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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by BoomMF

  1. I was surprised to see that actually. Your posts have been 1-for-1 identical to my opinions, here and other threads. But if you cut me, I might bleed a little Danish dude and some Californians.


    What I think this means is that we need to find where you hid jimmyjazz's body and seek justice for his restless soul.





  2. Sweetwater has a B-stock Marshall DSL40C for $400.  That's a lot of juice for not much dinero.  Hotrod it with a Creamback or Vintage 30 (I put a Creamback in mine, doesn't even need the C19 mod) and you'll be in Marshall bliss.


    Also also wik,

    Ever since Deej hipped us to the Deluxe Custom (I always just assumed it was a vanilla silverface reissue) I've been trying to find one to demo and finally did today.  Man, what a great amp. Hmm...

  3. Man, Celery, that 86 is nails.

    I fired up the DSLR and lights for this pic (posted in the other thread too), I need to take good pics of the others too.

    2017 Les Paul Standard HP in Blueberry Burst


    • Like 2
  4. Apparently he just did a show in Memphis, got bit by the Elvis bug, and on his way through Nashville sat in with a band at Tootsie's and sang That's Alright Momma. That's alright with me.

  5. TPCast for my Oculus arrived this morning and by noon I installed OpenTPCast. The standard firmware worked fine, but the dropped frames every so often were annoying. With OpenTPCast those drops are all but nonexistent. Since I got the TPCast on sale through their website, the added expense of OpenTPCast brought the whole shebang back to regular price. 
    After playing for the last few hours I can honestly say that the upgrade to the experience of going wireless is greater than the upgrade of adding the Touch controllers, and adding the Touch controllers was a massive upgrade.
    Wireless quality VR brings us a significant step closer to realizing VR's potential. I'm well impressed.

  6. Spring cleaning time!

    I set up the corner of my music room to be a cleaning/setup station.  I think I have everything I need to do a lot of damage, right down to the Big Bends Nut Sauce.


    I'm trying out some of this stuff for the first time, but everything was purchased with the infallible strategy of reading a bunch of random amateur reviews.  What could go wrong? My first victim was the Les Paul Standard HP. Go big or go home.

    I was most concerned that the Music Nomad FRINE fret polishing set did a good job of protecting the rosewood because I have a lot of rosewood that needs some tender loving.


    Side note: The 2017 line of Gibson HP guitars are pound for pound the most beautiful line of guitars ever produced by man.  Google it.  The science holds up.

    The whole operation took about 2 hours, but about an hour of that was waiting for the robotuner's battery to charge after dying halfway through.  So I YouTube'd while it charged because I'm not winding them by hand like a neanderthal.

    Now I have to go watch a vid on how to change the strings on a Floyd Rose because I forgot how to do that shit.

    • Like 1
  7. Ours might be the most musically educated generation in the history of man, or maybe even woman. Anecdotally speaking, my parents and my friends' parents are nowhere near as musically diverse as my friends and I. I wonder if my kids and their friends add to or subtract from that...

  8. Team Post Malone.

    I'm not in high school anymore so I couldn't care less if he's a poser or not, I just dig his music. By his interviews he seems like a chill likable dude too. Check out his Hot Ones interview, funny stuff.

  9. On 5/6/2018 at 11:54 PM, BoomMF said:

    But with the state of modern music I doubt that, despite the times being ripe for political commentary, we'll get a decent or compelling document of this era for future generations to create threads to discuss the merits of the music in the way we are doing it here.

    The music is letting these kids down. #getoffmylawn

    And then This Is America dropped.

    Hope springs eternal.

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