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Posts posted by Bottlecap

  1. Statesman reporting BOTH items will pass per Adler. So ... uh ... okay. Isnt that like another neutral decision? Goddam, amazing anything gets done in this city at all with these chucklefucks in charge.

  2. yeah, its fuckin ridiculous how much money they have to blow on TV and radio spots. Newspaper/Media money can also buy you copper tanks. Like a lot of them. And a castle to put it in. Can't make you brew good beer tho.

  3. 9 hours ago, CooterBrown said:


    Breweries are going to go more and more local. Shit, in 10 years it may be you can only get specific beers in your hood. Personally I like it. I don’t want to drink Austin beers in Houston or Dallas beers in Austin. I like being a beer tourist.


    sounds like most on shaggy are coming around to what i predicted one whole website ago. Austin has seen its last regional brewery for a while in Celis. At least a successful regional brewery. Undoubtedly, some hotshot dipshit will come in and try to distro outside of Texas and close shop once he realizes thats not how craft beer works anymore. I wonder how a place like OB is doing also. I suspect not great. I'll be shocked if they are still here in 5 years unless they totally rethink their business plan, which is a shitty plan to not emphasize the taproom and make exclusive beers. 

    My beer cellar is pretty bare these days, but i did open up something from there last night, La Folie Geisha, which was $50/bottle retail. HEB discounted it to $25 so i thought, fuck it, why not. It was an utter disappointment. I can't get into beer anymore that isn't easily available/cash grab/unskilled by adding 900 birthday cake adjuncts. The greatest brewers keep me coming back with their skill at everyday fridge beer. Jester King is one of the few exceptions, but there aren't many more out there.

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  4. BVB Citra has been on sale at HEB for $6.99 for like 6 months. Its part of the regular grocery list.

    Had a chance to try Uncultured Ales 100 Points Cherry Sour last night at Batch. Pretty damn spot on, instant fan of the brewery. 


  5. Crazy how close in style of play DK is to the Americans. This feels like watching a single star US squad  with a suspect defense and all about the counter.

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