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Posts posted by YGIFS

  1. 12 hours ago, TheStoicPaisano said:



    Not that it's my jam (no judging), but please tell me the backside of that bobblehead has a cock 'n balls tucked up?  

    7 hours ago, futureman said:


    the comments

    Well, you have to portage.  Duh!  First time on a boat or what?  

  2. Wow, that's a crazy story.  But it reminds me of two thoughts I've held, and well science has as well, for a long while.  

    1.  Our vulnerability to "mob mentality."  It's obviously left over from some biological trait where we want to assimilate and fit in and get swept up in some crazy shit at times.

    2.  This one, I've read some books on...but I've really ever discerned a compelling argument for it.  Can I be transported to a time and place and despite everything I know and hold dear...would I buy slaves, would I attack a gay person, would I help put Jews on trains, would I sexually harass women at work?  To your point, yeah-it's crowd driven.  But you have to wonder if your moral fiber could transgress that mentality.  Would you be the voice of reason and peace?  Would you just say "fuck it", and start hitting people?  There's really no way to know in some respects.  You have a core value set, but it's because it's now.  Not then.  Maybe it all changed when we started being able to move around the world easier with technology (domesticated horses, sailing ships, trains, etc.) that some people learned that there were just other kinds of people and some chose to demonize them and others chose to embrace them.  10,000 years ago, other than some macho intra-tribe wrestling...I bet there wasn't really much hatred of others.  Your band was your band and so long as the next clan over didn't steal your food or your kids, all was pretty much normal.  But we started the ability to travel and learn about new people and lifestyles.  Later on came organized religion.  And people either got wired to hate or got wired to learn.  We've been fighting over resources for thousands and thousands of years.  It doesn't justify our behavior, but they had to do what they had to do to survive.  It wasn't personal.  But I think once travel started (commerce, or religious spreading, or otherwise) and people found out about differently colored people, or gay people, or folks of a different faith---that's the bifurcation moment.  That's when some got enlightened and some got mean.  And we are nowhere near the end of that phase.  /rant 

  3. Good points, all.  We are biologically wired for those two things.  We cannot admit when we've been fooled.  Nobody wants to admit it, but it happens to every single one of us.  Whether it's politics, or a confidence scheme, or just clever marketing.  We have all fallen prey far more times than we can ever admit.  And we all need to believe in something bigger than ourselves.  A leader, a god, a galaxy, or a philosophical doctrine.  It's just in our bones.  

    Where the fork in the road comes is you don't give money to somebody to compels you to attack cops at our seat of government.  That's the line.  That's when you start executing people.  And it is 100% a recipe that's going to repeat itself this January.  

    Gatorubet-to your point about George Wallace.  As I am frequently called out on this message board for being a "Yankee", I admittedly don't know much to this day about "Southern Mannerisms", but they did teach me about politics.  Wallace had a compelling message and knew who his target voter bloc was.  And maybe his bullshit was kind of an early version of "He hates different like we hate different."  But that guy had the charisma and allure and presence of a rectal thermometer.  Trump is an altogether different enigma.  Every confidence man, everycult leader, every Mob capo I've ever met has a singular trait in common.  They are faking it, but the good ones---they can tell when you're on to them so they either change up the schtick or they double-down on it, they don't just keep going through the same motions.  It is in that respect that Trump stands apart.  He changed up nearly everything from 2015-2021 in terms of his con.  And has then doubled-down on his schtick from 2021-to-present, berating the same points.  That is the signal of a truly great grifter.  74 million marks.  Well, at least 50mm willing ones anyway that bothered to look at the ballot.  You could drop that man in any time period or place in history and he would have pulled this off.  All that's left for him to do is say "I'm bigger than Jesus."  And he will.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. They're not all mentally ill.  People did vote Republican before Donald Trump.  And they'd vote for Davie Koresh, Jr. tomorrow if he ran for President.  He hijacked the party, but it was a party that already had 25mm+ straight ticket voters.  The 25mm+ loyalists he brought out of the woodwork, in cult-like fashion...they aren't quite mentally ill.  They're addicts.  they are on a high of being relevant and validated, despite being stupid.  That is what cults offer.  They feel redeemed and seen and acknowledged after decades of perceived dismissal.  No evidence, or jury findings, or fact-based evidence is going to course-correct a drug that potent.  It's like trying to tell a heroin addict, "Hey, here's an article in the New England Journal of Medicine discussing the harms of continuing to do heroin no matter how good it feels."  Nobody reads that and goes, "Oh, I guess I should quit because it sounds like a bad idea."  

    The dilemma nobody has solved for is the middle 25mm voters.  They are not necessarily all-GOP, all the time voters.  They are somewhat politically engaged.  Many donate, but don't put out Trump flags.  They even vote for candidates of other parties in other down-ballot races.  they are mostly suburban/exurban, largely non-college educated but not mentally ill or addicted to MAGA.  They came to some sort of compromise in their minds on why to vote for Trump, twice.  And nobody has figured it out.  But they are the ones you push too hard and they vote for him again to spite that relative or friend that gives them shit about their MAGA loyalty.  You don't push them enough, they quietly sneak out and go vote for him again.  There's a balance there that I've yet to hear an explanation for.  

    Yes, many on J6 were mentally unhinged and serving time in federal prison, and rightfully so.  But there are so many more that are merely hooked on an addictive kick that has yet to be unpacked.  A cult worship syndrome is probably the closest thing.  But it's hard to say, we've never really had anything else like this in America save for maybe George Washington or Huey Long.  You can Tea Party, Obama whiplash, social media, Russian meddling, etc.  And there are certainly mentally ill voters of his.  But there just has not been an explanation for how this happened.  And why it may happen again.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. 2 hours ago, Armybrat said:



    If you don't show up in shorts with black socks and sandals, I don't want to know you any more.  And I really like you.  

    Also, you have an easy out.  You literally invented the concept of Grand Juries 200 years ago, so you've done your part.  Get yourself a tex-mex plate and margarita and enjoy.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  6. Where would that have been?  I know the general vicinity of where you're talking about.  It's a hop and skip from my house, but I can't picture whee that'd be today.  I'd love to take the kids on a bike ride to see that foundation and then show 'em this photograph.  I'm guessing somewhere behind Barton Oaks Plaza on the southern end of the park, but I dunno.  

  7. three other differences to be thankful for:

    1.  Hitler was far more intelligent and cunning than Trump.

    2.  The average German and average Floridian have a far greater delta in intelligence than anyone wants to talk about.

    3.  Hitler came to power in his 40's and was in good health, though cyanide didn't agree with his system.  Late 70's Trump could be encouraged to enjoy ketchup-drench versions of it though, maybe.  

    Both are pure evil.  However, one had a 1000 year plan that he almost pulled off.  The other one whines at 2am on a social media account he drove into bankruptcy.  

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. well on the face of it, despite not being a journalistic fact-checker...Slaton's age, rank at time of "combat pilot", and background don't matchup and are off by a number of years.  I know journalism isn't the glamarous profession it used to be.  But it's also even easier these days to do your homework if you are one.  I know that doesn't mean much to most Arizona MAGA voters, but there's gotta be a few that see this and think, "I just fucking anymore for the sake of my fallen brothers."  There is exploiting war stories to get pussy or free beer but this is just outright fraud and an affront to combat aviators of all sorts.  It would take a 'journalist' 10 minutes to match his date of birthday, time in country, and duration to E-5 on a his 'supposed' chopper battalion to figure it out.  

    But here we are with CNN and NYTimes probably reading to state, "Candidate Slaton is running a competitive race and speaks to a silent majority in Arizona."  

  9. 3 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    Nah it’s what you get from the Mexican dude pushing a cart and ringing a bell. 

    So if we win tonight (and we will), we get dulces y helados?  

    My daughter who is probably now more fluent in Spanish than me, likes to get "Gelato" with her friends.  She thinks it's fancy ice cream.  I told her "Gelato" is just "Helado" in Spanish.  Just another latin term for ice cream.  But she came up with a clever idea for an ice cream truck that rhymes nicely.  "Helado Gelato" so everybody would love it.  Thought that was a cool idea.  And then Aggie Blue Bell's frozen confections killed a bunch of people so now we can't have nice dessert things.  Dammit.  

  10. who was the comedian who had the bit about waving to people that weren't there or couldn't wave back or something.  Dammit.  This would be fucking perfect.  I'll find it.  

    That was pretty weird that he had like this Saint Peter's Square prayer vigil going on for him a few days ago and now he's just this random old guy waving at a traffic light.  

  11. there's gotta be angle in there somewhere, to sell to the MAGA folks, where all the crimes are committed by MS-13 members who crossed into our country through bus tickets issued by Homeland Security.  And if you don't think Frank Stallone is on board to co-produce, well then you're just part of the problem...

    • Haha 1
  12. I think it would be cool if in every episode, he tells his partner he's gotta go talk to 'the Chief', but you never see the Chief.  But it's obviously his Dad.  And he comes back with some magical insight into the cold case.  

    I mean, we'd be fucking crazy not to sell this story rights idea to Kirk Cameron.  Scott Baio could easily play the salty, sarcastic sergeant.  I mean, it's going straight to DVD...but we'd make enough to get a surly suite at DKR for one season.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
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    • Drool 1
  13. It is nightfall in Normandy and England.  80 years ago.  Two code issues occur overnight.  the BBC broadcasts a French song that signals they are to begin taking out rail depots.  The Germans interpret the signal correctly, but are unable to manage the scope of the sabotage.  And the first of several sub-surface British Royal Navy vessels will submerge between in the channel close to Normandy.  They will be followed by several surface fleet ships to begin bombardment of coastal positions. 

    Tomorrow, a more accurate weather forecast will be discerned by Supreme Allied Command.  Changing the fate of Western Civilization.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
  14. 1 minute ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    He fabricated a rich deposit of dinosaur bones, fossils, and imprints all over the world. I think he can drop a baggie of crack and/or a handgun if needed. 

    Thats his catchphrase in the series actually. 

    I think it should be something more like he's leaning over the perp in the interrogation room and says, "You done got crucified, son." or something about judgement.  I'll be in the writer's room, workshopping this.  

    • Haha 1
  15. 9 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    his detective Jesus book / franchise doesn’t sound half bad 

    he’s a tough but fair detective, a cop with a heart 

    he’s also the savior 


    ben affleck jesus GIF

    There's gotta be a scene where Detective Jesus, though immoral, gets frustrated with a case and says, "I'm getting too old for this shit..." 

    • Like 1
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  16. Just now, South Austin said:

    It was edgy, it was not my sort of thing but some of those people out there, they really liked it.

    And President Hamilton, honestly...the suspenders.  They're a little hokey.  

    I remember some undergrad course where had to memorize the entire list of presidents.  In order, and to know which served multiple terms, one term, and/or died in office.  I can't tell you almost any of it anymore, let alone what day it is.  Just that I remember I was finishing up a paper to graduate high school when Nixon died.  I was with then girlfriend, now wife, at her place flipping around channels when I learned Reagan died.  I remember my great-uncle telling me Gerald Ford had died, as he was his Asst. Sec. of Agriculture.  I remember where I was when George H.W. Bush died.  

    But I won't remember where I was when Trump was because shoving peyote up your nose makes you get short-term memory loss.  

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