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Make em eat Taco Bell

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Everything posted by Make em eat Taco Bell

  1. meanwhile Google fires everybody https://apnews.com/article/google-israel-protest-workers-gaza-palestinians-96d2871f1340cb84c953118b7ef88b3f Google fired at least 20 more workers in the aftermath of protests over technology the company is supplying the Israeli government amid the Gaza war, bringing the total number of terminated staff to more than 50, a group representing the workers said. It’s the latest sign of internal turmoil at the tech giant centered on “Project Nimbus,” a $1.2 billion contract signed in 2021 for Google and Amazon to provide the Israeli government with cloud computing and artificial intelligence services. Workers held sit-in protests last week at Google offices in New York and Sunnyvale, California. The company responded by calling the police, who made arrests. The group organizing the protests, No Tech For Apartheid, said the company fired 30 workers last week — higher than the initial 28 they had announced. Then, on Tuesday night, Google fired “over 20” more staffers, “including non-participating bystanders during last week’s protests,” said Jane Chung, a spokeswoman for No Tech For Apartheid, without providing a more specific number. “Google’s aims are clear: the corporation is attempting to quash dissent, silence its workers, and reassert its power over them,” Chung said in a press release. “In its attempts to do so, Google has decided to unceremoniously, and without due process, upend the livelihoods of over 50 of its own workers.”
  2. that's seriously disturbing video
  3. anyone have a video/audio of any "antisemitic chants"?
  4. because you don't know anything on the core topic, but good responses on Abbot's reaction on this thread.
  5. they have not, and they are quite good. I'll be happy to entertain anyone on any point. Mods -- keep CR out of it! This thread is 100% CR though, which I find entertaining.
  6. i need to have some really good reasons to back up that point of view. A One State solution, a common idea, isn't preferred by Israel because too many Arabs , but if Gaza is excluded (also a common idea in the context of OSS) - Israel will more likely absorb the idea. This is very plausible because 2 states is seriously absurd, keep kicking the can down the road (ie Arab suffering continues) and the Jews don't want a Palestinian Arab state next to them AT ALL. Nor will Israel ever respect a "Palestine" in the same way they do the sovereignty of Jordan or Egypt. So the 2 state thing is becoming a sadistic and evil narrative, plays into the Zionist propaganda very easily, meaning "we can't find a partner for peace!". I think you understand that. so then what to do with Gaza if OSS sans Gaza is implemented? Status quo no man's land forever? Keep in mind the population has tripled since 1982 and may double again in the next 30 years. What is the future for them? Nothing. Best to leave. It's the humanitarian thing to do, despite the overblown optics of "ethnic cleansing". Truly the perfect plan. Everyone gets a better life and this crazy conflict is over.
  7. the US had dealt with 'terrorist groups' long before 1996, many in the 1980s - Abu Nidal the Palestinian was one of the most notorious. These were several loosely defined bad guys, Hamas wasn't included until much later. Secondly ethnic cleansing =/= voluntary migration for a better life. I'm glad you are paying attention to my posts , I don't remember anything particular about yours.
  8. not wrong at all. thanks for the google effort too. I knew my stuff off hand, off by a couple years, but still prime.
  9. so i was off by a couple of years. Big deal. Keep scratching.
  10. Neris is laughing so much. Tied for 3rd worst in all baseball.
  11. hey the sanctions on the wildass Israeli settlers are working! https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-22/ty-article/.premium/far-right-ben-gvir-advisor-sanctioned-by-u-s-tries-to-get-gas-finds-credit-card-blocked/0000018f-0507-d6a0-a9ef-c59f80130000 Far-right Advisor to Ben-Gvir Sanctioned by U.S. Tries to Get Gas, Finds Credit Card Blocked Bentzi Gopstein was placed on the Biden administration's list of extremists subject to sanctions, along with the far-right group he leads, over the weekend. The card company must adhere to the law as it relates to him and act accordingly, says issuer CAL
  12. Hamas was founded in 1987 and was officially put on the US terror list in 1995. In the 8 year span they blew up many buses, killing hundreds of Israeli Jews. So why the long wait to be on the terror list? Makes on wonder who is directing whom.
  13. or 2 atomic bombs murdering over 100,000 innocent civilians.
  14. of course the creators of Zionism, European Ashkenazi Jews, formed Israel and are still the dominant political force (see Netanyahu's family). The Sephardic / Mizrahi arrived much later, as did the Ethiopian Jews.
  15. the argument is that Hamas wants to kill Jews because and only because Hamas is antisemitic. This is incorrect and by far the biggest misconception of the Arab-Israel conflict, by far #1. Hamas is basically the remnants of the 1948 Arab ideology of wiping Israel off the map, but keep in mind that was from non-Islamist regimes bordering Israel, in fact Egypt/Syria were under Soviet Influence, Jordan was monarchy. It's not based on anti-semitism or even Islamic fundamentalism why Arabs hate/kill Jews. It's simply because Jews are the enemy. Not too hard is it?
  16. Let's go over your rookie mistakes 1. I am not in Iran 2. Jews are the enemy but they are not the enemy because they are Jews 3. antisemitism isn't the root cause of this entire conflict 4. rookies think I'm trolling, because they are woefully ignorant of the basics, the truth comes as a shock to them. They have to think over their entire knowledge which is based on incorrect presumptions. 5. no, Muslims do not want to kill Jews on "general principle" . Guess what? they lived together for centuries without this animosity until Zionism showed up. You really don't know anything at all, but I am here to help you in this journey.
  17. or study for 40 years. How about you?
  18. hahaha, no I don't live in Iran. Damn man you are so frothing with anger you can't read straight. Pal kids do hate Israel because the the mass murder imposed on them , especially in Gaza from 1967-2005. Again it's political. After all the Jews are the enemy , not the Bhutanese tribal people, did you know that?
  19. i'm completely right. Very few of you have the perspective of the Arab position, but stupidly blame anti-semitism which is wholly inaccurate. Hamas wasn't even formed until 1987 , previously Arafat was the ruler and still was until his death in 2005 , shortly thereafter Hamas took Gaza. It's NEVER been about anti-semitism . Never ever, yet rookies think I am making a mistake. Rookies have strength in numbers though, and this is one of the better political forums in the entire internet (I've been on about 75). Sad really. I made the same mistake when I was younger, the guilt shaming of so called "Jew hatred", but that does not exist in the classic anti-semitic form. Yes, Arabs hate Jews, cannot be denied, but they don't hate Jews simply because they are Jews. Turks and Kurds hate each other, again it's about territory. It happens. Don't read more into that, it's actually simple.
  20. lolz, it's all about land and fighting the invading Zionists. Simple really. Yes, they hate Jews because of what they did to them , which btw is a lot worse than the relatively minor Pearl Harbor attack which cause massive hatred of the Japs. Jew hatred arises out of political events. Jews are the enemy but they are not the enemy simply because they are Jews (your incorrect mindset). Jews are doing business in many Muslim lands and like I said even live in Iran. You are a rookie but you have lots of company.
  21. 1. It's the biggest misundestanding BY FAR and you keep making the rookie mistake, but you are not alone, so find comfort in that. Oh my dear, it is ALL about geographic encroachment, not anti-semitism at all. 2. see#1 the continued encroachment is still the cause and in fact the 2 state solution is dead because the Jews don't want to fall back to "their" lands. Many of you have to discard this idea of "Jew hatred" , "antisemitism". It's absolutely ZERO. Let me dumb it down for you: America did not fight Japan because of racial hatred of Asian people. Make sense? edit: just read your silliness about Iran. Did you know Iran still has a few thousand Jews, mostly inTehran? They could easily kill them all. It's not about antisemitism my dude. Zero. I know it's very deep in people's head, i had that same error years ago, but gradually the epiphany will come.
  22. hating the entire state of Israel and all its people is STILL not anti-Semitism, not from the Arab point of view. It's because they are not Arab, that's all. People get the Holocaust in their brain and can't let go.
  23. not exactly true and true anti Zionism isn't Holocaust 2. This mistake , which you also have made, is BY FAR the most common misunderstanding on this topic. At the core of this entire thing is Arab sovereignty vs. Jewish encroachment onto the native Arab population. This has evolved into a few other directions but anything else is a misunderstanding which Israel is happy to exploit.
  24. they could support the much smaller non-religious PFLP , which at one time was lead by a Palestinian Christian, and killed many Israeli Jews.
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