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Chad Fuck

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  1. Necessity being the mother of invention and all.
  2. This is so cool. When those songs are distilled to their basics and it’s like sitting around a campfire, the greatness is made plain. Awesome.
  3. I have no doubt of everything you are saying and that it is true. I also have no doubt that's why western aviation safety standards are higher, and less lethal, than eastern ones. It seems we are talking past one another. I'm not trying to speak to the general attitudes of the maintenance crews towards flight safety. Rather, I'm saying that it is well known that deferred, sub-par maintenance leads to higher rates of aviation accidents. Even when you are dealing with a robustly designed system where the window of tolerances isn't narrow. In short, even with simple aircraft systems, if you don't maintain them, the chance of them killing you goes up.
  4. Yeah, as a long time aviator from a family of aviators, I can tell you that while I appreciate conceptually what you are saying, the trail of blood spilled in aviation following this kind of thinking is long, wide and deep. A Tupolev is not a tractor, and the support/supply chain provided by Boeing (despite recent misses) is amazing. Nevertheless, let's hope the Russians adhere to this concept.
  5. Plus they're so damned old it has to be difficult maintaining them.
  6. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/25/opinion/china-us-military-south-china-sea.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb
  7. Unlikely. Seems more like PRC pushing the envelope again. There was a NYT opinion piece about confronting PRC today but I won’t post here. I’ll put it in the China thread. It was on point though.
  8. I don’t recall this happening with the PRC before though. I think that’s new.
  9. I love fun stage wear and man that is so much fun. Now all you need is a 59 LP and a Marshall stack to go with.
  10. She's dealt with gangsters before.
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