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Everything posted by Razorbackkid

  1. I got nothing. 😄 That is truly atocious .
  2. This coming Saturday is all that matters. When you lose in our shithole you can buy plenty of paper towels to wipe your tears at our local Walmart on your way home. If you win we still suck. If you lose....oh boy. They sell tampons at Walmart too.
  3. Throw a 10 inch beard on that fellow and substract 15 years and that resembles me a little bit. Good job.
  4. Just messin' around guys. Serious though....didn't your #1 qb get hurt Saturday?
  5. Some of you folks seem to be a bit touchy. Let's start over. Texas Sucks.
  6. Stuck here in Alabama. Was born not far from Batesville though. Yes, backwoods for sure, even here in Alabama.
  7. Don't be mad folks. I hate orange too.
  8. I hope you guys actually show up. Expect a penalty for wearing those awful uniforms if you do show up.
  9. The Hogs are gonna whip that ass. Get prepared for it.
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