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Everything posted by YGIFS

  1. Going back to DeLoss, we’ve fought the conferences, TV networks( and the Cotton Bowl/State Fair themselves to keep this thing as it’s has been for over a century. We and OU put up a lotta money over the years, left a lot more on the table with other offers. Got the much needed upgrades, even better train and bus service at the peak of the Fair. And all the with the understanding that the game would always be televised at 11:00 or 2:30. So that families And fans could enjoy the environs after or before the game, and make their way out before too late. Sure there’s public drunkenness, foul language, and the occasional donnybrooks. Nothing we don’t see at most of our road games. But open carry that day? That’s just a bullet looking for a problem to solve. Poor ingress/egress. Tight crowds. Hours of day drinking. Two hateful fantasies who sometimes don’t like the outcome. Gee, what could possibly go wrong? Oh wait,I know. Teenager in the Midway playing a shooting game with pistol or rifle. Good guy with gun drops his 14 empty wax cups and is too angry about the gAme and too fucked up to read the situation. I wonder how many coupons a box of 50 Rounds will cost?
  2. The language gets muddied because we frequently refer to numbered ballot propositions leading up to elections. But it’s really just a short-handed system to track proposed creation, modification, or elimination of certain constitutional elements. And even then, it the Leg would have to vote to codify most of them. And after that, our state SC can really go to work on them if they don’t like what we had to say. To your question, we do not have a direct ‘proposition’ mechanism like most other civilized states. Unless, it’s a constitutional question, we can’t gather signatures to put on the ballot: “Prop 3 to overturn Abbott restrictions on abortion” or “Prop 7 to allow for legalized gambling and marijuana consumption” nor “Prop 12 to require any AG to disclose any conflict of interest including real estate deals.” It would have been wild to see what would have happened if vouchers were put straight to the rural/exurban Texas who knew the score, coming together with urban voters. But like most voters things here, we gotta do it the fucking hard, corrupt way.
  3. For those of us with primary school kids, most of Texas starts school tomorrow. Godspeed, gents. We’re gonna need it.
  4. Not sure the exact record, but something to do with how he somehow went 17-14 as a relief pitcher (most decisions w/o starting, I guess?). Considering just a handful of starting pitchers run up that decision count, that's quite impressive. Speaking of Jenkins though, he played on some shit teams most of his career. This isn't a trivia question, just me wondering---what year did they make that rule where every single team got at least one player (position or pitcher) on the All-Star roster, no matter how the voting came in?
  5. Take it to Columbus, and you can drive on Lower, Lower Wacker Drive. "Well, why not not just have Lower Wacker by Columbus be lowered and have that be the bottom level?" -Yes, but is one lower.
  6. Fun fact, more of the "Spring Semester" at UT falls within Winter than it does in Spring. But "Fall Ball" does have have a better ring to it than my bandname "Autumnal Hardball"
  7. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/5a2d9195-dfd7-4afa-9696-f22d1429afd0 I assume his bunkmate will be Hannibal Lecter.
  8. Is it me, or did they make it a point to tactitly mention that it's still a legal $2 bill from Treasury and can be used in circulation?
  9. Serious question. I gave it a listen for 5 minutes here and there. Did they ever actually discuss electric vehicles?
  10. Well, you a use me. I thought my expertise in Bird Law would naturally carry over into Bear Law
  11. If RFK is not a citizen of New York, how'd he get that bear roadkill permit? Asking for another friend.
  12. There's a way to cast attention to the plight of Black athletes in the U.S. while also marking that Black Olympians have been winning medals for their country for over 100 years. Long before they broke the color barrier in collegiate and professional sports. You can tell a story with good and and make it compelling. In fact, it's the basis for almost human literature, cinema, and art. Owens had a hard enough time in his home country, gets the call for Berlin. Thinks "I hear Europeans are some enlightened folks...let's do this!" Then he gets to Berlin in 1936, sees the early warning signs of ethnic cleansing/master race propaganda and probably though, "Are you fucking kidding me?" There was an unbelievably well done traveling exhibit on the Berlin Games about 10-12 years ago. It was actually housed in the Stark Center in the NEZ for a few months. It was co-curated by several German historians. It showcases all aspects of the games from the buildup to the competitions to the geopolitical implications. They don't awkwardly try to insert Hitler's dogma into a panel about the Discus or Archery. But there are sections that get deep into what sport meant to society, and vice-versa. They did not shy away from the plight of Jewish athletes, Black athletes, Asian athletes, and others. Every four years, every German grammar school student learns about the shame of the 1936 games, and then the horrors of the 1972 games. They don't teach it to make the kids feel bad about their heritage. They embrace the lessons that demonstrate when a Dictator starts talking about the physical superiority of his athletes versus the world, what he really means is the overall genetic superiority of his people. They think better, build better, learn better, wage war better, worship better. /rant Nobody wants a 2.5 week lecture in the ugly parts of sports history. But you can weave some of it into the overall games with ease and thought-provocation. I think there'll be a big celebrity element, not just for ratings. But many foreign guests, despite claiming they're attending for the Canoe and Handball, they'll be quietly expecting lots of famous people. There's geographic beauty and a few cool buildings in SoCal, but it's not worth trying to go toe-to-toe with Paris or Athens. I think they'll gloss over it. Former U.S. Olympic star power should get a lot buzz considering how many grew up/trained in California. Another cool thing could be having exhibition games (or for medals) at the two pro baseball stadiums, and/or pre-season football game for shits 'n giggles (towards the end of the games when pre-season starts anyway). And the concert lineup at night should be filthy good given all the venues and summer tours that roll thru SoCal anyway. I guess I should start my protest/boycotts now just to be safe.
  13. Good. Because I have something at 11a.
  14. I still remember I was 6 or 7. Two my mom's brothers who lived in NW Chicago would come down on Friday after work. Mom would cook a big Mexican dinner for all of us. One of 'em had some crappy TV and cheap VHS. But my father had spring for a decent Sony and Betamax. So they'd go to Benny's video (this was before Blockbuster). And rent war movies, and westerns, etc. One evening they came over with "Amityville" and "Rosemary's Baby." At the time, I thought it was cool I got to hang out with my uncles and dad up late watching scary movies, fetching them Old Style beers and more chips/guac. I didn't sleep right for the rest of the month. For years afterward, whenever I'd ride around with one of my uncles and we saw a home for sale, they'd same the same thing, "Oh, I doubt they'll ever be able to sell that place after they find out what's in the crawlspace." /csb FBO question-is the billing/fuel cost attached to the Tail # or the plane's owner? I've know folks that "split" the cost of storage and operations/maintenance, and then whoever uses it for a specific flight, they pick up those specific charges. And of course, there's aircraft that are owned by a corporation which usually covers the billing/fuel, but what's the recourse if the organization can't pay? Usual LLC flow chart?
  15. Has anyone told Turbo and Special-K in nearby Venice Beach?
  16. Apparently, using original tail/aerial number (despite changed livery)…Epstein’s plane has been spotted at two tarmacs/FBOs in the past week. Odd
  17. When will the groups be announced for WC?
  18. LA Handoff ceremony/concert is 9-10, CDT on NBC
  19. London was fantastic. Tokyo did great considering the circumstances. Barcelona will always stick out in my head as well. It's like pizza, no such thing as a bad Olympics...just some that standout. For me, and this is completely subjective, it's Paris/Beijing, then a handful of others, then everybody else since 1984---when I started understanding/following the Games.
  20. Clarence Carter's legal team is also preparing a cease & desist order against the Trump campaign for "I stroke ghost to the east, I stroke ghost to the west. And I stroke it Ivanka who I love the best. I be strokin'!"
  21. I expect they'll go overboard with celebrity and the 'glamour' days of Hollywood. But I think they'll be doing that mostly for foreign visitors who, despite what they say, will kinda be expecting it with excitement. I think there's plenty of environs in Southern California, even Inland, where they can host events in a World Class fashion. The surface transportation in Los Angeles is going to be a shitshow though, of the highest order. Unless they completely overhaul the Metro A-K rail lines, I don't see how half the visitors get around those two weeks. Plus half the venues aren't within walking distance of the nearest station. We're gonna go for a week and stay at a friend's extra home near 405/Sunset. Great location, horrific logistics to get to any venue. Will we have the flying car thing by then? All that to say, despite Americans bitching and moaning about every perceived slight in France...Paris did a fucking fantastic job and will nearly impossible to top. Only other Olympics in my adulthood that rivaled it was Beijing08, but you can put on a really great Olympiad when they have your family in a basement somewhere.
  22. Is that the giant arc replica they built in Kentucky or Arkansas?
  23. Of all the places in NC, he picks the leftest leaning pocket?
  24. We may even go by the furniture outlet. I don’t know if there’s time. I don’t know. Okay, just one beer…
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