sure this Tom fella has an agenda, but I don’t necessarily think the previous infection = protection concept is “bullshit”.  Definitely needs to be looked into more. 

    I agree with you on Fauci, the dude is way too high on the fumes of stardom. 



    5 hours ago, Samson's Wig said:

    If only he had said other things after that quote.  🙄  

    Fauci needs to sit down and shut up, as he may be the worst communicator in the history of public service, but fuck Tom Elliott and anyone else simpleminded enough to spread or buy into this kind of bullshit. 

    At the end of the clip Anderson Cooper pivots to a different topic, children’s vaccinations. Unless he circled back later, he didn’t expound on it.

    The way Gupta said hey one last quick thing it makes me think it was more off the cuff and Fauci didn’t have a canned response ready, but he said what he said. 

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