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Posts posted by Augustus

  1. 2 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Im conjuring up fight memories and trying to see whether I think 8 punches is a lot.  Kind of depends how well the punches were thrown and landed.


    And it seems that those injuries are consistent with that type of car wreck as well as being punched out and probably don't support "serious bodily injury" and a felony.


    It does seem to be a highly inappropriate reaction to an accidental car wreck.

    I hit a very, very large cow on a dark farm road doing at least 60mph.  Utterly destroyed the vehicle I was driving.

    Airbag gave me a nice pop but I had no visible injuries whatsoever.

    Don't know anything about the jeep that dude was driving, but it's possible to smash into something and not getting anything but an airbag burn.

  2. On 7/19/2018 at 2:14 PM, stork642 said:

    So the players went from a coach who coddled them and was their best friend to a coach who doesn't kiss their ass and demands accountability.  Wow, color me shocked that they were making negative comments on snapchat.  

    Wasn't this precisely what was said about Strong?  No more bitch-assedness/developer Strong/the purge/etc etc?



  3. 30 minutes ago, Vito Andolini said:

    I haven’t seen it (need to), but Adam McKay is responsible for both, so it makes sense he uses people he knows and appreciates. 

    Strong’s Kendall so wants to be The Man, but he can’t get there in his professional or personal life. Even the web content company owner in Ep 1 made him his bitch. I won’t be surprised if he succumbs to his addictions again.

    Yeah, The Big Short is definitely worth your time.

  4. On 6/29/2018 at 12:02 AM, Vito Andolini said:

    I seem to be alone, but I’m loving this show. It’s incredibly watchable and the hours fly by. Some shows stay on my DVR a while, but we’re happy to be caught up with this one.

    The oddballs are nuanced and funny. Despite being a top executive in a worldwide conglomerate,Tom is insecure, happy to have a punching bag in Greg, who is also his only confidant. Meanwhile, Zelig-like Greg rockets from vomitous fired amusement park mascot to an insider to all the dirty secrets in the span of a couple weeks. No, it doesn’t necessarily ring true, but it’s funny.

    Alan Ruck as the oldest son/from a different mother has been a side character, happy to remain out of the fray (except when he not-so-subtly enters his name as a potential CEO). He finally shows what he’s passionate about: frozen butter.

    I’m not familiar with Jeremy Strong’s previous work, but he’s doing well capturing the role of a son trying navigate the darkness of the enormous shadow cast by Logan Roy. He and Giovanni Ribisi need to play brothers in something.

    Culkin’s Roman might be the character I care about the least, only because he’s written as a bit too fucked up. But he seems well suited to play a creep. 

    The only thing I remembered seeing Jeremy Strong in was the Big Short, in which every single character was fantastic, of course.

  5. The thing that disappointed me about the immortality potential for humans that they played up so much is the fact that they weren't actually downloading anybody's consciousness into a computer program/machine, they were just making copies that could replicate them accurately.

    Why do I care if after I'm dead, they can fire up a machine that imitates me perfectly, even if it's self conscious and thinks it's really me?

    It'd be great if I wanted to murder somebody and replace them with a copy, but for a guy like Delos or Ford, the host "minds" weren't their actual minds.

  6. On 6/25/2018 at 2:15 PM, sidis said:

    jesus christ, no they didn't.  he has been condemned to an eternity of living the same loop over and over.  william's consciousness has essentially been placed in a simulation by halores in which he gets to relive the days following skynet becoming self-aware thousands of times...into eternity.  the side effect being continued study of human behavior and whether or not...like logan...the simulation points to the same ending every time.  the projection of the daughter is just how the system communicates with him.

    i mean, i guess if you are saying that the same actress is on screen the "she's been brought back" but that's fairly silly.

    as a side note, the post-credits scene with harris was very black mirror-ish.

    They made it pretty clear that the post-credit interaction between MIB and his daughter was not a "simulation."

    For one thing, the screen wasn't in letterbox format.  Secondly, his daughter told him quite clearly they were not in a simulation.

    Which leaves only the possibility they were two hosts, I suppose.  Not a big deal, I guess, but it wasn't happening in the matrix.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    That is depressing. We had effectively shut them out for 20 years and rendered them mediocre. Now A&M has given piggy back its secret to success.

    Dave van Horn had something to do with it.

  8. 10 minutes ago, ButtFumble said:

    12 Texas players on the Arkansas roster several from "aggy country" and more from the DFW area......aggy too stupid to understand they opened the door wide open for the sec sec sec and they are not going to get shit for recruits out of sec sec sec country in any sport

    Out of curisoity, I looked up Arkansas baseball rosters for the couple of years preceding A&M's move to the SEC.  13 Texas players on their roster.  



  9. 1 hour ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    For what? Winning 8-9 games a year and with an upset of Washington or USC here and there?  Sure, why not? 

    For all the captains of industry on here, y'all are short sighted. What is Texas going to be in 4-5 years?

    What did you think it would be 4-5 years ago, in about 4-5 years?  Since this kid was in 8th grade, he's seen Texas lose more games than they've won, but he's foolish to choose Stanford simply because you take it as a given that UT will be great again in 4-5 years.  

    Texas is a great school with a tradition rich program, and I understand your affection for the program, but this kid was, what, 8 years old the last time UT was playing for a ring?  He probably doesn't remember that.

    Most recruits don't share our fanaticism for our alma maters (I'm just assuming you actually went to Texas), and Stanford is a pretty great fucking place to go to college, and an O-line factory for the NFL.

    Texas will have a strong class again, man.  But try to see things from a recruit's point of view.





  10. On 6/5/2018 at 12:28 PM, Ted Lange said:

    Sounds like a good time to cut the taxes on the rich more.  

    Yeah the top 1% are only floating us 40% of the income tax revenue, while the top 10% pony up 70% of it.

    Greedy, cheap bastards.

    • Like 2
  11. On 6/2/2018 at 11:39 AM, Bevo14 said:

    Drop down to 8 conference games and replace it with an FCS opponent for each team towards the end of the season.

    I thought UT already did that with Kansas?


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