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Posts posted by Satoshi

  1. 7 hours ago, Eskimohorn said:

    One side flings poop to muddy any argument, including undermining the credibility of scientists and medical experts, by using the directive “follow the science” when picking and choosing parts of science convenient at the time.

    The other side is attempting in real time to follow the science.

    The whole school drama and all its issues is probably the last place to throw out that one particular side is steadfastly following the science. 

    • Fuck You 1
  2. 22 minutes ago, DonkeyCigars said:

    Haha, but really, the indigenous brown and brown-haired people (BIPOC?) who are peeved that this singular young blonde death has America refreshing twitter but nobody cares about the other deaths in the area, have a point. It's asinine that so many people are enthralled with this.

    People are just naturally interested more in pretty blondes. They get more attention from a young age. It’s just science. 

  3. On 5/9/2021 at 10:11 PM, Neonmoon said:

    If a guy has been charged with assaulting underage girls, I’m not taking the meeting. I don’t give a shit how much money he has in the bank. 

    Bill Gates should get shit for associating with him after 2008

    Surprisingly direct questioning here and Gates doesn’t handle it well. 

    Another guy that was close with him, but has never to my knowledge been challenged on the reasons or specifics is Larry Summers. He’s one of the most prominent establishment economic “experts” around. Always on Tv and taken very seriously, but was close friends with Epstein. 

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  4. 42 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    Has he finally seen the error of his ways? Nah. New tactic. 


    39 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Wait.....NOW you're concerned about shitty nominees for district court seats?  What, praytell, caused you to suddenly decide this issue is worthy of your attention, now, today?

    I can't wait to hear about how you suddenly found religion on this topic after the past 4+ years.

    The tweet was shared by a liberal lawyer I follow. I don’t get into the weeds of the legal system. I just thought she was a uniquely terrible person and it was worth sharing to bring attention to it. Like I said, I doubt Biden has a clue about it. 

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  5. 10 hours ago, Helobious said:

    @fattyflattie  your ideal prison conditions seem pretty counterintuitive to me. I don’t think being locked in a sweltering building with no entertainment at all with a bunch violent men is a good recipe for a well-adjusted individual upon release. It would also make it a wildly more dangerous place for the prisoners & guards.

    Talk to an ex con sometime and ask him about his TV. They REALLY cherish that shit. TVs are purchased off commissary so they’re a money maker for the prison. They also offer windows into the outside world that I would argue are very healthy for prisoners, more so than most books even. They allow them to keep up with and actually see pop culture, current events, news, and technology. All incredibly vital things to anyone that will be a part of society. 

    A member of my wife’s family did a 3 year stretch a while back in federal prison in Fort Worth. They didn’t have their own TVs but you sure as shit didn’t touch the main TV in their joint living space. The top 2 shows always cracked me up. One was obvious, one not. 

    Prison Break and American Idol. 

    • Fuck You 1
  6. 1 minute ago, cactusflinthead said:

    What? Do you employ visa workers? Got family in Del Rio?

    You seem to think this is new. As if Mexico just now existed. Where the fuck do you think I live? 

    You don't give a shit about anything but your own. 

    Fuck off.

    Where do you live?  I’d bet I have at least the border connections you do. Like i said, a certain amount of this stuff is normal and expected. In the past year we’ve gone way past that and anyone denying that is doing it for self serving reasons. 

    • Fuck You 2
  7. 5 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Sample size of 300. 

    You’re right. It’s probably the sample size, not the conditions on the ground. 

    We’ve had a massive influx of illegals coming across the entire year. People that live on the border and are used to illegals crossing are overwhelmed by what’s going on. I would bet my last dime that every person on this thread that acts like this is no big deal is far removed from what’s going on.




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  8. 6 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    No, the guy whose tweet you're quoting that's doing the nice cherrypicking is an author for the alt-right conspiracy rag the Federalist and was the rapid response director for Spanish-language media on trump's re-election campaign.


    It's more that you're just coming around to only amplify the parts that appear to be politically damaging to Biden.


    Which as I said before, is a big upgrade from trying to convince people to not vaccinate their kids. So good to see your growth, comrade.

    The numbers are the numbers whether you think they’re “cherry picked” or not. They’re relevant to this thread. They’re also not surprising at all to anyone with any connection to the parts of Texas near the border. 

    • Fuck You 1
  9. 44 minutes ago, DonkeyCigars said:

    Are the Haitians claiming political amnesty or whatever the term is where they are appealing to the risk of life and limb due to the dangers of their country? Maybe stemming from political destabilization due to the Haitian president's assassination a few months ago?

    I think having tons of black, French-speaking people trying to pour in and raising a lot of visibility is going to raise the ire of the latinos at the border and illegal mexicans around that way, and so you'll see this handled in a more politically strident manner than if it were the traditional hispanic/latino situation at the border.



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  10. 39 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    Maybe this is some make privelege talking, but I can never understand how guys with toothpick arms like him can manipulate & abuse women. Sure weapons mean anyone can kill anyone but I just don’t get how you get stuck in an abusive relationship with someone that probably benches 125. 

    They find women with low, or non existent, self esteem. They are easy to manipulate. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. On 9/14/2021 at 11:41 PM, Anastasis said:

    Hormonal contraception never really agreed with my wife. Vasectomy was an easy call for us after we sufficiently propagated our genetics. 

    Imagine making your wife take exogenous hormone regimens for years because you’re too big of a pussy to have a vasectomy. 

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