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Chad Fuck

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Posts posted by Chad Fuck

  1. That's the other thing I learned.  No matter how awesome you may be, there's someone as good or better, waiting in the wings to get your gig.  Then it becomes about who you know and personalities.

    It's a hard way to make a living.  It has to be a labor of love.  

  2. JJ - I spent two years at UNT before transferring down to UT.  Bruce Hall was the musicians dorm, and at that time, it didn't have air conditioning.  I had to walk by it every day for class and I ate at the cafeteria there.  At all hours, you'd hear the best damn music you ever heard wafting out of the dorm windows because they were all open.

    Now Bruce has a/c, the windows are closed, and though I've heard some muffled noise coming out on subsequent visits to Denton, it's just not the same. 

    I'm sure the music students there are still killer musicians though.  That's where I learned that it was OK to keep playing/practicing for fun, because I didn't have that kind of natural talent.  I was just never going to catch up to those guys.  

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  3. 11 minutes ago, Bogeywon said:

    Yes you got your avatar picture back! Now this place starting to look like home

    Fo sho.  All thanks to Atom Heart Bevo for that.

  4. So I made my first trip with Chad Jr. to the Guitar Center because he's taking piano lessons (as previously discussed) and I wanted to price some keyboards.  

    We walked out with this for $129:



    It's a surprisingly snappy little nylon stringed job that Jr. is almost big enough to get around.  I'm rather impressed for the price that it's a clean playing instrument straight out of the box.  

  5. 3 hours ago, South Austin said:

    Hope you find it. You won't be the same Chad Fuck to us without it.

    Avatar check.  How about this guy?  He seems to have the proper requisites:

    1. Mullet

    2. Thin moustache

    3. Tuxedo

    4.  Grinning like he just fucked your sister.

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