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Posts posted by CptnJiggleBits

  1. I'm so excited about the versatility the stepbrother and Roschon backfield bring.  Having two on the field and being able to split any of them out gives us a miss match with any personnel package a defense puts on the field. We can damn near go from run heavy formations to five wide with the same personnel on the field.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, hiphopfroggyII said:

    There are certainly plenty of Frog fans asking for him to retire. He has accomplished a lot more at TCU than beating UT a few times however which would seemingly make it difficult for him to get pushed out. Putting up a statue of him while he was still actively coaching was a mistake. Seems to have been a curse. 

    Good likeness thoughimages.jpeg-12.jpg.f2dc84346091d8e573c603fdcfdd99c0.jpg 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 6
  3. 2 hours ago, hiphopfroggyII said:

    Dang guys I'm getting taken to the woodshed just for showing up? Do you guys not like visitors coming to your site?

    It's that yall are next in line of the irate 8 Fuck You and Well.. Bye tour. Shortly from now the Horns shall deliver a rightful ass whooping the likes of which has never been seen before.

    We will rape de horses! Ride off on de womens! Then we will prune de hedges and yall can't do shit about it.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Jiggy-Z said:

    No.  Most redneck thing was killing a hog with a plastic shard from a Larry the Cable guy VCR tape and then cooking the hog with Confederate money.

    Needed you a couple weeks ago!

  5. 9 minutes ago, Jiggy-Z said:

    No.  Most redneck thing was killing a hog with a plastic shard from a Larry the Cable guy VCR tape and then cooking the hog with Confederate money.

    Aww yes, that ol' chestnut. Happens

  6. 4 minutes ago, Jiggy-Z said:

    11 AM is the correct answer.

    Arrive at the fair before 9AM eat and drink as much as you can.

    Find the secret cheap wax cup beer kiosk. 


    ..and remember to pack your comfortable game shoes....one year I packed in the morning on Friday, went to work until noon and then headed up to Dallas, only to find on Saturday morning that I forgot my running shoes.  The forecast for the day was unseasonably warm so I wore shorts with my lace up construction boots and my UT shirt.  I was a sight to behold.   2nd most redneck thing I have ever done.  Texas lost badly.

    Does the 1st most redneck thing involve a good looking cousin, because that might require pics. You know, rules and everything.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Kennythetiger said:

    I read your post in George Clooney's monologue voice here:


    George Clooney huh? NTTIAWWT

    But my head movies had Charlize Theron voice and threw the corbdogs and beer in the shower. 

  8. Apologize?! Fucking apologies?! We don't need no stinking apologies!! Did the Germans apologize after they bombed pearl harbor!!

    If this isnt the biggest bag over the head punch in the face I ever got! GAW DAMN IT!!

    Oh oh! It's good It's good! It's good!

    Ohhh.. Hey!  You know what I want? I want this poster brought over here. I want em brought over here from their nice decade+ slumber with Polonsky and them other fucks over at Belmont,San Jacinto and Melody  Iane. I want em brought right here with a great big ribbon on his head!

    I want to look him in the eye and tell em what a cheap, no-good, lying, rotten, four flushing, lowlife, snake licking, dirt eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat ass, bug-eyed, stiff legged, worm-headed, sack of monkey shit he is!!!! Hallelujah!! Holy Shiit!!! Where's the Tylenol?!!

    "Let your damn nuts hang!"

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