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Posts posted by Bottlecap

  1. I'm definitely no Acho fan at all but isn't it kinda what tyler adams said at the world cup and was praised for it? I didn't think adams answer was all that outstanding either, but i'm a dirty BLM lib, so ...

    Tyler adams is a fuckin baller tho, so maybe thats the difference. Acho was a scrub.


    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. 10 hours ago, Hermanator said:

    Even in the Beard case we have no idea what happened. The alleged victim was on social media last week saying how she's shopping for wedding dresses and doesn't understand how Beard left and isn't answering calls or texts from her. Then explicitly said it's cute when men play hard to get. Saying that shit in relation to what allegedly happened is pure psychotic behavior. She's a complete nut, and her word is what we condemned him on and fired him over. 

    This seems way less severe than that case, but again we have no idea what happened. The arrest and mug shot shouldn't be made public based on hearsay. 

    Is this absolute moron (Hermanator to be clear) serious?

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    I mean he's never playing over our established starters but he'd be a nice depth acquisition. 

    Yeah I mean all of my rah rah comments are based on the need for depth. We have several competitions coming up that our A1 squad couldn’t even physically be a part of not to mention desire.  We need a gold cup, nations league, and copa squad. Plus I don’t want to play against zendejas vs Mexico bc he would be a first team player

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 1 minute ago, ztejas said:

    Not sure what Gaga is doing there. That's a really dumb clearance. 

    I watched him a bit in Chicago, he’s pretty reckless like that. Feast or famine type player. He needs LOOOOTS of seasoning in london

  5. Zendejas it the type of player that runs their clever little balls off all game for mexico and annoys the shit out of me. Can we keep him, can we? Can we?

  6. apart from Zimm ... Gomez, Cowell, Zendejas, Vazquez, Gaga, Pomykal all have potential to be first team guys. This is a pretty good lineup of the next up squad. B- team if you will.

  7. 10 minutes ago, dieucla98 said:

    And he once again did the Memphis Depay celebration. Good for him. Fuck Gregg.

    i love how gerg starts trending on twitter every time gio hits a game winner

    • Haha 3
  8. 31 minutes ago, TreatyOak said:

    Your boy was there last night w a media pass. Had a good talk w Jeff Howe. He's a cool dude. 

    Koko's Bavarian and Fat Tire Amber. That's how we roll. 


    Kokos' pretzels were IMPRESSIVE. Much better than the frozen bullshit they used to parade out at Erwin. How's the new recipe for Fat Tire tasting?

    Energy seemed kinda lacking at Moody last night, something felt off, but maybe because we were pretty much in total control all night, even when the pokes got it down to 3

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. hang in the supporters section (its all GA) and they will be engaged and love it. At least mine did and they can barely turn off roblox/fortnite for longer than 15 mins. Ages at the time: 4, 5, and 9.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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