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Humble Beast

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Posts posted by Humble Beast

  1. 8 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    Folks, this is what someone living in a world devoid of truth sounds like. Narratives.

    The lab leak is a conspiracy theory. 

    The vaccine stops transmission. 
    The laptop was an illegally obtained hack. 
    Getting the new booster is beneficial. 
    Inflation is transitory. 

    The list goes on. Narratives, spin. Whatever you want to call it. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. 38 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    Every day that passes reveals just how squishy Elon's ethics are

    You’re just discovering that?


    50 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    What does this Elon/twitter story signify to you? Why are you personally invested in it?

    A primary method of official information and narrative dissemination has been hijacked. “Build your own social network”. So some guy bought a big one. Histrionics have ensued. I think it’s all pretty amusing. I’m very aware of Elon’s moral failings. I don’t support him in all his endeavors, but I think Twitter succeeding as a more neutral platform would be a net positive. 

    52 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    Based on your arguments here you don't seem capable of grasping nuance so I intentionally try to avoid any and speak bluntly.

    As a both sider I’m pretty accustomed to nuance.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, Chopper said:

    Not to mention the performance was led by Matt Taibbi who has either lost his marbles or is being paid by Russia, along with Greenwald. The dude has zero cred. He's like a not-ready-for-tv Fox news commentator.

    I hate to break it to you cause I know some douchebag got your hopes up, but Elmo is a sociopathic liar.

    So if Twitter supposedly put its thumb on the scale unethically or by mistake to influence an election merely by trying to keep outright lies off its platform, what was the National Enquirer doing in 2015 and 2016 when they were going around the country buying stories about bad behavior by Dotard, and then burying it under the lock of a NDA and an exclusivity agreement. The Enquirer later admitted to such behavior.



    What about Bari Weiss? Is she controlled by the Russians too?

    • Fuck You 4
  4. But, muh advertisers. 

    15 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Second, this feels like yet another case of Musk hearing about something for the first time, and because he thinks he’s brilliant, he believes if he didn’t hear about it before now, then nobody else has heard about it.

    This may be true. I can cite a bitcoin specific example of Elon doing this recently.  When he picked up on Dogecoin, he discovered the blockchain scaling debate like it was 2017 and these things hadn’t already been settled by the market. He sounded like a total dumbass. He’s since moved on. Maybe he does the same here. Who knows?


    2 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    We (including you) as a community bailed on Shaggy when ownership changed.

    didn’t see you sticking around Shaggy, trying to make it work with the new owner.  Why is that?  Almost sounds like you wanted Shaggy to die and a viable alternative to pop up.


    What are you talking about? I like it here. That’s a dumb comparison. 

    • Fuck You 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Loch Ness Monster said:

    Read that Matt Taibbi chain and it was pretty boring.

    Still trying to figure out why anyone should care about Hunters penis or what the crime being alleged or gotcha moment is. Maybe I'm missing something. 

    Twitter suppressed a news story about their preferred Presidential candidate just before the election. They went so far as to lock out the Press Secretary of POTUS because she tweeted it out. They didn’t want a fully informed electorate. It’s being called a nothingburger even though this is the exact reason people on this thread are so upset about Elon buying Twitter. They believed the proper people had this power. Now they don’t.  

    The real concerns here have nothing to do with “hate speech”. They want Twitter to die and a viable alternative to pop up so they can regain this power that is rightfully theirs. It’s really simple.  

    They claim there’s more to follow. We’ll see. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. 28 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    He dinner on E 7th last night. Sitting at the light at 35 waiting to turn. Next to that dumpy-ass sketchy Shell station…which has a sign on the window that says “buy Bitcoin here.”
    1 - that’s how you know something has peaked: when you can buy it at a shitty gas station. I remember when gas stations and truck stops started selling Beanie Babies at the peak of that craze….telling us it was over.
    2 - the only things you should be able to buy at gas stations are a) slim Jims, b) chips, c) sodas and beer, and d) various unhealthy fried items if you’re lucky enough to hit a station with a deep fryer. Not fucking Bitcoin.
    3 - if a gas station is advertising it for sale, it’s not money. It’s a scam.

    Keep on keeping on, crypto bros.

    Oh, and you can still find Beanie Babies for sale at all the finest truck stops and gas stations. They’re just not sold as an investment vehicle. Crypto will be the same, sooner or later.

    You make some great points, except there’s been widespread bitcoin ATMs since at least 2017. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Hefeweizen said:

    I’m beginning to think we shouldn’t vote for Hunter’s dong to be president.


    33 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:



    30 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Well, I’m seeing the MAGAs refer to this as Elon revealing the massive election interference that was happening under our noses.

    Because hunter’s dong, or something. What a stupid timeline.


    19 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:


    Are you still talking about Hunter’s dong?

    Y’all appear to be the ones obsessed with it. Go take a cold shower. 

    • Fuck You 2
  8. 6 hours ago, 956 Worldwide said:






    2 hours ago, wildcat09 said:

    Mearsheimer refusing to discuss this in his second Chotiner interview was pretty telling.

    He addresses that in the interview I posted. 



    • Fuck You 6
  9. 51 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Then he's a fucking moron if he thinks the West will back down

    I don’t know, but do you see the whole world deciding to blow itself up over Ukraine? I don’t. You have a lot invested in this, but you have to think reasonably. 

    Basically all the hawks like yourself underestimate the consequences of pushing a great power to the brink. 

    50 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Nukes. He is concerned about nukes. Ok, we all are. If Putin launches something we will be ready to kick his ass.

    Kick his Ass! Calm down keyboard warrior, you’re going to get us incinerated while you’re mowing a lawn. 

    I’m glad you’re not in charge. You’re arguing against the realist view. You would risk global nuclear war over Ukraine. I wouldn’t. That’s straight up regarded. Give me a break. 

    • Fuck You 13
  10. 14 minutes ago, StassneyHorn said:

    There is  0 chance he watched it himself

    Of course I did. He’s worth listening to. He warned pretty clearly about the disaster that was brewing with Russia/Ukraine. Plus he has a nice, grandfatherly cadence to his speech that I find easy to listen to. 

    1) He reiterates how preventable this was. 

    2) At this point there’s no viable diplomatic solution. Ukraine will want territory back. Russian non starter. Russia will want guaranteed Ukrainian status as “neutral” state. Only possible with security guarantees from nato/US thus effectively Nato state. Non starter. 

    3) Nuclear weapons on the table. Paradoxically, the better Ukraine and allies do, the more likely that nukes come into play. Ukraine without nukes has no deterrence. If great power has poor options they take extreme measures.  Cited Pearl Harbor and also our dropping nukes on Japan. His opinion, challenged pretty strongly by the interviewer, is that Russian use of any nuke on Ukrainian territory would likely result in West standing down. We’d realize that it means more to them than us and not worth thermonuclear war. He feels this risk is underplayed.

    4) Believes China should be our focus. They are peer competitor so there’s a different calculus. Where he sees Ukraine as not a core strategic interest, believes we should strongly defend Taiwan. Thinks we have to defend against China having regional hegemony in Asia like we own the Western Hemisphere. 


    Muh it’s too long I need sound bites  


    • Fuck You 8
  11. 1 hour ago, Dahobbs said:

    There is more in the link. The general idea of getting away from the blame game is a good one. But, doing so in a way that completely ignores culpable conduct is actually a failure to appropriately address how to "fix this problem" since it ignores root cause analysis necessary to prevent the problem in the future. 

    Here’s another passage. 

    “Fried's writing ties into her family's belief in "effective altruism", a movement that uses calculations to understand how people can use their time, money, and resources to best help others, with a focus on the ends of an individual's actions justifying the means of getting there.”


    2 hours ago, Parliament said:

    1) Crypto was so new and so awesome that nobody asked questions.  Didn't wanna sound like an "old boomer yelling at clouds."

    2) He did lotsa charity stuff, including with some media outlets.  May have impacted their impartiality.

    3) Without going all CR, he gave money to both political parties.



    2 hours ago, Hefeweizen said:

    Why is this guy being treated with kid gloves?  It is straight up theft.  I am puzzled by our treatment of white collar crime.  Giving the guy a platform to spin his bullshit is unbelievable.

    He gave a lot of money to people and entities. I’m not a lawyer. Is there a difference in clawing back money in bankruptcy if loss was due to catastrophic levels of incompetence vs fraud? If so maybe that’s why it’s being pushed that it “just went bad”. 

    Now let me pull out my tinfoil hat from under my desk…

    I think given the offshore, unregulated nature of his exchange, it’s a given that they were utilized for large scale money laundering, shuffling funds around the world.  The most common domicile of their account holders was the Cayman Islands. It’s quite possible that whoever was doing that, doesn’t want it more fully exposed by a criminal investigation. Could it be criminals, governments, both? I’m a little surprised he hasn’t been Epstein’d. 

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