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Everything posted by YGIFS

  1. I'm reminded of that Pete Townshend poster about to smash the guitar. "These waistbands have seconds to live..."
  2. I am picturing you served a restraining order at said yoga studio for saying "Ladies, the Motion is Lotion or you get the hose again..." I honestly never even knew we had fly fishing around here. I was born and raised on freshwater fishing. Done a little saltwater in the Gulf, Central American and Hawaii. But never quite my jam because you typically go out in a large group. I bike with the girls but they're still young so we can't go far. Yeah, I just can't hike anymore in the heat like I used to but we've really taken advantage of this Spring for once. I will give Black swan a try for yoga, and the ass candy. I'm actually in a much better place physically and mentally than I was two years ago. Fucking with bad people is not an obsession, it's just a nice release and I seem to have a penchant for hitting nerves. I dunno, I'll either be on a South Dakota watch list by Monday or invited by the tribal leaders to hang out on their lands for a few days as their guest. The first truly awesome road trip I ever took with no adults was with two buddies from Chicago the SD Badlands. Fucking amazing. Started a wanderlust in me that has never faded away. And be kind to dogs, people!
  3. @Biff Tannen You of all people gotta see the brilliance of GenXer's work here for Ted and the Derby. I'm firing it off to his two top guys tomorrow. They both have a good sense of humor, but this is magnificent.
  4. I know it's way down the list of egregiously moronic advice he's gotten from his attorneys who previously specialized in Construction Law, Personal Injury, and Professional Sports Representation. And I also acknowledge that I have no familiarity with the State of New York's Bar Association. But the dipshit behind Trump, on camera, agreeing to talk about how he's violating his gag order after telling him not to violate the gag order and then claiming the gag order prohibits him from testifying which he's completely allowed to do despite warnings from his own counsel and then goes to on to violate the gag order again? I mean, at some point somebody apolitical at the NYS Bar has to take them aside say, "You know that was on the news right? When you acknowledge complete and total bullshit and don't even coach your client on how gag orders/self-testimony work, that's like a basic function of your fucking job dipshit. We could suspend you in 60 minutes, but we don't want to spend the rest of our lives looking over our shoulder. You go to Samoa University of American Law, SAUL?"
  5. Newman, "I don't know this woman, but she sounds quite fetching..."
  6. I fish and meditate to deal with my other issues. I did do yoga for awhile, that's a good point...I need to bring that back into the rotation. I volunteer through education/libraries, my wife's church, and community health care for marginalized populations to something probably on the order of about 20-30hrs/month. I can't really handle drugs anymore because my other situation. We also hike a lot. Golf's too expensive and time consuming. I swim quite a bit. I have a handful of published essays. And write quite a bit, again...to deal with my other shit. There's really no fly fishing here in Austin, but thanks for the reminder to get back into yoga. And not just the eye candy. My new high is fucking with bad people. I kinda did it for business purposes for many years, but I didn't realize it's the perfect substitute for other addictions. My god, the rush.........
  7. Lane Meyer and Charles deMar? Do you have any idea what the street value of the K2 mountain is, bro?
  8. Yeah, see...it doesn't count if it's your popcorn bucket. Got it?
  9. Noem, "And what of the goats protesting on our campuses for liberating Palestinian investments in gravel pits along out Southern Borders using maps secretly hidden on Hunter Biden's laptop?!?!?!?"
  10. I'm not crying, you're crying asshole! longcatcsb//// Thanks for posting that. I remember having a discussion with my uncle at my dad's funeral about hereditary diseases and then went off on some baseball tangent as the man in our family are wont to do. And we waxed nostalgic about all these baseball stories over the years. Players we'd met, games Dad & I went to, their high school varsity days, the way the game is cruel but shines a light on life at the same time. This is an incredible story that tops all of that, and his wife just got over breast cancer and still vulnerable to another round (though she hates the Yankees). I'm gonna send this to them. Kicker is Dr. King was born about 10 miles from where they now live. And the extra kicker is she cut her teeth, scientifically speaking, working on pesticide research for Ralph Nader. Which is to this day a running joke between my uncle and I because my father's name (Ralph N-closetonader) sounds incredibly similar to his, so much so that during the peak Nader years in the 70's and 80's, people would call our house (from the telephone book in those days) to either ask for his help or tell him to stand down on some issue. Later that year, I took my now wife to a game at Fenway and invited my uncle (he couldn't make it) because I had always wanted to see a game there with my father even during the years we weren't speaking. So I made some nominal donation to the Jimmy Fund where they put your loved one's name on the CF jumbotron. And they tell me it goes in alphabetical order so "N's" will be about 5th or 6th inning. So we're settling into our seats and I'm telling my wife about the green monster, and how the Sox and Yankees actually dabbled with the idea of trading Ted Williams and DiMaggio because the other would hit better in the other ballpark and both would benefit in any game other than against one another. And we're looking at the screen right before first pitch and it's having a glitch like in "Field of Dreams", maybe one of the last movies I ever saw with my father before we kinda shifted apart. And it's rolling through the Jimmy Fund names and right before gametime, it stops on his "N" name for no reason at all as I'm telling her these stories and it's the only thing up there for about 90 seconds. I snapped a picture of it before I went into shock and then it rotated through as it was supposed to later on in the middle of the Sixth. There's a short story I penned about it in a Red Sox fandom book that they truncated but still included. The overall book was reviewed, deemed worthy of being placed in the library in Cooperstown, and Catalogued by a man I would meet about 15 years later. He left working at the Hall of Fame and became our daughter's school district's Superintendent. I used to collect baseball cards like some people collect watches or artwork. Like Dr. Mary-Claire King, I now collect coincidences. Far more rewarding.
  11. Was he also known as Donkey Dong Doug? Friends with P.J., Squee, & @Biff Tannen ???
  12. "Women giving consent to use their likeness on pornstar bodies" is not a pornhub search term I had on my "banned explicit materials in Texas 2024" jerkoff card. But here we are. Yeah, the image isn't cool at all for either of them. However, if somebody can remove their faces and just post the actual IRL model in the white's fanny, I would be willing to learn...
  13. They run like Josh Hawley in a 'Special Olympics' race. This is all so damn performative. Everybody is being ridiculous. There's not a cop or a university administrator or student protestor that remotely explain the millennia-long beef between Palestinians and Jews. None of these fucking people on either side knew where the fuck the Gaza Strip was a year ago, they thought it was that Falafel place just off campus that also did pussy waxing. It's another version of millions of Americans condemning our support of Ukraine against Russia. They don't know the history of their quarrel, the geopolitical ramifications of a 600km Eastern European theater of war and what it means to NATO. Not even the State Dept. or Dod knows all of this, but for fuck's sakes..........before you scream on the floor of the U.S. House or from a shanty tent on the campus Quad........do some basic fucking reading from a reliable source. Better yet, just open up a fucking atlas. Get off social media virals, put down your riot gear, open up a dialogue with your students, quit destroying property, take your concerns to the OCIOs, quit gassing kids, etc. Everybody shut the fuck up about Russia, and China, and Palestine until you have clue fucking one about the nature of the issue. Not saying I know everything about Yemen or Sudan or Taiwan or Hamas...but then I don't run a congressional district, or a university, or a student group, or a pillow company. As David Mamet teaches us, "You'd know if you ever spent a day in your life. You never open your mouth until you know what the shot is...You fucking child."
  14. He is a walking/falling/slipping/drowning enigma. He's constantly doing dumb shit, but walks away unscathed, gets absolutely no likeness/licensing royalties despite his ubiquity. And as you say, is apparently the Highlander of the warning label world. He is immortal or at least a Neon yellow 117 year old with a penchant for high adventure and a good head on his shoulders.
  15. And Helobius' favorite switch-hitting, both teams Yankee from their 2009 World Series Championship team? You guessed it? Literally the 'Catcher', Kevin Cash-to-Cash, Cash-to-Cash, Cash-to-Cash. I'm gonna go google Jennifer and be in my bunk.
  16. His model does actually make a good amount of sense. But the wildcard he's not accounting for is we haven't had an incumbent lose and then get nominated by a major party to come back and run a 3rd time in the modern era (and by that I mean centuries). All bets are off this time. I'm not terribly worried about RFK swinging any particular state to Trump, save for possibly Pennsylvania. We're simply in uncharted waters. We're not special nor historic, just living through a weird time is all. The entirety of this is making enough middle-pack Trump voters to throw their hands in the air in a few states and just say, "You know what? fuck it, I just can't with this fucking guy anymore. I hate defending him." Or again, the whole Trump drops dead thing is pretty alluring as well.
  17. Well your first clue should have been the series finale in 1984 was titled, "Anal Leakage" I swear there's an SNL sketch starring VonShitzInPantz joke in here somewhere, "Thank goodness I'm wearing VonOopsIShitMeinPantz. They work...and I just did." joke in here somewhere.
  18. Give me a Sawbuck on "Ingraham's Face" to Show.
  19. Didn't he direct "Zapped" with Heather Thomas showing off some T&A to Scott Baio? But yes, this is horrible, this news.
  20. I use that all the time here in Texas, it's really the only 'local term' I've picked up after living here almost 30 years. I try not to use it when traveling though, along with " you guys" because one gives me away as a Texan on the Coasts and the other gives me away as a Chicagoan/Yankee to you native Texans. I have done radio broadcasting specifically because my voice is non-geographically specific, along with voiceover work, reading for the blind, etc. And my vernacular is generic and fungible to the situation. I don't use colloquial terminology. But I've learned my Spanish accent is annoying as fuck to Mexicans.
  21. ^ Pos rep. Always loved the way Ned delivered that line. csb/ friend of mine we do CRE deals with, his grandmother was a close friend of Kurt Vonnegut (who appears in the movie as you likely recall). He has all kinds of cool letters Kurt wrote her, personalized rough drafts of books, etc (they all lived near Kurt in his later years in Indianapolis). Anyway, he scribbled out a note about that movie in which he says he told Harold Ramis to name the character 'Melon' as a ribbing joke to the Mellon family who basically bought their way into academia despite deploring the idea of the unwashed becoming educated. I suppose we're seeing some of that today on campuses-not unworthy of education, but quite the dumbasses. circle of life Simba.
  22. No offense, but you seem like the dude that leaves the strip club with his buddies and days, "No, no man. She like legit liked me. Like we had a connection. Some of the stuff she said to me during the 9th lap dance, no way she says that to other guys, bro!" Seriously man, show me on the Robinson Cano giveaway bobble-head where Life hurt you.
  23. I hope your forecast comes to fruition. But we are not killing time arguing otherwise. Some us are building up a tolerance for psychotropic drugs, absinthe soaked marshmallows for anal insertion, bathtub gin, crack, and huffing stain remover cans. This is part of our training. Somewhat related question---is it safe to eat your own gall-bladder? Asking for a friend. In exchange for 6 grams of blow on election night. I bet I could probably snort an entire bota box of pinot grigio.
  24. I mean two quick ones that jump out to me with "take it all in" 1. "I take it all in just like Stormy Daniels. Which is some small feat." 2. "I take it all in and then defecate it out just like VonShitzInPants"
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