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Burnt Ends
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sidis last won the day on July 12 2022

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  1. it's actually three posts above your original question. the teleprompter appears to be in tact. at the end of the day, i wish everyone would cut it out with the q-anon level bullshit around this. it wasn't a pr stunt, people died, dipshit was truly in harm's way and regardless of whether it was a bullet graze or a some sort of shrapnel, it really doesn't matter. trump leveraging it and gqp dipshits pretending it's some politically motivated leftist plot to take him out are pathetic, but acting like conspiracy idiots on this just helps keep it in the cycle.
  2. what are some examples of the values that made us so god damn good to begin with that have been lost and what do you believe a vote for trump will do to help restore them?
  3. i am picturing the galaxy brains that were sitting around the computer editing this with a self-satisfied sense of "yep, this thing is done, how awesome is this? let's put it up." i have tried to think of something equally cringey as this unbelievably dumb shit and i genuinely can't recall anything at the moment.
  4. i went to the surly tailgate before the wyoming debacle with 4th&five, his wife, and my wife. my wife has no idea this place exists and is highly confused as to what's going on. i hand immamac a hundred bucks and grab some brisket (which to this day i am still amazed that imma could make such a tasty brisket) and booze and linger around the edges. my wife, confused, asks me wtf is going on and so i tell her all these people congregate on the internet and call each other dipshits over inconsequential banalities and occasionally lose their minds over sports. i point to imma and add that he administrates the site and that's why i handed him the money. anyway, my wife, who is recovering from growing up in an adventist family says "you know, for a guy that fancies himself as having a fairly enlightened perspective on the history of christianity, i find it pretty amusing that you are apparently loosely part of a congregation of idiots that are led by jesus christ himself." i chortled. but yes, the economy is humming while at the same time, is not egalitarian in the distribution of the benefits. both are completely true.
  5. the last seven posts in this thread are absolutely glorious and a perfect encapsulation of surly. i literally lol'd at the exchange. well done all around, gents. every last one of you is getting a hookem from me.
  6. pretty sure danny carey uses at least some paiste 2002s as well.
  7. when i got the core set last year, i went ahead and bit the bullet and just got all Ks for hihat, ride, and two crashes (you can see them all in the pix above). i added a little zild splash and it really makes me appreciate how awesome those Ks are. whenever i finally give up on being a good drummer and am ready to unload the set, i will send them to you. but i will require backstage passes to their grammy debut.
  8. i see what you are saying looking at this pic. there's just no way i can do that with the 8x10 with the current hardware setup without putting all my cymbals except the ride to the left of kick drum which would be a little weird. will try this set up for a hot minute though...and i have moved the snare back since snapping that pic. but no traditional grip here.
  9. while i don't share hagbard's passion for responding to a proposed itinerary by performing due diligence for a merger of multi-national corporations...i would say that i agree that the itinerary is ambitious and that your kids better be the kind that enjoy time in the car. we tend to think of something 90 miles away as an hour and a half drive. that's not quite how it works traversing scotland. feels like maybe one of your spots between ft. augustus and edinburgh should get the kick. if you aren't playing st. andrews, then probably a better time to be had skipping it but you do you. if you are in chill mode in ireland the preceding week, then maybe not too bad. but that is a lot of go-go-go that you better be confident the other four travelers are down for.
  10. overall theme correct. it blows my mind how much the misogyny comes out and what gets judged. i have an aunt who is a fucking democrat mayor of a town and the most ultra-feminist, progressive person and her response to my pointing out sunday that kamala had to be the one unless you want to lose atlanta, philly, pittsburgh, detroit, and milwaukee was "she needs voice lessons, her voice bugs me." wtf, bitch? that said, i do believe that ron's inability to function like a normal person and all these weird android trying to pass as a human displays of awkwardness completely halted and destroyed his momentum...a kind of slow burn howard dean.
  11. I will give cruser’s way a test drive.
  12. truly one of the dumbest constructed scenes of all time. they let the mob overtake everything and then poof, these two slight women just bust free of the mob and run into an empty alley when they were previously surrounded by hundreds of people. okay.
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